Sentences with phrase «fact by commentators»

Not exact matches

While commentators of an earlier generation sought to save Shakespeare and the Christian characters from the charge of intolerance and anti-Semitism by turning the play into an allegory, more recent readings often maintain, to the contrary, that Shakespeare in fact lays the groundwork for the racialist anti-Semitism of a later era in the character of Shylock.
They are nevertheless quite a televisual thing, assisted by the flatness of the screen, the immediacy of the reverse angle replay, and the fact that commentators — working in the moment as they must — can't really get away with «And that was a goal, of uncertain provenance!»
For although it is commonplace to suggest that football supporters are stupid, most in fact have brains enough for two — a necessary evolutionary step that enables the average fan to be able to disentangle the absolute rubbish spouted by your average football pundit or commentator and work out what his gibberish actually means.
This key fact, so routinely ignored by innumerable political commentators now including David Miliband, was first identified in 1983.
We believe this exactitude is justified by the fact that the conclusions that many policymakers and commentators draw about whether school choice «works» depends on the direction and significance of the effect parameter.
Curated for the first time by Ralph Rugoff (Hayward Gallery, London), leading artists, musicians and cultural commentators will explore how — in an age of «alternative facts» — art's capacity to beguile, disorientate and disrupt conventional notions of «the real» can take on new meanings.
According to the IPA's media release, «Climate Change: The Facts 2017 contains 22 essays by internationally - renowned experts and commentators, including Dr Bjorn Lomborg, Dr Matt Ridley, Professor Peter Ridd, Dr Willie Soon, Dr Ian Plimer, Dr Roy Spencer, and literary giant Clive James.
Climate Change: The Facts 2017 contains 22 essays by internationally - renowned experts and commentators, including Dr Bjorn Lomborg, Dr Matt Ridley, Professor Peter Ridd, Dr Willie Soon, Dr Ian Plimer, Dr Roy Spencer, and literary giant Clive James.
Interestingly a commentator on the Jennifer Marohasy blog inadvertently picked up on a comment by James Annan that confirms post-modernism has hijacked climate science — ie there are no objective facts.
The concerns of left - wing commentators with regard to EU Directives implemented in UK law are prompted by the fact that the UK's return to a «sovereign» status means that there will no longer be any supranational obligation to retain law that originates from Directives.
One view — advocated most prominently by Kristen Tiscione and Ellie Margolis — suggests that e-memos constitute a new and distinct legal writing genre.23 These commentators posit that the change in medium — from paper to email — creates a fundamental shift in the way that legal analysis is conducted and communicated.24 These scholars argue, for example, that the comparative informality of the e-memo and its lack of prescribed elements creates a more organic format, where writers are free to combine traditional sections like the facts, brief answer, question presented, and conclusion in ways that are more «accessible, efficient, and appropriate.»
It is a statement of fact; but one that is rarely adequately unpacked by commentators.
I also find that the fact that the MLS system can be characterized as an asset that has been developed by organized real estate (and so the case could be characterized as related at least in part to property rights) is a point that seems to be sometimes missed by the media and by some commentators.
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