Sentences with phrase «face validity»

"face validity" refers to how believable or reasonable something appears at first glance. It is a quick and initial assessment of whether something seems to make sense or be appropriate based on its appearance or surface level characteristics. Full definition
The measure also possesses high face validity and therefore has potential as a suitable measure for use with parents to ascertain their perceived level of exclusion of their children.
The 49 item measure was developed in conjunction with reviews from experts in the field and is considered to have good face validity however construct validity has not been established at this point.
Three items of the original 23 items were identified by at least one expert as lacking face validity and were removed from the test.
Along with good reliability scores, this scale has face validity for assessing one's general social skills.
Since those ratings don't pass the smell test, this can't help but create face validity problems.
A pilot study was conducted to confirm face validity.
It should be noted that the term face validity should be avoided when the rating is done by «expert» as content validity is more appropriate.
The learning - loss costs of teacher absence, however, have high face validity.
It has a simple factor structure with good face validity.
It is possible for a test item to lack face validity but still have general validity and measure what it claims to measure.
Having face validity does not mean that a test really measures what the researcher intends to measure, but only in the judgment of raters that it appears to do so.
A test item such as «I have recently thought of killing myself» has obvious face validity as an item measuring suicidal cognitions, and may be useful when measuring symptoms of depression.
At a minimum face validity should be demonstrated (e.g. mapping and testing with experts).
However, the implications of items on tests with clear face validity is that they are more vulnerable to social desirability bias.
Accordingly, tests wherein the purpose is unclear have low face validity (Nevo, 1985).
Although not standardised with adolescents, it is the closest available measure with adequate face validity for adolescents.
This rater could use a likert scale to assess face validity.
So, for example, if parents and teachers agree that students should have friends or meet deadlines or dog paddle for five minutes and a teacher observes using a report card whether or not they are able to do these things, then the report card has high face validity.
Good face validity, construct validity, and concurrent validity were reported in terms of between - domain correlations (ranging from.60 to.84) and significant differences between teachers in their first year of training and those in their second year or beyond.
For example, the test item «I believe in the second coming of Christ» would lack face validity as a measure of depression (as the purpose of the item is unclear).
The principal psychometric tasks with respect to the Report Card items are face validity and test - retest reliability.
With regard to face validity, good report card items should capture things that are by general consensus in the school and community important and foundational in their own right.
Evaluators also talk about concurrent validity, predictive validity, and face validity.
But he knew that the A — F system wouldn't have «face validity» — with the public or with politicians — if even obviously excellent schools didn't make the grade.
There is a policy trend to use value - added modeling to evaluate teachers because of its face validity and superficial objectiveness.
To me, one of the more compelling attributes is simply the face validity... that is, when I (and most people I know) look at sample questions from, say, the history test, they look like reasonable questions, like questions that someone who claimed to know history would be able to answer.
«We wanted a system that passed the face validity test, and the face validity test is that there are schools that are A schools and they should obviously be that,» says Bennett.
Frankly, my emails portrayed correctly my frustrations with the fact that there was a nuance in the system that did not lend itself to face validity...
Although these recommendations appear to have face validity, they must be evaluated to ascertain their actual effect.
Its face validity does not appear to be something related to indecisiveness but since Turner et al. (1992) review, studies have provided empirical support of commonalities between the cognitive phenomena of obsession and worry.
They have good «face validity», in that children understand the purpose of these games and recognize how they can apply the techniques learned.
The validity of the FNPS was assessed in terms of content validity, face validity, construct validity, and known - groups validity.
The validity of the PBSS was assessed in terms of content validity, face validity, construct validity, and criterion - related validity.
Development, face validity, construct validity and test - retest reliability for subjects with fibromyalgia
as indicative of it having face validity).
A direct measurement of face validity is obtained by asking people to rate the validity of a test as it appears to them.
For example, individuals who actually take the test would be well placed to judge its face validity.
Tests wherein the purpose is clear, even to naïve respondents, are said to have high face validity.
Face validity is simply whether the test appears (at face value) to measure what it claims to.
The face validity of a test can be considered a robust construct only if a reasonable level of agreement exists among raters.
Thus, for this particular religious sample the item does have general validity, but not face validity.
As a checklist, internal reliability or inter-item correlations are difficult to establish; however, content, construct and face validity are well recognized [82, 83].
All items were reviewed by a team of investigators in developmental psychology, clinical psychology, adolescent health behavior, and pediatric endocrinology for face validity.
The new 14 - item scale appears to have good face validity, as it covers the majority of the range of concepts associated with positive mental health, including both hedonic and eudaimonic aspects, positive affect, satisfying interpersonal relationships and positive functioning.
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