Sentences with phrase «face of evil»

Since when is pointing out intolerance and hatred as being a true face of evil become worse than actually being a hateful person?
@ Camel: you said... «Religion however has tried to supersede our humanity and tell us it's okay to kill those other humans because they aren't like you, they don't worship the same God as you, they don't have the same hope for an afterlife, they aren't special and «chosen» by God like you... that is the true face of evil on the planet, the one that tries to make you forget your humanity with bribes and extortion.»
The hardest board of all may be the public facing of evils that a government and its citizens together have inflicted.
So Caiaphas's circumstances, fears and motives remain obscure; in him, we can only see the blank face of evil.
«The New Face of Evil» focuses on the three villains.
What you see with the torture and mocking of Christ is the face of evil.
Baroness Caroline Cox, a Christian peer taking part in the Lords debate, told Premier: «Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Protestant theologian executed by the Nazis, said silence in the face of evil is itself evil.
Good for them for doing what they think is right, even in the face of the evil Pope (a.k.a. Darth Sidious).
Seems like for most Christians the face of evil is an insurmountable inconvenience to living the Gospel.
Moral interest in the Scholls and their friends in the White Rose should be for the sake of what we can learn from them about how we are to act in the face of evil, when our own fatherlands can no longer be trusted as safe dwellings for our souls.
May it continue to guide the actions of America's citizens and government both at home and abroad in the face of evil and injustice.
Not only the extreme silence in the face of evil done in the name of your religion, but when you do speak out it is not to condemn but to make excuses and lie.
Probably no one really believes that God is «omnipotent» in this sense, but the idea can reappear as an excuse for inaction in the face of evil.
Even in the face of evil and suffering, pushing back injustice and misunderstandings, his ways are free and light, and I will learn to walk free and light, even while staying faithful in my own work.
I would persist in the face of evil, and my body through the Spirit would receive God's gifts and fruits, including the gift of healing.
Christianity is not a passive faith in the face of evil, but one that encourages and models courage and standing up to evil, along with the virtues of patience and forbearance.
The subject is theodicy: How, in the face of evil, can we vindicate the goodness of God?
However, even this is flawed, seeing as their acts of «goodness» are usually self - serving (re: the non-existence of altruism), and they don't have to just DO evil to be evil, they just have to be apathetic or passive in the face of evil (i.e. humans regularly commit sins of «omission» as much as «commission», they regularly focus on their own comfort rather than the glaring problems of others).
These two characters represent the mixture of evil and good in human beings but also, in their love for Lyra and their sacrificial acts, a powerful symbol of redemption and transformation in the face of evil.
And so it follows that the opus humanum laboriously and gradually achieved within us by the growth of knowledge and in the face of evil, is something quite other than an act of higher morality: it is a living organism.
The message of the Bible that death ultimately is not the end is the best hope there is in the face of evil and terror.
They are the face of evil on earth.
But silence in the face of evil increases the likelihood of war.
But I make the choice to use what I've been given and throw it back in the face of evil... not in the face of my God.
He was the face of evil and terror for a generation of Koreans - a North Korean commando fighter who came into Seoul to assassinate the South Korean president at the time, Park Jung Hee.
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy By Eric Metaxas Thomas Nelson, 591 pages, $ 29.99 «Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
But God is not this pitiable entity unable to stand in the face of evil.
But remembering my Friend, I have strongly resisted all attempts to defend God in the face of evil by ranking power above «love, by hinting that evil is really good in disguise or by saying that.
It consists of six terse petitions: that God's name be hallowed, God's kingdom come, God's will be done, and that we receive bread, forgiveness, and help in the face of evil.
Both pontiffs have been accused of moral failure in the face of evil.
There is goodness in the world even in the face of evil.
«Can it be,» asked Ratzinger, «that, despite all of our expressions of consternation in the face of evil and innocent suffering, we are all too prepared to trivialize the mystery of evil?
Lent demands that we abandon the confidence we place in the things the world loves, which bring us weakness in the face of evil, sin and death.
Thus in biblical thought, there are two divine covenants with humanity operating in the face of evil created by human self - alienation from God — one, the covenant of redemptive grace with Abraham which ends in the Messianic Kingdom of Love and the other, the covenant with Noah of protective law of reverence for life and later with Moses of the Ten Commandments for the preservation of rough justice in society.
According to Peter Berger, moral outrage in the face of evil, courage in defiance of death, and trust in an underlying cosmic order are among the «prototypical human gestures» which can be interpreted as «signals of transcendence».
He argued, for example, that in the face of the evil seen at Auschwitz «a purely harmonious concept of beauty is not enough.
Our God does not flinch in the face of evil.
Others welcome what seems to be his appreciation of a commonality in the face of evil too long neglected.
But if the Gospel narrative is to be trusted, God does not turn away in the face of evil.
As Congressman Lewis shares in a video, being on the right side of history and standing up for truth is essential, even in the face of evil
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