Sentences with phrase «face of overwhelming evidence»

Question: How long will the fantasy that climate models are reliable indicators of the earth's climate evolution persist in face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary?
In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, some politicians today still cite sayings of Jesus as evidence that he would approve of their neglect of the poor.
The definition of delusion is holding a belief in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary — the fact that a majority is deluded does not make them right.
I still can't understand why creationists insist in the face of overwhelming evidence that the earth is some 6000 years old.
What if there is a god, and he judges people based on whether or not they use their brains, as opposed to blind, illogical belief in the face of overwhelming evidence.
@Old Earther - I'm sorry but you're just trying to rationalize a way to keep believing irrelevant nonsense in the face of overwhelming evidence that it IS nonsense.
Wenger for year after long year has persisted, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, in the belief that no quality proper holding central midfielder with pace and power MUST sit in front of the defence at all times, and particularly so when away at tough away grounds.
The new NDC government of President Mills could have however continued the trial and conviction of Mrs. Rawlings in the face of overwhelming evidence for causing financial loss to the state, but President Mills forgave Mrs. Rawlings whose husband nominated him to lead the NDC.
The blame for this appalling state of affairs can be laid at the door of the ministerial team, who remain deaf in the face of overwhelming evidence that their approach to the prison estate has proved disastrous.
Science has thoroughly debunked these myths, but the misinformation persists in the face of overwhelming evidence.
In the face of this overwhelming evidence, is denying global warming really that different from believing that the government is hiding aliens in Area 51?
But California is the only state that has refused to implement commonsense measures to safeguard students» right to effective teachers, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
The arguments against passive investing should be helpful to mutual fund salespeople trying desperately to defend their turf in the face of overwhelming evidence that they are failing investors.
It's hard to change one's mind even in the face of overwhelming evidence but Dave has no such problem.
Our concerns should be taken seriously, and not strenuously denied in the face of overwhelming evidence.
The Saatchi Gallery has resorted to the artistic equivalent of a women - only shortlist in the face of overwhelming evidence that women find it harder to make a name in the art world and earn less money — even at the top.
I can not fathom why people persist in believing in the nobility of poverty, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
We call on the government to reverse their decision to blindly press ahead with the EBacc, regardless of the consultation responses and in the face of overwhelming evidence against this policy.
We call on the government to reverse its decision to blindly press ahead with the Ebacc, regardless of the consultation responses and in the face of overwhelming evidence against this policy.
In the face of overwhelming evidence and the growing number of groups working together to address the problem, the politics of climate change are shifting.
But we are have gone beyond heathy scientific scepicism to outright climate change denial in the face of overwhelming evidence.
There could be no better example of this than the issue of vaccines, where persistent fear, in the face of overwhelming evidence that disproves most of those fears, is now causing the resurgence of formerly nearly eradicated diseases.
As everyone knows (or ought to know by now), one of main reason controversy over climate change is continuing in the face of overwhelming evidence is the fact that ExxonMobil has the cash spigot open to fund anyone willing to deny the evidence — the Competitive Enterprise Insitute, George Marshall Institute and the old tobacco industry network run by Steven Milloy, Fred Seitz and Fred Singer have been among the main beneficiaries.
Similarly to McCann, Lansink has a case study covering only 12 property transactions, which he claims, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, proves property value harm.
I hope that in 50 years time as Australians swelter in debilitating heatwaves, battle fierce bushfires, fight over dwindling water resources, lament the loss of unique species and tell stories recalling the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef, they will be reminded of the names of those who refused to act in the face of overwhelming evidence of what lay ahead.
RE: «Those who deny man - made climate change in the face of overwhelming evidence are very similar to those in the past who denied the Earth was round.»
Those who deny man - made climate change in the face of overwhelming evidence are very similar to those in the past who denied the Earth was round.
Throughout the 1960s, the tobacco industry famously spent millions promoting a small group of vociferous «sceptics» who, in the face of overwhelming evidence, continued to deny the link between smoking and cancer.
Thus, Parliament recognized that there are circumstances in which allowing a person charged with a serious crime to be released into the community pending trial in the face of overwhelming evidence might suggest to the public that justice has not been done: see R. v. Hall, 2002 SCC 64 (CanLII), [2002] 3 S.C.R. 309, at para. 26.
Nullification is the right juries have to return an acquittal even in the face of overwhelming evidence of guilt simply because the jurors don't think that law should exist (they refuse to follow (i.e. nullify) the law with their decision).
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