Sentences with phrase «fact pattern as»

After the Supreme Court decides a case, if a lower court rules on a case with the same fact pattern as the previously decided Supreme Court case, they are bound to come to the same outcome.
Adultery and cruel treatment could be implicated by this fact pattern as facts that a Texas Court could consider in making a property division in a divorce.
The good news is that unless it is the United States Supreme Court with the exact same fact pattern as your case, you don't need to pack up the tent and head home.
Forensic accountants use their skills to compile, organize, and analyze data to present information to insurance adjusters that assists them in understanding financial information and establishing fact patterns as it relates to adjusting insurance claims.

Not exact matches

Also, when you spend a lot of time with people you tend to notice patterns in how they tell stories and what was reassuring to us was to hear a source tell the same story the same way months later, as opposed to the facts always changing.
And in fact, a 2005 study found that one in three American entrepreneurs identifies as dyslexic, while others have shown that people with this disability tend to excel at detecting patterns and grasping the bigger picture.
As a matter of fact, most people are rather picky about who they follow and you might overlook an unfollowing pattern of tweeters who would retweet your content or simply become a devoted fan of your brand.
More than speculate, Johnson in fact tracked the major human advancements over several centuries to verify this pattern of one small idea linking to a web of other small ideas, and only appear as a single big idea in the rear view.
Does he tell you facts that you couldn't possibly know otherwise, such as your complete genome pattern, or who are the «real killers» in the OJ case, or what's inside of Arcturus?
In fact it is quite arbitrary to choose the gene as the only meaningful unit of organization in matter, because that is already a relatively high level of synthesis built upon preceding patterns of physical and chemical order.
In fact, it is precisely in Farley's discussion of theologia as dialectic that one can see how Farley is trying both to bury the old practical theology of the fourfold pattern and to replace it with a practical theology of an entirely different kind.
It is also necessary to insist that any pattern of development for the tribals and others who still have cultures and communities predominantly based on the primal vision of undifferentiated unity, world - as - nature and cosmic spirituality, should introduce differentiation and individuality, historical dynamism and secularism gradually and without violently tearing down but grafting on to the stabilities of traditional spirit and patterns of life and living followed by them In fact from my experience, I have found that modernized educated tribal leaders are the worst offenders in this respect.
The particular facts function no longer as «factors,» but become «bare its,» that is, function as logical subjects with a hypothetical relevance to a predicative pattern now potentially determinate of these logical subjects.
Happily, today those who are not blinded by uncriticized religious prejudice (including misuse of certain biblical passages) or conventional ideas of proper sexual behavior (as if morals were a matter of counting noses or following some social pattern without question) are ready to accept the fact of the homosexual orientation, and many religious groups are now prepared to adopt this positive attitude.
And as a matter of fact, the history of the Church's use of Scriptures in her preaching and teaching has tended to move in an either / or pattern, there being periods of strong emphasis upon the Scripture as the body of authoritative tradition, provoking a reaction in favor of an understanding of Scripture as address to the hearers.
This writing is the more remarkable from the fact that its unknown author was blazing a new trail, for it is excellent prose from both a historical and a literary standpoint, with no predecessor in the literature of any nation up to that time to serve as a pattern.
There is the arrest of the emotional pattern round this sheer fact as a possibility, with the corresponding gain in distinctness of its relevance for the transcendent creativity — in the sense of its advance - from subject to subject — this particular possibility has been picked out, held up, and clothed with emotion.
Moreover, it will become clear that, for those passages where God is in fact described as the conceptual valuation of eternal objects, the «pattern of insertions» is not as clear as Ford contends it is.
In spite of the fact that the cosmos is truly our home (as we argued on scientific, biblical, and environmental grounds in the preceding chapter) our species nevertheless began (during the axial age) to feel gradually somewhat exiled from subhuman patterns of natural existence.
And though we shall need to emphasize how» much «There is a God» evinces an attitude to the familiar, we shall find in the end that it also evinces some recognition of patterns in time easily missed, and that, therefore, differences as to there being any gods is in part a difference as to what is so and therefore as to the facts, though not in the simple ways which first occurred to us.
One speaks, for example, of the wheel as a solar symbol, of the cosmogonic egg as the symbol of the non-differentiated totality, or of the serpent as a chthonian, sexual, or funeral symbol, etc. (In like manner it is agreed that the term «symbolism» should be reserved for a structurally coherent ensemble, for example, we speak of aquatic symbolism, the structure of which can not be deciphered except through studying a great number of religious facts which are heterogeneous in appearance, such as baptismal and lustration rites, aquatic cosmogonies, myths relative to floods or to marine catastrophes, myths featuring fecundity through contact with water, etc. [Cf. Eliade, Patterns in Comparative Religion, pp. 188 ff., and Images et symboles, pp. 164 ff.
In fact, there is hardly a question to be asked which should n (it be fenced round with qualifications as to how much, and as to what pattern of circumstances (153).
Farrer's theory may be somewhat forced, but it represents an attempt to recognize the fact that as Mark compiled his materials he did not simply transmit them in a random pattern.
«This update is timely as diets, eating patterns and consumer preferences have changed dramatically since the Nutrition Facts panel was first introduced.
So really, it is rather difficult to establish a formal pattern or standards of frequency for newborns» bowel movements but as long as the stools are fairly soft (so you know that your baby is in fact not constipated), and your baby is still gaining weight steadily, there should be no cause for concern here.
In fact, Dr. T. Berry Brazelton in his book Touchpoints: Your Child's Emotional and Behavioral Development, Birth to 3 reminds us that we may see regression or a period of disorganization not just in sleep, but in social, emotional, and feeding patterns as well.
My personal opinion is that, given the damning pattern of facts and corroboration laid out in the article, I do not believe it is possible for Eric Schneiderman to continue to serve as Attorney General, and for the good of the office, he should resign.»
«As long as we keep having this pattern reoccurring for decades and generations, we're not going to see, really address the difficult issue of the fact that we have one of poorest communities in the country and one of the highest rates of child poverty in the country,» said Sally Santangelo, executive director of CNY Fair HousinAs long as we keep having this pattern reoccurring for decades and generations, we're not going to see, really address the difficult issue of the fact that we have one of poorest communities in the country and one of the highest rates of child poverty in the country,» said Sally Santangelo, executive director of CNY Fair Housinas we keep having this pattern reoccurring for decades and generations, we're not going to see, really address the difficult issue of the fact that we have one of poorest communities in the country and one of the highest rates of child poverty in the country,» said Sally Santangelo, executive director of CNY Fair Housing.
«My personal opinion is that, given the damning pattern of facts and corroboration laid out in the article, I do not believe it is possible for Eric Schneiderman to continue to serve as Attorney General, and for the good of the office, he should resign,» Cuomo said in a statement.
«When you look at the fact that the 911 calls do not match the arrests, when you look at the fact that there are more arrests in a black dominated district like Queens Village as opposed to Forest Hills... it is a clear racial pattern as it was with stop - and - frisk.»
In fact, the distribution pattern they found showed two distinct clusters of artifacts, one near some stone slabs, which they interpret as the remnants of a burial platform, and another in the nearby depression where the hikers found the Iceman's body.
In fact, the same pattern has been seen in other measures of how a stimulus such as stress or caffeine affects learning: a little can help, but too much can hinder.
However, these computer simulations produced the same pattern of data that is usually interpreted as showing optimism bias, due to the fact that belief scores changed more in response to good than bad news.
Chaoplexologists harp on the fact that simple rules, when followed by a computer, can generate extremely complicated patterns, which appear to vary randomly as a function of time or scale.
In fact, fingerprints are, I see as entirely analogous to the patterns of gyruses in the brain.
«I think Mormons are an interesting case because it's one example of a faith community that has really high fertility patterns, in fact the highest fertility patterns in the U.S., who don't seem to suffer as much by having these large families when we look at educational attainment,» Gibbs said.
To find these patterns, data miners like Grossman first chart their harvested facts on a scatter plot, an imaginary graph that has as many dimensions as the number of personal characteristics being evaluated, such as age, marital status, gender, and geography.
The pattern of RGC loss in patients as well as information obtained from laboratory research all point to the fact that an important site of pathology occurs at the optic nerve head, a region where the axonal cell processes of RGCs exit the eye on their way to the visual centers of the brain.
Due to the fact that a known visual pathway connects the only brain structures that have been shown to be active during magnetic orientation, our findings strongly support the hypothesis that migratory birds perceive the magnetic field as a visual pattern and that they are thus likely to «see» the magnetic field.
In fact, the No. 1 thing I recommend is getting regular sleep and sticking to normal sleep patterns as much as possible.
Due to the fact the exercise and eating patterns of obese students differed so much from normal weight children, the researchers came to the conclusion that lifestyle habits were more closely associated with obesity in children, as opposed to genetics.
This one is often referred to as «male» pattern baldness but can in fact affect both men and women.
In fact, overtrainingfollows the same physiological patterns as other stress syndromes, whether they are calledburnout, or nervous breakdown.
In fact, Reiki healing and Chakra healing practitioners often use crystal healing techniques in their energy healing practices since healing crystals both strengthen the body and resolve internal energy patterns as the crystal power conducts and amplifies energy throughout the body.
The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans, along with proposed updates to the FDA Nutrition Facts Panel, pinpoint 50 grams of added sugar as the suggested daily intake for an average adult based on a 2000 Calorie diet pattern.
I am not the type of girl who works by patternsas a matter of fact I do everything in my power to avoid being caught in their net — but every now and then I find myself in the position to discover that some of the unwritten fashion rules really worth being followed.
I love the patchwork pattern and I love the fact that I can wear it in Summer, with a strappy top as in the above picture, but also in Autumn and even Winter, with tights and boots (and even a hat!)
In fact, if you look closely there is sort of an Easter egg pattern as part of this print.
paisley pattern is one of my all time favourites and when you add to that a liberal sprinkling of gold thread as well, then these trousers are pretty much top dog; next comes the dash of leopard print to give a funky edge, not to mention the fun of pattern clashing; finally, the top may look a bit dark or even blue / grey, but the fact is it's actually silver and gold and looks much more stunning in real life, matching the tone of the trousers and boots really well.
I love the patchwork pattern and I love the fact that I can wear it in Summer, with a strappy top as in the above picture, but also -LSB-...]
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