Sentences with phrase «fact and law which»

Such a decision is also a question of mixed fact and law which attracts deference.

Not exact matches

Cryptocurrency are digital currencies too, however the important distinction rests in the fact that unlike centralized money that is managed by the banks on behalf of the governments and the people, cryptocurrencies are encrypted store of value that abides by the mathematical laws of their design and creation, which is controlled by the people themselves.
The fact that the universe obeys laws and that science by definition relies on that which it can not explain: «Science starts from the existence of those laws, can NOT EVER disprove God».
In fact, I learned alot about Classical mechanics and newtons third law which was the beginning of my adaptation of theology into my religon.
The point is, there was order there and there were laws that people were following, which is clearly demonstrated by the fact that there were land transactions that were being recorded and honored with Jewish settlers purchasing land from its rightful owners.
If abortion and related life issues are in fact the great civil - rights issues of our time» in that they test whether the state may arbitrarily deny the protection of the law to certain members of the human community» then Griswold eventually led to a situation in which the Democratic and Republican positions on civil rights flipped, with members of today's Democratic party playing the role that its Southern intransigents played during the glory days of the American civil - rights movement.
It is the living fact of their place within the laws and layers of meaning embedded and embodied in creation as set out in God's great purpose which is to be fulfilled in Christ.
The fact that Islam has permitted individual as well as communal discretion — limited only by the original definite legislation of the Qur» an and the Sunnah, which define the roads to justice — enabled students of the Islamic code to choose freely the laws regulating the affairs of Islamic society.
The only help here is patience and understanding of the fact that even the Church necessarily and in accordance with its duty has to bow to the law of history by which what was good yesterday is not good today.
But it validates such laws quite differently from the commandments of God which follow directly and imperatively from the essence of the natural or supernatural realities created by God himself, and which therefore were posited by the very fact of God's directly positing those realities.
As Montgomery puts it: «Science and theology form and test their respective theories in the same way; the scientific theorizer attempts objectively to formulate conceptual Gestalts (hypotheses, theories, laws) capable of rendering Nature intelligible, and the theologian endeavors to provide conceptual Gestalts (doctrines, dogmas) which will «fit the facts» and properly reflect the norms of Holy Scripture.»
That leaves the second option, which, even if it can be defended, has not, in fact, been defended — at least not in any fashion commensurate with the present change in law and policy.
The fact remains, however, that the Vichy leaders have enforced anti-Semitic laws in a more and more strict and iniquitous fashion, depriving French Jews of every governmental and cultural position, imposing upon them all kinds of restrictions with regard to liberal and commercial professions, mercilessly striking many of them who were wounded for their country during the present war, and hypocritically trying to hide a bad conscience under a pseudonational pathos in which religious and racial considerations are shamefully mixed.
They also have a hard time with not endorsing gay marriage and will lie and say that civil unions do nt provide them the same protection which is a lie and some states do in fact have these laws on the books.
In his reply to «Die Bauleute» Buber makes a distinction between revelation and the giving of the law which Rosenzweig has failed to make: «I do not believe that revelation is ever lawgiving, and in the fact that lawgiving always comes out of it, I see the fact of human opposition, the fact of man.»
I stand by my comment that it is the DUTY of American voters to be educated on political issues and candidates, which entails having their facts generally straight, but yes, it is by no means a law.
With the change of scientific vision in the present century there has come about a very radical change in the method of science, its being less a description of phenomena and the formulation of universal laws, and more a statistical formulation of probabilities and a venture in determining which of the many probabilities might be taken to be true to fact in this situation.
In fact, he still does — though it has already been transformed and resurrected and is therefore no longer subject to the ordinary laws of our physics, which govern only mortal bodies and material objects.
David discovered this principle and this was probably why God let him off the hook and did not have him stoned to death for adultery and murder like the law required: because David was humble and repented (even though Achan and plenty of other people repented and God still punished them, and this has nothing to do with the fact that David was king and probably would not have commanded his own stoning to keep the law even though he wrote Psalm 119 which is all about how much he loved keeping every commandment in the law).
Men are not always aware of this factwhich suggests, as Paul explains, the function and value of law in the spiritual life.
It proclaims not only a bill of rights, most of which have now in fact become embodied in international law, but a moral and philosophical vision which aspires to universality.
There is a difference between saying that the ideology people hold no longer gives adequate expression to the law which St. Paul says is «written on their hearts» (Romans 2:14 - 15), and saying, instead, that it is not in fact written on their hearts.
c) physical theories that «make sense» of the laws and facts, and from which the laws can be deduced and the facts predicted.
If then this issue has been settled by these Doctors of Law or experts in this way, and we certainly are in those situations in which one may resist the governing authority... we are unable to oppose... if in this instance it is necessary to fight back, even if the Emperor himself attacks, or whoever else may do so in his name... That until now we have taught absolutely not to resist the governing authority was due to the fact that we did not know that the governing authority's law itself grants the right to do so; we have of course always diligently taught that this law must be obeyLaw or experts in this way, and we certainly are in those situations in which one may resist the governing authority... we are unable to oppose... if in this instance it is necessary to fight back, even if the Emperor himself attacks, or whoever else may do so in his name... That until now we have taught absolutely not to resist the governing authority was due to the fact that we did not know that the governing authority's law itself grants the right to do so; we have of course always diligently taught that this law must be obeylaw itself grants the right to do so; we have of course always diligently taught that this law must be obeylaw must be obeyed.
The fact that we want to stand in the tradition of the apostles binds us to the tradition in which they stood: the tradition of the law and the prophets.
Jeremy I believe you answered the question in another discussion why God seemed evil by punishing other nations i prefer the word you used which is judgement.God weighs up the hearts and then judges fairly thats not evil in fact he weighs up all the factors before he makes his decision and his decisions are perfect and wise.When he commanded Israel to wipe out other nations it was Gods judgement on these nations because of the evil they had committed in alot of ways its exaggerated because they did nt have Christ to shield them like we have if anything it shows how merciful God is towards us today.In those days gods judgement was quick and immediate.What happened to Israel when they broke the laws God gave them they immediately fell into judgement often resulting in many deaths to there own people until the sins of the people were dwelt with.So even for Gods people it was a conditional on there attitude and actions towards God.Again we see God is merciful to these previous nations that were destroyed as Christ after his crucifiction went and preached to them giving them the opportunity to repent so again we see God is still merciful.His word is true The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.
Does Newman not entertain a vision of wisdom when he says, «But the intellect... which has learned to leaven the dense mass of facts and events with the elastic force of reason, such an intellect can not be partial, can not be exclusive, can not be impetuous, can not be at a loss, can not but be patiently collected, and majestically calm, because it discerns the ends in every beginning, the origin in every end, the law in every interruption, the limit in each delay»?
But as many «culturist» critics of science note, this belief is belied by the fact that apologists for science tend to defend their position by passionate appeals to the universality and immutability of the «laws of nature» that science progressively and objectively discovers: laws that it would be absurd to view as socially constructed.3 Such an objection, however, fails to take note of the fact that, as Whitehead puts it, «Nature is patient of interpretation in terms of Laws which happen to interest us» (AI 1laws of nature» that science progressively and objectively discovers: laws that it would be absurd to view as socially constructed.3 Such an objection, however, fails to take note of the fact that, as Whitehead puts it, «Nature is patient of interpretation in terms of Laws which happen to interest us» (AI 1laws that it would be absurd to view as socially constructed.3 Such an objection, however, fails to take note of the fact that, as Whitehead puts it, «Nature is patient of interpretation in terms of Laws which happen to interest us» (AI 1Laws which happen to interest us» (AI 136).
[ix] He understands a scientific system as organizing reality through research, methodology, and investigation in terms of a specific mode of rationality in which the defining of fact is verified in terms of domain - specific rules and laws.
And in fact, when it comes to intentional sins, there was no offering of any kind which was prescribed by the law.
Science has revealed God's plan of control and direction in the very fact of the laws of nature; in the unity of these laws which thus point to the oneness of God; in the developmental power of the laws which bring about all the rich diversity of the universe from stars and galaxies to complex life; and in the openness of these laws to higher synthesis and higher development within the spiritual order.
The fact of the existence of such objects is among the greatest of all laws of nature, ranking with those from which space and time emerge.
For example, you say evolution is a theory, which is correct, but a scientific theory is one of the most robust, most well tested, and verified, explanations of how nature works; theories are not promoted to fact at some point, but use facts, laws, and other theories to explain nature.
And the «vague» papal pronouncement that Mr. Lowell seems to doubt was ever made was, in fact, a major — some think historic — allocution, delivered in 1953 to an audience of Italian jurists, in which Pope Pius XII laid down the principle that «in the interest of a higher and broader good, it is justifiable not to impede error by state laws and coercive measures.&raqAnd the «vague» papal pronouncement that Mr. Lowell seems to doubt was ever made was, in fact, a major — some think historic — allocution, delivered in 1953 to an audience of Italian jurists, in which Pope Pius XII laid down the principle that «in the interest of a higher and broader good, it is justifiable not to impede error by state laws and coercive measures.&raqand broader good, it is justifiable not to impede error by state laws and coercive measures.&raqand coercive measures.»
the distinction between unrestricted universals of law and mere universals of fact is to be accounted for in terms of the epistemic and contextual support which unrestricted universals receive within a system of scientific theory.
All of these, including random mutations, are limited by the regular way in which matter behaves, indicated by the fact that scientists have been able from their observations to deduce particular «laws» of physics and chemistry.
As to the effect of that decree, the Court of Appeals in the Gaidry case held that the cancellation of McIlhenny's trade - mark could not affect his rights, if he, in fact, had acquired, at that time, a common law technical trade - mark; that a trade - mark, if it exists, exists independently of registration, and that cancellation does not extinguish a right which the registration did not confer, citing Edison v. Thot.
That he wanted, in fact, to lay down the law and rebuild a club which was happy with the way it was run through key director Marina Granovskaia, who has Abramovich's complete trust and who is in charge of player contracts.
«What they describe as discrimination and marginalisation of Christians is in fact the proper upholding of human rights and equalities law and principles — principles which protect all people against unfair treatment — and we are pleased that the court has recognised this.
You follow that statement with «Second Amendment Restricting», which I find ironic considering the fact that any law restricting the rights of Gays to marry is in clear and direct violation of the First Amendment.
Now the dynamics identified in your post (together with the simple fact of Tory numerical supremacy within the coalition) mean that those issues not decisively closed off in the agreement will tend to be decided by the Tories in their own favour, and even those items that are dealt with in an apparently decisive way in the agreement will be pulled in a more «Tory» direction in their implementation, especially where being implemented by a Tory cabinet minister (or by David Laws, which amounts to the same thing...).
The fact that people around the world expect the UN to deliver (which is why they are, so often, disappointed when it fails); the fact that we now expect states to work collectively on global problems; the fact that almost every aspect of human endeavour and planetary resource is addressed by international laws or bodies — all this reflects the transformative impact of the UN on our world and our lives.
There is also a lack of training in many police forces and the CPS [Crown Prosecution Service] as to how this older law applies to a very modern medium which means that application of the law to the facts is misconceived.»
Maude was so keen to talk about the strike, in fact, that he encouraged the public to break the law by keeping over the legal limit of gasoline in their home, encouraged panic buying at petrol forecourts and, worst of all, used a series of terms which the public found baffling and posh, including the word «supper».
Despite the crimes» many similarities — the ages of the victims, the fact that they were both gay, the relative proximity and the method in which they were killed — investigators do not believe the murders are related, and do not believe them to be hate crimes, law enforcement sources said.
The Governor said it is a widely acknowledged fact that all modern and civilized societies thrive on the quality of laws which regulate and guide the actions of government, organizations, individuals and institutions, and that the dynamics of law relative to time and circumstances however demands that such laws are revisited periodically to ensure their relevance and effectiveness.
He never did get one, however, which might have had something to do with the fact that David Giffiths, his onetime law partner and campaign treasurer, was charged with perjury by the feds.
But the fact that Flanagan did not mention the issue in his priority list statement released yesterday was not a good sign, though he has said since ascending to the majority leader's post that he expects both the rent laws and New York City mayoral control, which is also set to sunset next month, will likely be extended before the session's scheduled end on June 17.
Deciding whether laws were broken or not is a fact - finding endeavor and does not easily yield itself to a democratic process (which is inherently impulsive).
«A breakdown of law and order can be a recipe for lawlessness apart from the fact that it will lead to, which I suspect is beginning to, the erosion of public and civil confidence in the security agencies to maintain law and order in the country and to safeguard our territorial integrity,» he observed.
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