Sentences with phrase «faced tradeoffs»

From the biggest companies to the most junior employees, from the producers to the consumers, all faced these tradeoffs in 2012 and will continue to do so.
Previous attempts to develop programming languages that could understand other languages have faced tradeoffs between composability and expressiveness; they were either limited in their ability to unambiguously determine which embedded language was being used, or limited in which embedded languages could be used.
Under the provisions of this bill, Erie County will face a tradeoff — whether to allow thousands to be uninsured or increase taxes.
Thus Minnesota scientists face tradeoffs over limiting their research or losing major funding.
States face a tradeoff between protecting homeowners and getting through the foreclosure crisis.
The appeal of this claim to casual observers is enhanced in that it does not require humans to face any tradeoffs.
If we implemented policies to meet our goals, a refinery in Canada would face a tradeoff between GHG emissions and a $ 100 / ton carbon price while the climate leaders in the EU would demand a payment of less than $ 40 from the same facility.
Schelling, T.C., 1997: The cost of combating global warming, facing the tradeoffs.

Not exact matches

The longest and most in - depth of these is a recent Atlantic piece by Emily Esfahani Smith that looks at the tradeoffs we all face between ambition and community.
Which means that if a leadership «expert's» whole schtick is to basically tell you to be a good person, he or she isn't being honest about the difficult tradeoffs leaders face in the real world.
Not too long ago I wrote about «the entrepreneur's dilemma,» a clever formulation of the work - life balance tradeoffs faced by busy professionals from entrepreneur Randi Zuckerberg.
To help guide you through the money tradeoffs you face every day, Inc. asked founders, investors, and other business leaders to pass along the best piece of financial advice they've ever received.
But the tradeoff, a lack of face time with senior management and other team members, can be challenging to navigate.
The goal is to simplify the financially complex decision facing families and to help policymakers understand the real world tradeoffs these constrained families are locked into under the nation's current child care system.
Faced with a conflict between two legitimate goals, the revisionist's position is unpredictable since he or she faces the dilemma squarely, reserves judgment, allows the problem to stimulate fresh thinking and conversation and finds ways to minimize the negative effect of any tradeoff.
«I would argue, again, with real respect that that tradeoff is an unfair trade - off on its face because the state has committed to cover the Medicaid expenses, and we're certainly going to remind people the state has that obligation and should consistently hold to that obligation,» de Blasio told Avella.
When faced with a tradeoff between work and life, I try to base my decision on the things that are most important to me.
The proposed solution, the first of its kind for this problem, can be applied to other large river systems around the world facing similar tradeoffs.
It's a tradeoff, for sure, because sometimes I'll see a nice piece and think, wow, I'd really like it, but then I remember my aging, leather sack of a face and quickly move on.
I take no position here on the «best» allocation of state funds but merely seek to document the tradeoffs facing state and local governments.
We are left wondering about the magnitude of the internal - for - external validity tradeoff that education researchers often face.
Although Krueger's own cost - benefit analysis paints a modestly optimistic picture, it ignores the fundamental tradeoff between quality and quantity that school districts face when hiring teachers.
They were faced with difficult tradeoffs, like whether to fund school counseling services or advanced placement programs instead.
In contrast with the Sonata Sport 2.0 T's power - over-luxe approach, the Kia Optima EX trades the turbo engine for a kitchen - sink options package; it's not an apples - to - apples comparison, but it is an example of the kind of tradeoff buyers at the $ 30K price point face.
The science writer John Horgan (who's also a friend and Hudson Valley neighbor) has written a piece for Scientific American laying out the tradeoffs that face New York State, and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, if campaigners succeed in shutting the Indian Point nuclear plant and preventing gas drilling using hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.
People who live on $ 1.26 or $ 1.27 a day still face painful daily tradeoffs when it comes to spending their meager resources on food, shelter, health or education for their kids.
«Plants face an evolutionary tradeoff between the benefit of earlier leaf emergence, and hence, a longer growing season, and the risk of tissue damage from a false spring,» Allstadt explained.
This does make Face ID a bit less secure — a third party will be able to forcibly unlock your phone while your eyes are closed — but it's a tradeoff some people will be willing to make.
One is a well - presented chapter in which the authors discuss the demands and tradeoffs faced by parents of developmentally challenged children.
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