Sentences with phrase «face of the world»

The changing face of the world needs more in terms of competitive writing.
When your child is a new born, it is best to have a stroller where they can see you, so they aren't scared by the unfamiliar faces of the world.
Besides, we know in our hearts that our ultra-congregational conceptions are totally inadequate both as a reflection of historic Christian reality and as a basis of competency in face of the world situation.
Thus, in addition to Quinn's work, we have possibly the most gruesome «Flagellation» ever made, from Germany in the seventeenth century; Paul McCarthy's recumbent self - portrait, naked below the waist; Maurizio Catellan's sculpture of the assassinated John F. Kennedy in an open coffin; nearly a half - dozen works depicting internal human organs in a way that leaves nothing to the imagination; and black - and - white film footage of the disfigured faces of World War I servicemen.
We heard in previous lectures of the vivified face of the world as it may appear to converts after their awakening.
In Australia, the state governments control most planning and have discouraged suburban growth» to the benefit, Kotkin notes, of developers (and presumably of the politicians whose campaigns they support) and the detriment of middle - class people, who now face some of the world's highest housing prices.
Paul Costelloe's collection interprets his desire to constantly reinvent and reinvigorate in this ever - changing face of the world.
There are of course numerous other technologies that can and will change the face of our world, from alternative energy and robotics to 3D printing and quantum computing, but these five in particular will be front and center over the next decade.
But then, in the face of the world's manifest evils we can not help crying out, or moaning silently, in the spirit of Job: just what is the God of love doing?
They believe that homosexuality is sinful and that sin is inherently harmful and unloving, so they have to convince themselves homosexuality is harmful and unloving in the face of a world that is waking up to the fact that homosexual relationships are really not that different from heterosexual relationships.
In upholding beauty, we prepare the way of a renaissance when civilization will center its reflexion, far from the explicit principles and degraded values of history, on this living virtue upon which is founded the common dignity of the world and man, and which we have to define now in the face of a world that insults it.
no, it is factually evident that Jesus changed the face of the world as we know it.
It is enough that the spirit should be reversed, that it should enter another sphere, for the face of the World to be instantly altered.
We must recover and nourish it daily, in spite of our personal sins and stupidities, and in the face of the world's arrogant self - sufficiency.
ISA 14:21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.
In revealing to us the social structures, categories and expectations by which we exclude those most in need of acceptance, it unmasks our pretensions, our unjustified feelings of contentment and self - satisfied smugness in the face of a world characterized by injustice, hunger and depression of the human spirit.
The face of the world facing the sun was day, while the other side was night.
For example, she addressed an early conference on politics, economics and Christianity in 1924, and she advocated pacifism in the face of World War II.
In the question - answer session that followed the lecture, Pannenberg called on Christian theologians to follow the lead of the early church fathers and offer a more creative approach to the task of doing theology in the face of the world's injustices than that found in Marxist - oriented liberation theologies.
Yet their special witness in the face of the world and a worldly church is salutary and frequently necessary.
You go back into the burdening night or, worse, into the sun that forces you to blink in the face of a world that wants to do you in.
«But I know,» he said, «that our division at this point is the greatest of all scandals in the face of the world.
Hearing so much love talk in the face of world suffering might even evoke a certain cynicism concerning the cash value of Jesus» unconditional love.
Once a few people get hold of it, it spreads like wildfire, changing the face of the world around it and becoming the most important film in the history of humankind.
Once a few people get hold of it, it spreads like wildfire, changing the face of the world and becoming the most important movement in the history of humankind.
This vitality is transforming the face of world Christianity.
This psychological honesty — whereby the soul understands that it must govern the body and the body learns that it is empty without the soul — may become a great strength in the face of a world untutored by this tension, unbound by this problematic, even comic posturing of devotion to the law and its enforcement.
Religion is a madness on the face of the world.
It is increasingly obvious that a traditionally oriented preacher will stand helpless in the face of a world which less and less needs either God as a working hypothesis or the rites and ceremonies that are traditionally associated with him.
Nothing, however — not the liberal state, the academy, or modern science — prevents the Church from reconstituting this particular truth in the face of the world.
«drunk, spoiled 15 year olds waving a gun in the face of the world».
It recalls the witness of the early mendicant orders in the face of a world hostile to the gospel.
What about all the loving fathers who miss the children and feel so powerless in the face of a world that seems not to care.
While health - care costs are out of control and the C - section rate is rising exponentially and unnecessarily in the face of World Health Organization recommendations to lower it to an acceptable level, midwifery care is both a safe and effective solution.
Howard claims to be compelled by a sense of powerlessness «in the face of world events» and a duty to provide a «vigil» for the scenes and individuals shown.
Gordon Brown is heading to the Middle East this weekend where he will continue his campaign for global coordination in the face of the world economic crisis.
The researchers, who found that ethanol requires 29 percent more fossil energy than it provides, question the morality of using grain to fuel cars in the face of world hunger.
NORWAY faces strong condemnation from the International Whaling Commission again this year, as its whalers continue their commercial hunt in the face of a world moratorium and in the absence of any reliable way of determining «safe» catch quotas.
In the face of the world's total annihilation, would you significantly change anything about your life?
She's steely and combative in the face of a world that refuses to recognise her, but wonderfully vulnerable when confronted with a life her radical principles endorse but the living of which remains terrifying.
But long before internal - combustion engines existed, long before the now - gone twentieth century changed the face of the world with exotic machinery, Modena was a center of emotional and spiritual activity.
Ramona and Jordan are both girls grappling with their bisexuality in the face of a world that would be more comfortable, really, if they'd just pick a team and stick with it.
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