Sentences with phrase «facetious with»

I am being somewhat facetious with that subheading, not to mention self - indulgent.
And I wasn't being entirely facetious with «under the mattress», though majority of your money should be elsewhere.
I was being facetious with my comments.
I was only being facetious with AnVil, having a little harmless fun.

Not exact matches

One general problem with interpreting facetious remarks is to distinguish between things said in irony and things said at face value.
I sympathize with a facetious remark of one theologian who said that the Trinity is a doctrine which, if a man does not believe it he is sure to lose his soul, but if he tries to understand it he is sure to lose his wits.
I return the charge: in that post aimed falsely at society, you were facetious, you did not engage with my points, you did not specify what exactly was wrong with my attitude, you psycho - analysed my words, you made broad sweeping generalisations.
Heywood Hale Broun's prerace interviews followed no discernible plan: a facetious chat with a couple of fluttery lady owners who might have stumbled in from the kennel club for all they had to tell us, an indepther with a chap from Notre Dame who took a full minute (by my sundial) to decide why he was there at all.
The first time I made this «Hippie juice», I posted a photo of it on social media... and that's the question I got from one of my facetious friends who apparently equates Hippies with cannabis.
An eight - part fantasy epic with a dead - serious tone — and the unusual goal in these facetious movie days of being iconic, not ironic — the Harry Potter films of course had the benefit of a bedrock constituency: the tens of millions of worldwide fans of J.K. Rowling's wizardly septology.
Yet the film is refreshingly good - humored, with a streak of comedy that's neither facetious nor campy.
This year, Bette Midler even joined in on the conversation with a (facetious) explanation.
Wow, I just can't believe some of these commenters don't agree with you Gary (being facetious, of course).
I'd go with Mojo Wire, but it would be too obviously facetious.
Powhida is presented with Steve Lambert and Walter Robinson as part of a playfully facetious trio.
Robert Arneson elevated clay as a medium and changed the definition of art with often facetious renditions of household wares, such as the sexualized and phallic teapot on view, entitled Golden Rod (1969).
I'm about to go out and ride my new bamboo bicycle... and no I'm not being facetious, I really do have a bicycle with a bamboo frame which I picked up in Brazil.
I don't mean to be facetious, but I'm having real trouble with an infrequent excursion in stable system being more than casually due to single cause.
The inveterate outdoors person, a.k.a. «the Face of the Miramichi,» has heard the facetious advice that «if fishing is interfering with your business, give up your business.»
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