Sentences with phrase «facing bullets flying»

«I want to show these people exactly what's going on when these children are facing bullets flying through classrooms and students are dying trying to get an education,» he told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on Thursday.
«I want to show these people exactly what's going on when these children are facing bullets flying through classrooms and students are dying trying to get an education,» he said.

Not exact matches

Whenever he stands face to face with Jonathan Banks, it's like High Noon, but all the quick - draws and flying bullets are buried in their psyches.
If Mario is faced with a gap he can't long - jump across he can possess a Bullet Bill to fly across.
Step up to the plate Bite the bullet Have the courage of your convictions Gird up your loins Grow a set Screw your courage to the sticking post Take the bull by the horns Throw caution to the wind Put your ass on the line Fly into the face of danger Run the gauntlet And hang in there.
At any one time there may be just a shred of cover between you and certain death, RPGs fly overhead and bullets impact just inches from your face — putting you right in the middle of a warzone.
What happens is when you're in the midst of a gunfight with bullets flying left, right and centre and you take a hit that puts you on the verge of facing death, time slows down giving you the chance to take out one particular target to give you a burst of health to keep you going.
Bullets fly into your face with such intensity and accuracy that I was lucky to survive for 15 seconds and even if credits are infinite, constant dying ate away gaming enjoyment like a starved squirrel (fond of gaming enjoyment).
Put them on, face your screen and calibrate them and you can then move your head to track sounds in the game, whether it be bullets flying around you, or a rival car trying to sneak past in a race.
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