Sentences with word «eyeshine»

There's a simple scientific explanation for why flash photography often results in eyeshine — it's all about the construction of your dog's eye.
Later in the game Riddick receives his trademark eyeshine ability, which allows you to see in the darkness without the need of an often giveaway torchlight, it's a great ability to use in the gloom against oblivious enemies but the downside is that any contact with light is completely blinding.
When the ophthalmologist views the retina with an instrument called an indirect ophthalmoscope, changes can be seen in the retinal blood vessel pattern, the optic nerve and the tapetum (the reflective portion of the eye that is responsible for «eyeshine»).
If you took a flash photo of her face, the «eye shine» would be VERY bright — much more than normal due to the dying retina causing hyperreflection from the eyeshine layer («tapetum») in the back of the eye.
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