Sentences with phrase «face of a changing climate»

(Most of the funding — $ 2 billion — goes to another climate priority, infrastructure for «disaster mitigation and adaptation» in the face of a changing climate.)
The goal of her research is to improve the resilience and sustainability of water resources and aquatic ecosystems in the face of a changing climate.
Creating sustainable food systems in the face of a changing climate isn't easy — but innovators around the world are making real progress
This research highlights the potential for plant communities to change in the face of changing climates.
«A lot of communities in our country are struggling with how to plan to ensure reliable access to food, water and other things in their community in the face of a changing climate,» said Jack Fellows, vice president of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, which organized the conference that produced the report.
A new review paper emphasizes the crucial role birds play in helping trees colonize new habitats — especially in the face of a changing climate.
By developing drought and temperature tolerant varieties, the spring wheat breeding program and researchers like Dr. Talbert hope to help Montana farmers remain profitable in the face of a changing climate.
In the face of changing climate, forest managers can best maintain forest health and stable product yield by understanding past trends and planning for a range of climate scenarios.
Natural resource managers working to protect California's coastal plant and animal communities in the face of a changing climate became alarmed.
There is something in this tool for all of the major sectoral areas interested in planning for greater resilience in the face of a changing climate
«Knowledge of climate impacts and adaptation to climate change is necessary in the face of a changing climate.
The inability of various level of government to recognize the need to embrace adaptation in the face of a changing climate is troubling.
«A clean energy future beyond coal is critical to protecting our clean air, our lands and our communities in the face of a changing climate,» said Adam Kron, staff attorney for Defenders of Wildlife.
ESM 293 - 1S - Resilience and Risk in a Changing Climate [2 units] McGlade In this course, students will learn about resilience and risk and how these concepts are shaping today's thinking about our future ability to live sustainably in the face of a changing climate.
If government changes its investments because of the new «Rules of the Game», then the poor's well being can improve in the face of a changing climate even if they can't afford any of the private adaptation strategies.
The task force report lists five areas where the Federal government has made significant progress towards its vision of «a resilient, healthy and prosperous Nation in the face of a changing climate»:
A more integrated and systemic approach is needed to ensure the nation's resilience in the face of a changing climate.
Importantly, we suggest that in the face of changing climate (e.g. ocean acidification and temperature), effective management of local stressors (e.g. water pollution and overfishing) may have a greater contribution in determining ecosystem states than currently anticipated.
In a time when we're struggling to figure out how we're going to feed everyone in the face of a changing climate, severe droughts, and increasingly scarce freshwater resources, the news that we currently waste about a third of all the food produced in the US should be cause for serious concern.
Not every city may face the same scale of potential loses that a city like New York does, but there's no reason we can not all do more to make wherever we live, be it our homes, neighborhoods or entire regions more resilient in the face of a changing climate.
But as the way we generate electricity is evolving in the face of a changing climate, so is the grid that moves this electricity from Point A to Point B. For one, the technology is getting smarter, enabling us to be more efficient and reduce demand for power.
The study, published this week in the journal Science, is expected not only to help historians understand how environment has affected the past, but to aid scientists trying to understand the potential for large - scale disruptions of weather in the face of changing climate.
Healthy communities will need to be resilient and adaptive in the face of a changing climate.
In the face of a changing climate, one agent encouraged clients to fight back against excessive flood insurance requirements.
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