Sentences with phrase «eyes of the church»

The receiving and participation in the rite of communion, is not based on our being perfect in the eyes of the Church, whether liturgical or protestant.
So, Karen is not doing anything wrong in the eyes of the church by using birth control meds to balance her hormones.
If it is taken solely with that intention it is ok in the eyes of the Church.
What length of time would make cohabitation valuable in the eyes of the Church?
And if she could not be, then our marriage was valid in the eyes of the Church, and so was our reception of the sacraments.
Thus, even though prisons were among the first places of special need to catch the eye of the churches, it is only in the past quarter - century that the plan of full - time and specially trained chaplains, responsibly related to their churches as well as to their jobs, has become widespread.
I've grappled with my evangelical hero complex pretty publicly (the entire last chapter of my most recent book Out of Sorts was about that very thing) and over the years, I've learned the hard way that radical faith looks a lot like faithfulness even if to the eyes of the world or even the eyes of the church, it isn't quite enough.
For example, a thousand years ago, the church became very concerned at all the false teachings that were being promoted and taught, and when they looked at the sources of these heresies, many of them seemed to come from people who — in the eyes of the church — were untrained and untaught in correct Bible interpretation.
So in the eyes of the church I must be a sinner.I don't believe in any religion running my life, my mind's eye doesn't accept that.
Currently, Catholics can ask for an annulment of their marriage in the eyes of the Church if they can prove that it was never valid in the first place.
How did Gingrich get married if he is supposed to be Catholic now - in the eyes of the church is he not still cheating on his wife
My mother got an annulment from my father after 20 years of marriage which means in the eyes of the Church it never happened.
Like other women, nuns are second class citizens in the eyes of the church.
As a young priest, Colin loved a woman and he can't understand why that's wrong in the eyes of the Church.
Meanwhile, another sequence in which Talorel has to atone for the sins he has committed as a human is a great opportunity to play on how people are inherently sinful, how we seemingly can't get through an entire day without committing some sort of sin in the eyes of the Church or God, but that gets flown through quickly.
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