Sentences with phrase «face penalties»

The company does not face any penalty for walking away.
If a business fails to do so, it could face penalties of up to $ 2,000 per employee for every worker beyond the first 30.
Another common excuse she hears for delaying filing is that people believe they are entitled to a refund, and will not face any penalties if they file late.
You can also face these penalties if you are in an accident or traffic stop and do not have insurance.
Also, a driver who is not charged at the scene of the accident may still face penalties in court.
You may also face penalties against your driver's license and holds on your vehicle registration.
Without at least these minimal forms of protection drivers can not get their cars registered in the state, and they may face penalties such as the suspension of driving and registration privileges.
If they don't, they'll face a penalty on that amount.
If you didn't have health insurance in 2017, and you don't claim a waiver or exemption, you'll still face a penalty.
Likewise, those who do not have insurance for 2018 could face a penalty when they file their 2018 return next year.
If you happen to have more than two late payments within 12 months, or you have a returned payment, you may face a penalty APR of 29.99 %.
In most cases, you'll face a penalty fee if you take your money out of the CD before the term expires.
If you make a withdrawal before that age, you can face penalties like 10 % off of your withdrawal.
If you decide to cash out your CD before it hits the maturity date, you'll likely face a penalty.
The law means that any drivers and passengers who decide to smoke in a vehicle containing children under the age of 18, will face a penalty fine of # 50 for their actions.
The taxpayer faces a penalty of $ 5,000 ($ 10,000 if married filing jointly).
Individuals who violate the law can be fined between $ 2,500 and $ 25,000 daily, while corporations face penalties of between $ 5,000 and $ 50,000 a day.
NOTE: For some violations, commercial drivers face penalties severe enough to end their professional driving careers.
Of course, provisional license holders face penalties for violating the conditions of their licenses, as well.
Further, authorities said people not complying with the change face penalties.
Large employers that fail to comply face a penalty.
In fact, you'll face a penalty in tax year 2018, too.
Don't forget that you can not withdraw from your CD without facing some penalties.
If you have between 1 - 50 employees, you're not required to offer insurance, and you won't face a penalty if you don't.
If this happens and you can't prove you have coverage, you could face penalties such as fines and even license suspension.
Individuals are required to maintain health insurance coverage or face penalties on their tax returns.
Instead, you'll have to wait until the debt management plan is complete or you may face penalties from creditors that agreed to your debt management plan.
But the law does not agree with you, and there is no outrage over this law, that she (and the person paying) will face a penalty for breaking the law.
No, bitterness comes only when the other team plays dirty and never faces the penalty they should — to lose the game.
If you can not make your minimum payment, you'll face penalty fees.
If you are convicted, you can face penalties of up to 20 years in prison and up to $ 35,000 in fines.
You may also face a penalty, depending upon your involvement in choosing the shelter.
Asked whether the students face any penalty for the walkouts, a Palm Beach County school district spokesman didn't say earlier this week.
That argument is taken from the position of the employer, usually the small - business owner who has to adjust her growth plans to not cross the 50 - worker, full - time threshold that requires companies to provide qualifying health plans to its workers or face the penalties known officially as the «shared responsibility payments.»
Federal deposit insurance, since its birth in the 1930s, has meant that a comparatively risky bank (one with capital less adequate to cover potential losses on its asset portfolio) no longer faces a penalty in the market for retail deposits.
The Maryland attorney general's office ordered Towson - based High Point Wealth Management to halt a business it runs from the former offices of a financial management company that faced penalties last year for fraudulently misrepresenting investment risks...
Beginning in the fall, area contractors requiring the training may have to travel outside of Oneida County for this same training at their own expense or face penalties beginning in 2010 if they attempt to work without it.»
Insurance companies face a penalty of $ 1,000 «per occurrence» if the measure is violated, Cuomo said.
Moreover, as Paul Teske, a principal evaluator of the ProComp program, noted in the Christian Science Monitor, bad teachers face no penalty under the ProComp or similar merit - pay programs: «I guess your salary stays low, and maybe that sends the message that you should look at another career.
Fingerprinting has several advantages when trying to catch tax dodgers, but mainly that it helps to catch an accused who fails to appear for trial or sentencing since it allows law enforcement to execute a bench warrant for the arrest of a person alleged to have committed a tax crime, including any accused who may leave the country to avoid facing penalties.
People flouting the ruling now face penalties if caught.
Those who are found in violation of the state code face penalties including the loss of driving privileges for a minimum of 90 days and up to two years, license plate suspension, and registration reinstatement fees [1].
Under the law, everyone must have health coverage or face a penalty unless they meet one of the law's exceptions, including financial hardship, defined as spending at least 8 percent of your income on insurance.
Employers who do not properly deduct income and report it to the state face penalties for violating Texas law.
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