Sentences with phrase «fact and fiction as»

As the participants taunt and belittle the victim, painful memories emerge and emotions arise, blurring fact and fiction as roles and motivations become less clearly defined.
Across the series, you travel through amazing ruins and exotic locations, putting together a perfect mix of fact and fiction as the story unfolds.
Ultimately, the film exists in the same gray area between fact and fiction as its source material.
Those quibbles aside, World forms a satisfying mix of fact and fiction as the basis of its romance.

Not exact matches

The White House has dismissed the dossier as fiction, and some of the facts and assertions it includes have indeed been proven wrong.
But as stories and news travel at lightning speed, it's more difficult than ever to tell fact from fiction.
mama kl there is a difference between being helpful as you and tallulah13 often are in separating fact from fiction compared with an underlying agitation with fundies.
So he does his best to give us both fact and fiction, insofar as it is possible to tell the difference.
If your answers to the above were «fiction», «fiction», «fiction», and «fiction», why would you expect any of the rest of us to have a shred of respect for you when you quote the BIble as if it were fact instead of make - believe?
Fiction could be combined with reality and imaginations where as life of Last Prophet Muhammad is TRULY based on realistic facts and no Muslim would deny that, no matter if he / she is practicing Muslim or non-practicing Muslim.
To find out facts, you refer to people to a work of fiction and you acknowledge it as such.
I entreat all of you to read A Study in Scarlet, the first Sherlock Holmes novel — fiction, of course, but interesting that a very reputable and fact - driven author would choose to delve into the life of the antagonist as being helplessly tied up in an early Mormonist agenda...
The book first appeared as a series of articles in the New Yorker and years later, writes Ben Yagoda in Slate, the fact checker reported that «he had never seen such an accurate account and that whatever the fiction veneer, In Cold Blood was a scrupulous non-fiction report.»
Of the Bible she wrote, «I regard these writings as histories consisting of mingled truth and fiction, and while I admire and cherish much of what I believe to have been the moral teaching of Jesus himself, I consider the system of doctrines built upon the facts of his life... to be most dishonorable to God and most pernicious in its influence on individual and social happiness.»
In Love» s Knowledge and elsewhere Nussbaum uses the fiction of Proust, Henry James, Dickens, and others to buttress her claim that the emotions are not necessarily opposed to reason» that, in fact, a truly rational person will experience certain emotions as the consequence of proper understanding.
However, i have approached it as fiction, and before that when i was young — it was fact, then i learned what a fact was... and started breaking down the bible — around age 7 - 9, confessed atheist at 10, explained my disbelief to my grandparents — who almost puked... and i made my step - mother cry when she found out... she is a ccd teacher
The vast majority of blog posts are written by people treating their beliefs in religion as facts, and you think it's unfair that there's one dealing with someone that sees your beliefs as fiction?
Watch as the candidates must decipher fact from fiction, as newsman Brain Williams and swimmer Ryan Loche embellish or completely fabricate actual events and international episodes.
The line between fact and fiction is softened: you can learn a lot from «fictionand «facts» are, as the word implies, «made» by those who use them.
I understand them very well, I just don't believe them to be completely factual and to be a work of historical fiction interlaced with magic, miracles and mumbo jumbo that the people of that time would have taken as fact but were merely unexplained phenomenon.
Viewers will be stunned as we uncover the facts and the fiction about food.
With so many anxious buyers revving uptrade rumors, here's a look at what's fact and what's fiction as the deadlinelooms.
Another silly article by Konstantin in which fiction is presented as fact and speculation is substituted for evidence.
It's important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the care of your little one, so here are some important details about the condition, how to give your baby some relief and how to handle it as a parent.
A fellow student had reported it out of uncertainty as to whether it was fact or fiction and there was general outrage that a man had written something that could be interpreted as a «step by step guide to rape».
Alas, as Jon's colleague Patrick Ruffini points out, in this case «the space between fact and fiction is confused as a litmus test between right and left,» a tendency that afflicts political debate on all sides.
But Horner says the group has the chance to act as a referee of sorts when it comes to sorting out the facts and fiction of a convention.
So what I'm going to do here is tell you what I know about the two candidates; assess the issues, separating fact from fiction as I see it; and report what I find telling in their campaigns.
James (left) and Gregory Benford have both written science fiction and, as physicists, done their part to help science fact catch up.
Some artists have flirted with φ, but as with the Greeks and their architecture, you have to be careful to distinguish fact from fiction.
We feature a small number of dissenting voices in our coverage, not because we seek to be impartial between «scientific fact and sceptic fiction», as Bob Ward suggests, but because reflecting the different sides of an ongoing debate is very much in the public interest.
As theories and advice are passed along the grapevine, we often end up standing by information that is more fiction than fact.
As you know, I recently participated in the online telesummit on YogaUOnline, Yoga Injuries: Fact and Fiction.
To help online daters discern fact from fiction and guard their hearts, Ikka says there are at least five red flags to look for when perusing profiles (while keeping in mind that her remarks are generalizations and that there are exceptions as well as alternate perspectives, intentions, and interpretations).
An internationally recognised illustrator and artist, The Mermaid will be contributing to the 30 Dates blog with what she describes as her «compulsive visions between fact and fiction `.
It's scarier, in fact, because The Staircase isn't based on re-creations but on original footage, a front - row view of legal truth as it's feathered into existence, manufactured from guesses and conjecture, and sold to a jury as more or less believable fiction.
Late in the film the head of the Democratic party proclaims that he doesn't understand God's plan - of course he doesn't have the perspective of the true insiders who shape and twist fact and fiction to achieve their desired goal... from the campaign manager's point of view, God's plan is all too obvious and the morality... win at all costs as long as you believe in the cause.
He handed us fiction after fiction and we printed them all as fact.
The Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award: U.S. Dramatic was presented to: Christina Choe, for her film Nancy (Director & Screenwriter: Christina Choe, Producers: Amy Lo, Michelle Cameron, Andrea Riseborough)-- Blurring lines between fact and fiction, Nancy becomes increasingly convinced she was kidnapped as a child.
Or will he emerge as that rare thing, the director who can move between fact and fiction at will?
It's difficult to think of a modern documentary as complex and well put together — not to mention as morally confounding — as Cartel Land, a documentary whose «facts» are stranger, and more compelling, than most fictions about the drug wars.
And as Miller is wont to do, the movie blends fact and fictiAnd as Miller is wont to do, the movie blends fact and fictiand fiction.
Bryan Singer is back in the world of fiction following 2008's intense and gripping fact - based drama, VALKYRIE, which starred Tom Cruise as the man...
Just as in Blair Witch, the characters here use their real names in order to blur the line between fact and fiction, and thereby suggest that what you're watching is a documentary.
In the second half, as William attempts to sift fact from fiction, the audience is willing to try and find some answers too.
The fact that the military is fighting aliens is almost a gimmick, as the intensely noisy and destructive scenes of military operations on the ground are nearly identical to other films without a science fiction premise to drive up the special effects quotient.
He and screenwriter James Vanderbilt take great care in separating fact from fiction, or even speculation, ensuring their combined screenplay and subsequent picture was as close to the truth as they could possibly get, in a case where the truth remains elusive.
If you add in the fact that Alice Sebold's past experience (as outlined in «Lucky») clearly colours the type of fiction she writes and how it makes me feel uncomfortable in the same way that anime's fascination with the atomic bomb does, then you'll understand why I was more than a little disappointed with The Lovely Bones.
«A unique hybrid wherein fact is projected through a prism of fiction as both a mechanism to educate outsiders and heal from within.»
And something else that Halloween does that too few films of its ilk have managed is to leave us all uncomfortably questioning the thin filament intervening fact and fiction, tangibility and nightmare, as well as the texture and verisimilitude of evAnd something else that Halloween does that too few films of its ilk have managed is to leave us all uncomfortably questioning the thin filament intervening fact and fiction, tangibility and nightmare, as well as the texture and verisimilitude of evand fiction, tangibility and nightmare, as well as the texture and verisimilitude of evand nightmare, as well as the texture and verisimilitude of evand verisimilitude of evil.
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