Sentences with phrase «facets of»

His serene confidence in the powers of philosophical rationality, when disciplined by logical rigor, to discover and describe the major facets of ultimate reality radiates from his speeches and writings.
In this case, they proposed adopting facets of Jewish law, including circumcision.
This approach provides a group incentive to read solid religious books and to wrestle collectively with ideas from many facets of religious literature.
These words of Rollo May describe the element of mystery and wonder in sexual intimacy which in a good marriage pervades all facets of the relationship.
What we have encountered here, in both Dionysius and Bonaventure, is a turning away from God the powerful to God the loving, without actually attempting any fresh explanation of the relationship between these two facets of God's being.
The Sikh who fulfills are the facets of the religion in their entirety is truly noteworthy and admirable, however... sorry to say the turbaned kebab muncher is still a Sikh, just as the non turbaned one who visits the gurudwara and prays.
When this occurs, the spirit of Christian community flourishes in the many facets of a church's program, causing it to become a center of healing and growth.
What if we realize that God cares about both this life and the afterlife, that for God, who is not a dualist, they are both just different facets of one reality called life?
There are two facets of prophecy.
«I would note that the Genesis story is not recreatable yet you believe that when Genesis is the only «evidence» for it, yet it is proven to be incorrect by many facets of modern knowledge in various disciplines.»
Other traditions offer ways of generating explorations into facets of Christianity illuminated by their historical experience.
What is life like for our brothers and sisters in that place, what facets of God's character are reflected (however dimly) in that culture, what does God dream for that country?
Writing on joy, she exults in the wonder of a God who would choose human beings for such a task, and she describes the facets of redeeming love: «Redemption does not mean you and me made safe and popped into heaven.
In the presence of the three intrinsically distinct, intelligible, and existentially necessary primary notions of temporal passage, modality, and order together with their derivative relations, and in the absence of any successful reductions known to me of one of these to the others, I am inclined to regard a synthetic metaphysics of time which has a place for each of the nine cells of the matrix as the only kind which could be adequate to all the facets of time.
YHWH's wrath & mercy are interconnected here, treated in very similar ways, and are being espoused as facets of the very personality of YHWH.
Wilderness and the spectrum of species — no less than other facets of nature — point us in the direction of the Creator.
I think it is more correct to consider the trinity as three aspects or facets of God, rather than three persons in one.
The kind of love which is the glory and wonder of a marriage — growing love — represents an integration of all the facets of intimacy which the couple has cultivated in their relationship.
and Bonhoeffer's answer of holy worldliness, or his hope of full manhood); (4) «his effort to forge a dynamic definition of the Church» (the church is defined in relationship to the world); and (5) «his struggle toward a deeply relevant Christology» (the Incarnation becomes the central issue of all facets of theology).5
Barna recently released research saying, «Among the interesting facets of the research was that just 1 % of believers claim to have the gift of evangelism (down from 4 % five years ago).»
By treating these two facets of God's nature in isolation Wieman loses the Whiteheadian vision of a dynamic God who is intimately related to the world, who is capable of sharing in the experience of the world and responding to that experience by adjusting the divine role in each new entity's self - creation appropriately to the new situation.
It is why so many facets of American culture are so messed up in so many ways.
The integration of sexual, emotional, and spiritual intimacy, for example, makes each of these facets of intimacy richer and more soul - satisfying.
It is when we recognize that the issue and practice of peace is an enduring, lasting, acute theme, and that it is the seemingly permanent persistence of the absence of peace and reconciliation that impels us to seek to understand, analyse and debate about the facets of peace, that this conference takes on an urgency that is necessary and compelling.
There are three facets of my life that make me who I am.
These represent the various facets of the baptismal experience that liberate one from despair and thrust one into a new mode of existence.
There are, of course, obvious reasons why the two facets of power receive different valuations.
Some Contemporary Pagans practice all of these things I'm going to list, some just one or two, but all are pretty recognizable as facets of today's Paganism.
These two facets of his professional role definition give the minister a potential advantage over those in the other helping professions, so far as the early recognition of distressed persons is concerned.
In defining the complex notion of wisdom, Deane - Drummond introduces the concept of wisdom as an understanding of different facets of reality, a contemplative «way of knowing» lost by modern science with its focus on specific discoveries.
then how can we even fully describe the many facets of love?
To be and to proclaim are here but two facets of the same reality.
They were two facets of the same phenomenon.
I fear that I have not done it justice, rather as if I had said, «There are some interesting facets of English and Roman history, and many details of world geography,» when writing of the plays of Shakespeare.
There are many things we do not understand, facets of god that has long been lost and long been rewritten by man in his own image to justify today's needs and actions.
I don't believe or understand facets of other people's faith beliefs but I do not post about that either.
Despite my general sympathy with what Dreher seeks to do in this book, I am less enthusiastic about other facets of his argument.
I think she's calling out a modern day superficial experience of spirituality, that is disconnected from other facets of one's life and found only in clouds, sunsets, etc..
The forty eminently qualified contributors have produced brief articles on almost all facets of contemporary Catholic faith and life, providing a reliable guide also to current controversies.
In the Dark Ages, when Christianity was forbidding scientific inquiry as «heresy», Muslim scholars were amongst the most enlightened in the world, giving great contributions to science, art, trade... It's true that the more extreme facets of it today are mis - guided, but so are the most extreme facets of Christianity (just look, again, at history for that one... Inquisition, anyone?)
For a group that constantly accuses athiests they cannont prove God does not exist, Christians sure love to do the same with facets of science.
God is against homosexuality — if this is so «evident» as you think — how come many facets of Judaism are allowing gay marriage?
I'm just pointing out that facets of religion are used in many aspects of growing up to teach morality and right from wrong and teach a society behavior.
To abandon all religous facets of human life is to live on the edge of well depression heading for mental collapse.
The attendance at webinars I have been taking on this topic has been huge, compared to presentations on other facets of the new law, illustrating how widespread the confusion is among tax practitioners.
The Impact of Recent Innovation on Trading, Settlement, and Clearance Activities panel focused on blockchain technology and its ability to transform various facets of the financial services industry.
However often one shaves, there can be no doubt the qualities of fine grooming carry over into many other facets of human interaction and indeed one's self - worth.
Our rigorous review process has resulted in the following text, which describes the various facets of the trading service, in great detail.
As President and CEO of Click Forensics, Tom Cuthbert is responsible for all facets of the operation, product development and marketing for the company's industry - leading solutions for detecting unwanted clicks.
Social Venture Partners has been recognized as one of the innovators in the philanthropic world combining the best facets of Venture Capital into the philanthropic world.
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