Sentences with phrase «fabric of space»

But built into the very fabric of space, it seems, is some unknown form of energy — physicists call it simply dark energy — that is pushing everything apart.
At the same time, dark energy stretches the very fabric of space.
There's a variation of the ever popular multiverse idea in which the multiple universes that comprise it are not separate universes entirely, but isolated, non-interacting pockets of space within one continuous fabric of space time - like multiple ships at sea, far enough away from one another so that their circular horizons do not intersect.
WASHINGTON — Tremors in the cosmic fabric of space and time have finally been detected, opening a new avenue for exploring the universe.
As the stars rotate, these structures should ripple the surrounding fabric of space, producing gravitational waves that astronomers have long hoped to detect.
String theory explains all forces and particles as vibrating, one - dimensional loops of energy, and it proposes the existence of multiple dimensions — 10 to be exact, including time — hidden within the apparent 3 - D fabric of space.
Wandering, quiescent black holes are, quite literally, gaping voids, dark fabric of space - time waiting patiently for an ill - fated star or planet to fall into their gravitational well.
On January 12, scientists began a gradual shutdown of the Advanced LIGO experiment, marking the end of a four - month search for gravitational waves, ripples of energy that course through the cosmic fabric of space and time.
The event was catastrophic on a cosmic scale — a merger of black holes that violently shook the surrounding fabric of space and time, and sent a blast of space - time vibrations known as gravitational waves rippling across the Universe at the speed of light.
One hundred years ago, Albert Einstein predicted the existence of ripples in the fabric of space called gravitational waves.
You most likely know that a star, for instance, is not holes punched in the fabric of space looking into heaven.
But, their new «Cookies and Cream» flavor actually threatens to rip a hole into the fabric of space and time by challenging the nature of reality itself.
Einstein: «I predict that at the speed of light, we can observe that Newton's gravity acts like a warping of the fabric of space - time.»
The above understanding of motion as a non-continuous event accords neatly with Brian Greene's claim that «it» (i.e. what he has just written) «forcefully challenges» the notion that the fabric of space and time is continuous.
And a shudder — a gravitational wave — rippled across the fabric of space - time.
New data from the European Space Agency's Planck satellite spell more trouble for the claimed discovery of ripples in the fabric of space created moments after the Big Bang.
The collision sent a shudder through the universe: ripples in the fabric of space and time called gravitational waves.
Detection of such waves — ripples in the fabric of space — would be direct evidence for the theory of cosmological inflation, a brief epoch immediately after...
To hear gravitational waves — faint murmurs in the fabric of space - time — requires a place quieter than quietness itself.
Favored by many in the scientific community as likely laureates, scientists» first detection of ripples in the fabric of space time on September 14, 2015 was the realization of a prediction made by Albert Einstein in his General Theory of Relativity.
Brian Greene, one of the world's leading string theorists, peels away layers of mystery to reveal a universe that consists of eleven dimensions, where the fabric of space tears and repairs itself, and all matter is generated by the vibrations of microscopically tiny loops of energy.
But general relativity maintains that those black holes merged because their mass indented the fabric of space and time (SN: 10/17/15, p. 16).
A number of bizarre theories have been proposed to bridge this gap, many of which suggest that the very fabric of space - time bubbles up with random quantum fluctuations — a foam of wormholes and infinitesimal black holes.
Gravity waves are ripples in the fabric of space - time that were predicted by Albert Einstein.
They found no signs of a hypothetical type of dark matter, which consists of flaws in the fabric of space called topological defects, the researchers reported here on Saturday at a meeting of the American Physical Society.
Colliding black holes should generate the most thunderous gravity waves, shaking the fabric of space and time.
That invisible energy, which accounts for a whopping 73 percent of everything in the cosmos, is stretching the fabric of space and could cause a runaway expansion of the universe.
«Quantum foam» — grainy bumps in the fabric of space - time — might explain why light from a distant galaxy arrived four minutes later than expected, offering clues about the real nature of gravity
Later that year, German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild used general relativity to show that some stars could collapse under their own gravity and create a deep pit in the fabric of space - time.
Could this be the signature of cosmic strings — gigantic kinks in the fabric of space - time?
According to Einstein's theory of gravity, the general theory of relativity, massive objects bend the fabric of space and create ripples when they accelerate — for example, when two objects orbit one another.
Some unknown form of energy — physicists call it dark energy simply for lack of a more descriptive term — appears to be built into the very fabric of space, countering the gravitational pull of matter and pushing everything in the universe apart.
The idea of gravitational waves began with Einstein's theory of general relativity, and his realization that gravity was simply the warping of the fabric of space - time by massive objects.
Earlier microwave studies had suggested that the fabric of space - time in the universe is flat rather than curved.
Albert Einstein predicted that such events would ripple the fabric of space - time with fantastic bursts of gravitational energy, but no one knows how frequently they might pop off in the Milky Way or neighboring galaxies.
In his greatest work, the 1915 general theory of relativity, he demonstrated that, unlike the other three forces, gravity is intimately coupled to the fabric of space.
Or, if the ghost was able to take some matter, make it spin very fast, and then collapse it into a small area to make a rip in the fabric of space, or what those in the business call a «naked ring singularity,» he could go back in time by going through the ring.
«My impression is that the fabric of space and time is quite robust,» Tegmark says.
«[It] created a violent storm in the fabric of space and time,» Caltech astrophysicist Kip Thorne said at a February news conference announcing the discovery.
As they orbit each other, the black holes pull on the fabric of space and create a faint signal that travels outward in all directions, like a vibration in a spider's web.
The waves are concentric ripples caused by violent events in the Universe that squeeze and stretch the fabric of space time but most are so weak they can not be detected.
These ripples were thought to be caused by gravitational waves, ripples in the very fabric of space - time, created a tiny fraction of a second after the big bang.
The event produced gravitational waves, tiny ripples in the fabric of space and time, which LIGO detected as they passed Earth on September 14, 2015.
These theories require gravitational waves — ripples in the fabric of space - time — to travel slower or even faster than the speed of light.
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