Sentences with phrase «facial flushing»

«Facial flushing after drinking is always considered as a symptom of high alcohol sensitivity or even intolerance to alcohol, unless a patient is taking special medicine,» said Jong Sung Kim, head of the department of family medicine at Chungnam National University School of Medicine.
You may notice signs of this, like facial flushing and further touching.
They reached their conclusions after carrying out a surgical procedure (endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy) on a 28 year old man to curb his excessive facial flushing.
Drinking that results in facial flushing indicates high sensitivity or even intolerance to alcohol.
There are no studies about AcnEase on the internet except a clinical trial that is on their website which explains how it is possibly effective for not just acne, but also for improvement in rosacea (specifically facial flushing) and also gastrointestinal issues.
I began having episodes of facial flushing, tachycardia, weakness, dizziness and nausea nine months ago after lowering my total carbs to less than 20 grams per day.
The most common side effect with consuming SD - 200 is a kind of hot - headiness with facial flushing.
«Facial flushing after alcohol drinking differs across gender, age, and ethnic groups,» added Kyung Hwan Cho, president of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine.
While these new ED drugs have proven effective and extremely popular, they don't come without side effects: Cialis and Viagra can induce headaches and facial flushing, while Levitra can cause dizziness and nausea (among others).
«Thus, if you or your patient have facial flushing, the risk of hypertension can increase even if you drink less than those who do not have facial flushing,» said Cho.»
«The facial flushing response to drinking usually occurs in a person who can not genetically break down acetaldehyde, the first metabolite of alcohol.»
Kim added that these results indicate that facial flushing after drinking may potentially serve as a marker of risk for hypertension associated with drinking.
One person could have terrible heart fluttering, she explains, while another might have facial flushing and shortness of breath.
And that can lead to facial flushing, spider - like swollen blood vessels, and even skin yellowing due to jaundice.
Common cholesterol - drug side effects include nausea, stomach pain, constipation, or diarrhea; drowsiness; and muscle aches, weakness, or facial flushing.
Allergy symptoms can include gastrointestinal symptoms as well as itching, hives, facial flushing, wheezing and strict constriction of airways and anaphylaxis.
Acute selenium toxicity can cause severe gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms, acute respiratory distress syndrome, myocardial infarction, hair loss, muscle tenderness, tremors, lightheadedness, facial flushing, kidney failure, cardiac failure, and, in rare cases, death [2,6].
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