Sentences with phrase «face consequences for»

They know that they may refuse to do what is asked, demanded sometimes, but they also have to be willing to face the consequences for their decisions.
If they haven't had to face consequences for abuse or violence they might see no reason to stop.
Some experts feel that this so - called «discretion» needs to be defined much more clearly since, as it is being reported in many cases, this privilege may have been exploited or abused at times, at the expense of MAs, who might be left to face the consequences for being asked to do things that they were, quite frankly, never supposed to be doing.
It has taken nearly two decades for Marquis - Boire to face any consequences for the cataclysmic pain and hurt he has caused.
And still others take off because they actually are driving with no insurance and do not want to face the consequences for that decision.
And I'm prepared to face the consequences for my actions.»
The game transforms you into one of its many hazards, and you face no consequences for your actions.
Events in Madison may be moving toward a resolution, but teachers could still face consequences for their outrageous and illegal activities.
Few schools or educators face consequences for low performance.
Flanagan told a state panel last week it's not clear if the Muskegon Heights school district, or the for - profit charter company that ran it the last two years, will face any consequences for running up a deficit big enough to require an emergency loan worth $ 1.4 million and two cash advances to keep schools open through June.
For example, teachers who score low on the new test - based teacher evaluation system will not face any consequences for at least two years.
He said he «constantly» hears from teachers that students do not face consequences for misbehaving.
Some have called for Russians living in Britain to face consequences for Putin's actions, but Hague ruled out any such moves this morning.
His campaign cited a study conducted in 2016 by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that found a vast majority people who are harassed in the workplace don't file a complaint mostly due to the fear they either won't be believed or may face consequences for reporting the incident.
I think he figured that a guy like him wouldn't actually face any consequences for climbing the Great Pyramid, and it turns out he was right about that.
Coaches should face consequences for verbal misconduct including demeaning, name - calling, and insulting young athletes.
According to a report in Sport, the Technical Committee of Referees will analyse whether the Spaniard should face consequences for his comments and he may even be banned.
Though the incident was driven by the actions of both players, there was no way Portis wasn't going to face any consequences for severely injuring Mirotic even if things were two - sided.
While schools might someday face consequences for playing these players, it's not clear that the NCAA would suddenly declare any of them ineligible right now.
We put gases in the atmosphere, those gases do exactly what we already know they'll do, and we face the consequences for it.
We are doing an injustice in the name of Jesus and will have to face the consequences for our prejudiced and unloving stance on this issue, like we are doing on many other issues.
For which now we have to face the consequences for, since the days of old until today people, there is no way to get around it, but everyman is responsible for his own righteousness anyway, as written in Ezekiel 14 vs. 14,16,18 and 20, and in Jeremiah 31v30, and Ezekiel 18.
Uber had previously warned that Levandowski could face consequences for his lack of compliance with his employment requirements at the company.
Often, they're so busy listening to the boss, or facing the consequences for not, that they don't learn to be their own boss.
YouTube didn't say whether Paul faced any consequences for the suicide video.
They are facing consequences for their behavior like never before, including men in media.
Yet he has faced no consequences for any of this.
There maybe a storyline, since everyone has a placed position with relations to others in certain timeframes, but one still faces consequences for the free - willed actions.
Jackson eventually had his day in court and paid his debt but Vick never faced any consequences for what was alleged against him.
In a world where men are finally being held accountable for their actions and are facing consequences for past transgressions, many parents who are bringing up boys are facing an important question: How can they raise sons who will grow up to be mindful, respectful toward women, nonviolent, and comfortable displaying their emotions?
C.K. joins the ranks of more than two dozen media and entertainment power players who have faced consequences for sexual harassment and misconduct following last month's downfall of producer Harvey Weinstein.
This multiple - measures system boosts performance among teachers most immediately facing consequences for their ratings, and promotes higher rates of turnover among the lowest - performing teachers, with positive consequences for student achievement.
Of course, to date, Berger and Moore have faced no consequences for lying about these issues.
Facing the consequences for unauthorized shopping spree — He gave her his card number to pay rent, she went online and splurged.
They're finally facing the consequences for treating pets like products.
There are hundreds of people who are doing this on their own and not facing any consequences for the deaths or injuries their greyhound dogs endure.
Parents often learn of a problem well after their child is facing consequences for poor decisions and choices.

Not exact matches

When his affair came to light, he faced up to his failure, took responsibility for the consequences, and did what he believed that duty, honor, and country required.
The best thing about Ultron is that his origins paved the way for Stark and the heroes in the MCU to face serious consequences for their actions, starting with «Captain America: Civil War.»
Character means staying true to yourself and your values, even when you're faced with serious consequences for the right choices that you're making — like, perhaps, losing a job.
I understand that, as a leader, I am responsible for my actions and I am willing to face the consequences,» he said.
«Just outside NATO's territory we face major challenges that could have direct consequences for Norwegian and allied security,» Norwegian Defense Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide writes.
«It makes the consequences that men and women face for life decisions more similar.»
U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, who will be overseeing Manafort's trial, said Manafort could face grave consequences for his alleged crimes.
Some CEOs, for example, face dire financial consequences if they don't periodically pay down their credit line.
Today, Congress faces a billionaire corporate titan whose recklessness has dire consequences for the lives of millions of people around the world.
If they do, they could face serious legal consequences for breach of contract.
If the taxpayers do not manage to report their earnings from cryptocurrencies in a wholesome and accurate manner, they are going to be audited for their transactions and if the situation demands it, they will be likely to face consequences in the form of penalties.
The most salacious behavior that she described is of relatively little consequence, even if totally true — it would be completely in character for the man Americans have gotten to know during years of trashy tabloid coverage to (per her account) flirt with a porn actress, compare her to his daughter, brag about a magazine with his face on it, get spanked with it, and cheat on his spouse.
A REALTOR has a professional obligation to ensure that their buyer clients are prequalified, and should face consequences if they represent a buyer in a transaction who personally doesn't qualify for the mortgage that would be required.
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