Sentences with phrase «face of facts»

This is not true on the plain face of the facts.
I fully understand your frustration, just advise you be prepared to continue to be frustrated as insults and scorn are hurled your way in face of facts.
Frank facing of the fact that it is a period of major reorientation helps in coping constructively with the demands.
The perception of technology upsetting hard - won balance, though, flies in the face of the facts.
I asked would you be willing to change your views in the face of facts rather then what you have been told..
«In the face of this fact, very simple logic and rationale dictates that the notions you subscribe to are the religious creations of the human mind, and not absolute truth.»
How are we to speak coherently of history's promise in the face of these facts?
Blaming gun or video games or your personal choice of scapegoat has nothing to do with logic (as they fall flat in the face of facts) and everything to do with emotion.
True, Christians have often insisted that «outside the Church there is and can be no knowledge of God,» that faith» occurs in no other form than the Christian» How claims such as these not only fly in the face of facts and reality, but grieve the heart of God!
Apart from flying in the face of the facts as reported to us, this view does not make sense of the psychology of a bright, convinced and much feted student.
They hang on in the face of facts regard less of the destruction they see around them.
«As a city, as a society, we can not stand idly by in the face of these facts
We are thankful to the 34 City Council members who heroically stood up for the American ideals of freedom and justice, and stood together in the face of fact - defying and fear - mongering by the Mayor and Commissioner.
This, in the face of the fact that it is not really a conversation conducive activity nor particularly romantic.
This flies in the face of the fact that Africa had for centuries enjoyed a very advanced civilization well in advance of the arrival of the European.
Richard Rothstein's review in Slate shows how Brill's simple good vs evil narrative falls apart in the face of the facts just like the larger reform narrative being promoted by the education establishment.
This comment flies directly in the face of the fact that, according to the Idaho Education News, in 2014 «State Revokes I.F. School's Charter.»
You might not get the torque that a car engine needs the way motorcycle engines are configured, but to claim it is not possible flies in the face of facts.
We're trying to justify continued funding in the face of the fact that such a small proportion of what we buy gets used NOW.
(In the face of the fact I am making a living selling my art and so is she!)
Both Muir Russell and Penn State made «findings» on this matter that flew in the face of facts known to hundreds, if not thousands, of readers — discrediting both «inquiries».
Will not they be prodded to copiously use an unreliable source of information in face of the fact that the Constitutional Courts are mindlessly relying on it?
Miller's excellence as a lawyer came not from his intelligence and mastery of law, but from his humility in the face of facts coming from outside the law office.
The industry now takes any opportunity to blame personal injury claims for their woes, even in the face of facts which indicate other causes.
This flies in the face of the fact that anything in real estate, to be enforceable, has to be in writing.
This is something I would expect from an irate spouse who believes they can lie about their former partner and everyone will believe them in the face of facts that prove otherwise.
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