Sentences with phrase «faceless entities»

The construction industry, from project owners and contractors to subcontractors and trades, might be sitting back, ignoring the hype around Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), thinking it's targeted at «spammers»: faceless entities that bombard us with electronic «junk».
We do not represent insurance companies, corporations, HMO's, or other faceless entities, in order to protect our clients from any possible conflict of interest issues.
What I love about self - publishing is the ability to carefully choose those third parties and to work directly with them, instead of being at the end of a long chain of faceless entities in a publishing house, many of whom have not read your work.
But it's often far too easy to be seen by some large, faceless entity — by a government or a corporation or a horde of faceless online hackers — as the sum of your physicality, rather than the person you actually are.
The client, as a faceless entity, doesn't care about IRAC, but that lawyer often wants the short case summary that I've written, with just my two cents regarding its impact.
Your online case management software should be your partners in most ways, not just... (* one more time with the Darth Vader voice): a recurring payment to a faceless entity.
Ensure that your organization doesn't become a faceless entity
If you've been in the job search for several months without positive results, it feels like a very personal rejection by a faceless entity.
So be careful before you disclose anything too personal about yourself until the nameless, faceless entity on the other side of your computer is represented by a legitimate person or business.

Not exact matches

We become more than a faceless corporate entity with shelf space in major retail stores; and that can lead to longer relationships and brand loyalty from people who enjoy our products and what we offer.
Remove the barrier between you and your audience by refusing to be just another faceless corporate entity.
As the number of reported data breaches continues to blitz U.S. companies — over 6 million records exposed already this year, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center — IT budgets are ballooning to combat what corporations see as their greatest threat: faceless, sophisticated hackers from an outside entity.
So what if corporations are faceless, deathless entities to whose puppeteer's strings we all dance — they're still run by human beings.
Even if you have less - than - stellar credit, a bank that knows you and your financial history may be more willing to make a loan than a faceless financial entity you've never done business with.
The securitization of mortgage loans, which was supposed to be a great innovation in lending, separated the entity servicing the loan — usually a bank that collects payments, chases delinquents and files foreclosures — from the loan's owners, who are far - flung and faceless investors.
Some commenters believe that big firms can't use Twitter because a faceless corporate entity can't engage with its followers: it can't answer questions, participate in dialogues or otherwise affix a personality to the logo.
The need to respect individual defendants or litigants as people who expect to be treated fairly is made apparent by contrast with the willingness of judicial officers to make joking remarks about «faceless» court users such as government authorities or corporate entities:
You have to trust your funds and ID to some faceless overseas entity.
FINTRAC to Realtors is like this faceless Big Brother entity that is demanding / obligating us to report our very real customers that we have invested huge amounts of time and money in nurtured and social relationships, gaining their trust in order to conduct successful business and then «report» on them on the basis of mere «suspicion»?
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