Sentences with phrase «fact a pattern of»

Additionally, if they're injured on your premises, medical payments to others coverage and / or liability coverage will respond appropriately, depending on the exact fact pattern of the situation.
Even when a fact pattern of a new case seems (at the outset) strikingly similar to an old case, you can trust that a twist will arise that requires new case discovery to adapt in ways that could not have been anticipated.
In particular his connection between the requirement of accessibility in SGAE v Rafael Hoteles and that in Svensson could be too daring, considering the different fact patterns of both cases.
Especially painful, and very valuable: Analyze the fact patterns of MBE questions to make sure you know exactly how the rule of law applies to the facts.
Again, in the fact pattern of Dore, maybe that conclusion can be justified in that the decision maker is not a party to the dispute.
Additionally, if they're injured on your premises, medical payments to others coverage and / or liability coverage will respond appropriately, depending on the exact fact pattern of the situation.
Many issues in the interpretation of renters insurance in San Francisco hinge on such subtle yet crucial factors, and the fact pattern of the situation is ultimately what determines whether the claim is covered or not.
Once you've established that there is in fact a pattern of odd computer wake up calls and you've identified the source, it's time to do something about it.

Not exact matches

But Apple has often faced low expectations and managed to surpass them — in fact, it has a pattern of doing just that, and this quarter was no exception.
Also, when you spend a lot of time with people you tend to notice patterns in how they tell stories and what was reassuring to us was to hear a source tell the same story the same way months later, as opposed to the facts always changing.
As a matter of fact, most people are rather picky about who they follow and you might overlook an unfollowing pattern of tweeters who would retweet your content or simply become a devoted fan of your brand.
More than speculate, Johnson in fact tracked the major human advancements over several centuries to verify this pattern of one small idea linking to a web of other small ideas, and only appear as a single big idea in the rear view.
In fact there is a regular pattern that we see when debt levels rise in a country to the point at which either we suffer from a debt crisis or from a lost decade of difficult adjustment.
In fact, most of the tools, studies, and patterns found in technical analysis attempt to identify trends in a variety of ways.
«It's a pattern of exploiting wherever they can the divisions in U.S. society and making Americans question facts, question their own government and set them against each other,» Stent said.
The fact that other managers and PMs has complained that he didn't follow company rules and did things his own way demonstrates a pattern of alienation within the work place.
In fact... I see your continued assault against David to be more of this very troubling behavior pattern from you.
Does he tell you facts that you couldn't possibly know otherwise, such as your complete genome pattern, or who are the «real killers» in the OJ case, or what's inside of Arcturus?
The violence - prone masculine psyche drives us to racism, colonialism, imperialism and other types of oppression which are in fact extensions of the male - female pattern that lets us project the dark side of ourselves onto the other and so allows us to use / abuse other human beings for our own selfish ends.
In fact it is quite arbitrary to choose the gene as the only meaningful unit of organization in matter, because that is already a relatively high level of synthesis built upon preceding patterns of physical and chemical order.
It is a sheer fact, undisputed by any who have knowledge of what transpired in early Christian history, that the Christian Church developed its patterns of thought, its theology, through the constant interaction of the biblical witness and the «non-biblical» environment in which the primitive Christian community found itself.
Drawing on the theological work of Henri du Lubac, Hans Boersma, and Rowan Williams, among others, Klassen explains how the fact of this pattern is grounded in the Trinity, in which all material reality participates.
This impending civilizational conflict indicates the fact that tribalism is so deeply entrenched in human behavioral patterns that it not only refuses to wither away but, in times of mounting tension in the face of threatening world crises, it is likely to intensify.
No amount of growth in virtue, no regimen of self - improvement, no pattern of self - discipline will ever change the fact that I am a gentile and God chose to save the world through Abraham and his seed.
The value of these patterns is not limited to the fact that they happen to be ancient.
Because of that fact, it does not feel like «self - discipline»; and so we vaguely hope that some better situation may come along someday and repair everything, while all the while habit patterns are being ingrained — be they of self - flagellation or self - indulgence.
In fact, it is precisely in Farley's discussion of theologia as dialectic that one can see how Farley is trying both to bury the old practical theology of the fourfold pattern and to replace it with a practical theology of an entirely different kind.
That the Christian idea of God (reputedly drawn after the pattern of the man who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried) has all too often been recast in the shape of human dreams of power and glory is a fact of ecclesiastical history which it would be hypocritical to pretend were otherwise.
And so the concreta of history, viewed in an epistemic perspective, can in fact manage to transcend their space - time settings to instantiate general patterns.
Mays's view of the final goal of the method is predictable, viz., a pattern of logical relationships... [of] complete generality,» which is «the extensive continuum or the logical structure of fact» (PW 97 / l02).
Many evangelicals are beginning to grasp the fact, that certain ways of reading the Scriptures and certain doctrines about the Scriptures may actually become the means of oppression of modern women by the imposition of first century social patterns.
Seeing thus involves constantly evaluating and relating facts to each other, to disclose significant patterns of meaning.
Here's the pattern at hand: a) discouragement or disgust with radical politics or the undeniable impact of some conservatism - friendly facts, results in a move away from political statements and activism, a retreat, into counter-culturalism, self - discovery, and artistry - for - artistry's sake, b) shifts in the political situation, or disgust at «apathy,» provoke a passionate recommittment to the leftist cause or a new articulation of it, and then, at some point, the rock - bohemian returns back to a).
It is also necessary to insist that any pattern of development for the tribals and others who still have cultures and communities predominantly based on the primal vision of undifferentiated unity, world - as - nature and cosmic spirituality, should introduce differentiation and individuality, historical dynamism and secularism gradually and without violently tearing down but grafting on to the stabilities of traditional spirit and patterns of life and living followed by them In fact from my experience, I have found that modernized educated tribal leaders are the worst offenders in this respect.
Yet even when that is not realized in concrete fact there is always in Christian worship of any kind a similar pattern.
The particular facts function no longer as «factors,» but become «bare its,» that is, function as logical subjects with a hypothetical relevance to a predicative pattern now potentially determinate of these logical subjects.
Quite simply, a proposition is true when the logical subjects do in fact exemplify the predicative pattern, or differently stated, when a member of the proposition's locus admits the proposition into feeling in such a way that the predicative pattern actually conforms to the indicative logical subjects.
To recapitulate: the two subjects embraced by the proposition, the logical subject in a potential predicative pattern and the prehending, e.g., entertaining subject; the two correlative conditions for the truth and falsity of propositions, the fact that they both «can» and «must» be true or false; the fact that a proposition is a «real possibility» for an «entertaining subject,» gives to the proposition its fundamental trait: according to Whitehead, a proposition is a lure for feeling.3
Modern science's discovery of objective facts is no exception to this basic pattern of human observation.
In fact, some would say that there is no human value or goodness unless this value pattern is exemplified in our activities; that the capacity to realize this structure of relations in our lives (to a greater extent than can the other animals) is what largely constitutes our humanity.
It is remarkable that this simple fact of human life fits in so closely with the pattern of the Christian interpretation of existence — so remarkable that we may be pardoned if we believe that it is not really accidental at all, but providential.
In the static pattern of thinking in which a given fact can have only one objective meaning, yes.
He concludes that both Paul and James «assume sin's heritability — not in the sense of passing sin down through procreation, but in the sense of pattern and influence» (p. 115), but I found it hard not to think this was in fact Green's assumption.
Happily, today those who are not blinded by uncriticized religious prejudice (including misuse of certain biblical passages) or conventional ideas of proper sexual behavior (as if morals were a matter of counting noses or following some social pattern without question) are ready to accept the fact of the homosexual orientation, and many religious groups are now prepared to adopt this positive attitude.
The tragedy of all this is compounded by the fact that most community mental health facilities are oriented to middle - class goals, vocabularies, patterns of problem solving and models of healing.
In fact, it is a favorite structure pattern of Paul's writing.
By the term «creature of time» I do not refer only to the fact of duration, clock time, the observable but scarcely exciting fact that there is a before - and - after pattern in human experience.
And as a matter of fact, the history of the Church's use of Scriptures in her preaching and teaching has tended to move in an either / or pattern, there being periods of strong emphasis upon the Scripture as the body of authoritative tradition, provoking a reaction in favor of an understanding of Scripture as address to the hearers.
Whereas Greek was the language of humanism, the language of facts and reasoning, the thought patterns of the Hebrews were lively, rich and colourful.
He may begin to become aware of the fact that it is his alibi system which blinds him to the danger signals which are present in his drinking pattern.
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