Sentences with phrase «faceless villain»

And reading from Here with me (2016), a video work that is shown on a large screen in the middle of the room, where the artist himself is seen trapped in a hostile place, only covered in a piece of fabric and kidnapped by a faceless villain, it's the love and the ties between friends that saves the day.
In an elevated stronghold, a faceless villain in a sneering skeleton mask, known as Immortan Joe, rules by controlling both water and fuel.
Hawke stars as former racer Brent Magna who is forced to wreak havoc across the streets of Bulgaria by a faceless villain who has kidnapped Magna's wife.
The film deals with very real (and socially relevant) issues of gun violence in the United States, but more often than not skirts around its questionable morals in order to transport Willis back to the 1980s with catchy one - liners as he takes down the next faceless villain.
But, as we can see from the facts about wealth inequality noted above, the implied community of interest among all «citizens» and «ordinary people», contrasted with the faceless villains of «corporations and financial markets», is a gross simplification.

Not exact matches

By contrast, every character in Howl's Moving Castle — derived from an English novel by Diana Wynne Jones — is both lovable and seriously flawed, and though a war does rage around them, the only villains are the faceless forces on both sides that keep it going.
In this bleak West Texas landscape where everyone seems to be struggling, you find yourself rooting, inexplicably, for all of them against a clear villain: the faceless, predatory bank.
For me and, I think, most viewers, other horror movie villains like psychotic killers and deadly animals are simply no match for the faceless unknown that feels like a more plausible and insurmountable threat.
From its foggy, ash - covered small town to its rotting, mutating building interiors, Silent Hill is a spectacle of the grisly and gory highlighted by some truly repugnant armless / eyeless / faceless monsters (including a pyramid - headed villain who wields an enormous sword and a man hog - tied with barb - wire slithering across a bathroom).
We've seen Avengers: Infinity War teaser trailer and while we share concerns over the idea of Avengers battling more faceless, nameless CGI drones (the 6 - legged, unarmed, attackers in Wakanda) the idea of all Marvel heroes coming together to fight their greatest villain Thanos (who they still need to prove is their greatest villain) is potentially the most epic thing we'll see all year.
But Green Room still resists making its villains faceless foes; they're under duress, too, and plagued by crises of loyalty.
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