Sentences with phrase «face less regulation»

Nonbanks also face less regulation than banks.
To compensate, many big banks have migrated towards more retail - like activities such as wealth management that face less regulation.

Not exact matches

However, the Bitcoin network is not a systemically important network — from the standpoint of consumer protection, it's less important that Bitcoin face the same regulations as other larger networks at this point.
And also, Hannah Dahlen is an apologist for the murderous midwife Lisa Barrett, and claims that babies died not because Lisa Barrett was a dangerous halfwit with no skill and less insight, but because midwives were facing too much regulation and oversight.
I am very aware of the regulation that business faces already, and I want less regulation, not more.
When faced with environmental regulations and the costs they impose, companies may relocate to a less - regulated jurisdiction, taking with them jobs and contributing to «leakage» in which targets of regulation, such as carbon emissions, are not reduced, just redistributed.
Humans, on the other hand, have a reproductive system that's extremely tolerant of the metabolic up / down regulations that happen in the face of more / less macronutrients.
These schools receive public funding and must apply local standards but generally have greater freedom from certain laws and regulations, and face less accountability than do public schools.
Canadian banks face many government regulations about loans that turn many away from them and to the less regulated private lenders.
Facing proposed oil and gas regulations that would increase production costs by less than a dollar a barrel, the tar sands industry notes that its production is already on the edges profitability and adding a few cents per barrel in additional production costs would be very likely reduce production and revenue.
He said more or less the same things to everyone from Recode to The New York Times to CNN, but one answer stuck out: in response to CNN's Laurie Segall asking if he was worried about Facebook facing regulations from governments around the world, he replied.
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