Sentences with phrase «fabric of the universe»

A massive object literally bends the three - dimensional fabric of the universe around it, taking any smaller objects in the vicinity along for the ride.
The more connected we become the closer to the true fabric of the universe we approach.
(CNN) The remarkable discovery, announced this week, of ripples in the space - time fabric of the universe rocked the world of science - and the world of religion.
She says «The remarkable discovery, announced this week, of ripples in the space - time fabric of the universe rocked the world of science — and the world of religion.»
These aspects that are left behind (by the use of the machine model and the still dominant particle model) are part of the concrete fabric of the universe, and so any adequate cosmology should advert to them as well.
Whoppitty - do, the whole fabric of the universe has fallen apart!
The same inspirational intuition and prejudice that allowed him to uncover the hidden fabric of our universe, however, also created a blind spot about accepting the fundamental framework of modern physics — the revolution in quantum mechanics.
Space, from his perspective, is the oft - rumpled fabric of the universe.
I am the cosmological constant that holds the very fabric of the universe together.
It is at the heart of the philosophy and theology of the Faith movement that there is a directing, controlling force in nature such that «higher» being educes and evokes «lower» being as part of the very fabric of the universe itself.
According to Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, a massive body like Earth should bend the space - time fabric of the universe, causing it to curve and flex like a trampoline supporting a bowling ball.
With extreme sin - think perhaps of the blasphemous horrors and murderous corruption of children perpetrated by the so - called Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda - we feel that the fabric of the universe, the order that underpins the cosmos, has been ruptured.
If there is a god he / she / it / they are completely interwoven with the fabric of the universe and all of its workings and timelines.
But from the perspective of revelation cosmic evolution is the story of the God - of - the - future entering ever more intimately into the fabric of the universe.
For that matter, it is a brute fact woven into the fabric of the universe (and not mere opinion) that even having the Jonas Brothers on your iPod is not «cool.»
What evidence for God's hand at work in creating the fabric of the universe is there?
The notion of God as a spiritual ent «ty in and of the fabric of the universe permits spiritualism in the context of a single coherent philosophy of non-material existence without resorting to cherry - picking beliefs or anthropomorphic deities smiting the mortals from the heavens.
In the theory of special relativity, time is part of the fabric of the universe, which is four - dimensional space - time.
If we happen to be discovering things about the fabric of our universe that are conflicting with current ideas, we have a looming scientific revolution, not a collapse of science!
Physics, in particular, is noted for its ability to use inductive reasoning to posit universal laws such as Einstein's General Relativity, making the claim that experiments and observations on or from earth allow us to generalise a theory into universal law, i.e. a law of physics that we believe must hold everywhere in the universe because this is a law written into the fabric of the universe.
This weekend, Louisville rent a hole in the fabric of the universe and threw NC State through it in a 54 - 13 farce.
Albert Einstein came along a few centuries later and provided an interpretation: According to his general theory of relativity, gravity is a property of space - time, the fabric of the universe.
The collisions of stars create ripples through the very fabric of the universe.
But as Einstein proved, time is part of the fabric of the universe.
Forget dark matter, dark energy or any other hypothetical substance postulated to plug gaping holes in the fabric of the universe.
Gravitational waves are literally distortions in space - time, ripples in the fabric of the universe.
Long predicted but never directly seen, gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of the universe.
Einstein's general theory of relativity suggests that concentrating this kind of energy in a volume smaller than an atom might distort space and time enough to tear a hole in the fabric of the universe.
Nevertheless, Hawking made seminal contributions to astrophysics, particularly in the study of black holes, veritable holes in the fabric of the universe.
Einstein's prejudice, that nature is simple and therefore beautiful, led him to his greatest insights about the very fabric of the universe.
After glancing up at the society's grand portrait of Sir Isaac Newton, Thomson told the assemblage, «Our conceptions of the fabric of the universe must be fundamentally altered.»
One of string theory's peculiar features is that when applied to fewer than nine spatial dimensions, the mathematics goes wild, predicting violent fluctuations that rip apart the very fabric of the universe.
The fabric of the universe — the four dimensions of space and time — is full of lumps and bumps created by the presence of mass and energy.
They were looking for gravitational waves — ephemeral ripples in the fabric of the universe that are the last untested prediction of Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Like the freezing and boiling points that delineate various phases of water — liquid, solid ice, and steam — the points nuclear physicists seek to identify will help them understand fundamental properties of the fabric of our universe.
Physicists often describe the fabric of the universe we inhabit as four - dimensional spacetime, comprising three dimensions of space and one of time.
This causes massive ripples, called «gravitational waves», in the space - time fabric of the universe.
Another possible explanation for dark energy is topological defects in the fabric of the universe.
When two stars collide or a massive star blows up the fabric of the universe warps and springs back, sending gravitational waves across the cosmos.
Occasionally, when the stars are aligned just right, this warping of the fabric of the universe results in a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing, wherein the strong gravitational field of a foreground object acts as a lens that «bends» light from an object in the background and allows scientists to catch a glimpse of what might otherwise have remained invisible.
If the universe began with this brief period of exponential expansion, as the cosmologist Alan Guth proposed in 1980, then quantum - size ripples would have stretched into huge, permanent undulations in the fabric of the universe.
In a dense 51 - page paper posted online on Nov. 7, Verlinde casts gravity as a byproduct of quantum interactions and suggests that the extra gravity attributed to dark matter is an effect of «dark energy» — the background energy woven into the space - time fabric of the universe.
I have to say, it was hard to admit that the fabric of the universe would not unravel if I stepped out of the rat race for a week... but so far, the world seems intact and the lab has not fallen into disrepair in my absence.
While it defies the laws of physics and seems set to revolutionize the storage market, there's just one little issue: every time he creates the extra fold for one of his boxes, he tears a hole in the fabric of the universe.
What I mean is, I'm including the suggested number of pages per genre in this post, but I'm pretty sure the fabric of the universe won't unravel if you write a few pages more or less than what is suggested.
Whether it's thievery, murder, fighting or playing around with the fabric of the universe there's a place for you in Skyrim.
Torsions are appearing at a faster rate and threaten to unravel the very fabric of the universe itself.
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