Sentences with phrase «eyes of one's students»

I hope to continue to fascinate students with biology because seeing a sparkle of interest in eyes of students and knowing that it exists because I helped them see the wonders of living world is the best reward a teacher could get.»
«You really see it in the eyes of students.
As I am presenting some rather difficult material on process thought, I may notice the eyes of some students wandering, a few yawns, signs that they may be tired, in need of a break, or bored.
If you have never seen the eyes of a student looking to you for hope as life seeps from their body or sat with a mother asking God why her child is gone — why her child had to die — I doubt you will understand the pain and the effect of what guns are doing on the streets of Chicago.
A sound animal is always more pleasing to the eye of a student of dogs.
Álvaro, the teacher of these classes said»... this is a fantastic way to rekindle the brightness in the eyes of our students, and develop in them skills and desire to discover science.
Guruji: A Portrait of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois Through the Eyes of His Students.
Pilot First Through the Eyes of a Student.
Often when delivering lessons teachers can be so caught up in the process that they forget to stop and try to perceive the learning's impact from the eyes of their students and, writes Anthony Speranza, a teacher's fundamental role should be to evaluate that impact on their students using a variety of sources, including with the assistance of students themselves.
Often when delivering lessons, we are so caught up in the process that we forget to stop and try to perceive learning from the eyes of our students.
Research Styles conducted for her master's degree proved to her beyond a doubt that, in the eyes of students, class meetings are as effective as the literature on the subject claims.
I learned how unfair our country can be through the eyes of students growing up in poverty.
To be an educator, he said, is to chart the night skies — seeing the light in the eyes of every student, amid the darkness that surrounds.
The opportunity to complete a degree while working makes both the MAT@USC and WGU programs disruptive in the eyes of their students.
02, College Preview's director of teaching and learning and an officer on the board of directors, have dedicated the year to opening the eyes of the students to the possibilities of college.
Comparing the data from across all your courses will allow you to create a bigger picture of how your training company is performing in the eyes of your students and will give you the tools to make positive changes where needed.
In my study I looked at why students make a choice for a particular Master of Business Administration (MBA) course in favor of another, the attributes that lead to the student's decision making, and the variation in their relative importance in the eyes of the students.
I think it's very, very easy for one teacher to dominate and for the other teacher to be left quite lost with «what is my role», «what is my identity in this team» and how do they be seen in the eyes of the students as still being a teacher of this class.
As a teacher you can see learning through the eyes of your students.
This feedback allows teachers to see learning through the eyes of their students.
«It is about understanding the kind of impact that you the teacher have on the learning, which requires you therefore to look at learning through the eyes of the students.
How is the word assessment perceived in the eyes of students?
«Visible Learning and Teaching occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and help them become their own teachers.»
The practice helps teachers see the lesson through the eyes of the student in order to make sure students stay actively engaged in all aspects of the lesson.
«The Hope Survey is a unique tool, which enables schools to assess their school environment through the eyes of their students by measuring student perceptions of autonomy, belongingness and goal orientations as well as their resulting engagement in learning and disposition toward achievement.
Adaptive experts know when students are not learning, know where to go next, can adapt resources and strategies to help students to meet worthwhile learning intentions, and can recreate or alter the classroom climate to attain these learning goals... These teachers have high levels of empathy, and know how «to see learning through the eyes of the students» and show students that they understand how they are thinking and how then their thinking can be enhanced.
This practice helps teachers see the lesson through the eyes of the student in order to make sure students stay actively engaged in all aspects of the lesson.
Developing Effective & Assessment Capable Learners The Visible Learning research from Professor John Hattie has opened our eyes to the importance of two critical actions all educators must take: Always viewing learning through the eyes of our students Consistently monitoring the impact of our actions on
The sparkle in the eye of the student when they grasp a concept!
The beginning teachers appreciated the opportunity for instant reflection on their teaching practice combined with the ability to see their teaching through the eyes of students in the classroom.
Researchers found that listening to students can achieve important goals: Saving time for school leaders by gaining early student commitment and focusing restructuring work in the right places; Providing valuable lenses for educators to see whether their reform efforts are successful; Challenging adults to examine their own assumptions about student learning through the eyes of students, and; Treating students as responsible agents of change rather than products of change.
[Visible Learning is] when teachers see learning through the eyes of the student and when students see themselves as their own teachers (John Hattie).
Van Roekel said he sees the world through the eyes of students and teachers, so instead of giving up, he gets angry.
When you pause in the midst of this debate that has become painfully academic and increasingly political, start looking at the issues we face through the eyes of students and parents.
The message of the man is surely relatively clear - Visible Learning happens when; teachers plan through seeing learning through the eyes of the student and when students learn through see themselves as their own teachers».
To do so, he asks teachers to look at their lessons through the eyes of their students with the goal of empowering every student to be capable of answering three basic questions about each lesson: 1.)
Chelsey: World War II Diaries Eric: Modern Physics Tabitha: Henderson Corner Drug Tim: School Reform through the Eyes of a Student
There is a long list of what makes you «independent» in the eyes of student aid.
Seeing how the plot to destroy Hanzo Academy from the eyes of its students and rivals helps to make the story a little more colorful.
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