Sentences with phrase «fact pattern which»

The courts have recognized three specific fact patterns which may rebut the presumption:

Not exact matches

In fact there is a regular pattern that we see when debt levels rise in a country to the point at which either we suffer from a debt crisis or from a lost decade of difficult adjustment.
He based his forecast on seasonal changes in buying and selling patterns and the fact that large speculators» net long position is now at 445,000 futures contracts, which suggests there is not much space for more buying before the seasonal selling starts.
The violence - prone masculine psyche drives us to racism, colonialism, imperialism and other types of oppression which are in fact extensions of the male - female pattern that lets us project the dark side of ourselves onto the other and so allows us to use / abuse other human beings for our own selfish ends.
It is a sheer fact, undisputed by any who have knowledge of what transpired in early Christian history, that the Christian Church developed its patterns of thought, its theology, through the constant interaction of the biblical witness and the «non-biblical» environment in which the primitive Christian community found itself.
Drawing on the theological work of Henri du Lubac, Hans Boersma, and Rowan Williams, among others, Klassen explains how the fact of this pattern is grounded in the Trinity, in which all material reality participates.
That the Christian idea of God (reputedly drawn after the pattern of the man who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried) has all too often been recast in the shape of human dreams of power and glory is a fact of ecclesiastical history which it would be hypocritical to pretend were otherwise.
Mays's view of the final goal of the method is predictable, viz., a pattern of logical relationships... [of] complete generality,» which is «the extensive continuum or the logical structure of fact» (PW 97 / l02).
In the static pattern of thinking in which a given fact can have only one objective meaning, yes.
He may begin to become aware of the fact that it is his alibi system which blinds him to the danger signals which are present in his drinking pattern.
But they were also deeply impressed by the dependability of the universe, by the fact that this is a reliable universe with a pattern and a plan in it, in which all things follow in their appointed order and in which a cause always produces the same effect.
Organizing images restructure our perceptions and alter the way we see the world; they help us notice patterns among the facts which we might otherwise have missed.
cit., p. 420) Theology is a way of calling attention to a pattern by which the facts may be seen and understood.
And though we shall need to emphasize how» much «There is a God» evinces an attitude to the familiar, we shall find in the end that it also evinces some recognition of patterns in time easily missed, and that, therefore, differences as to there being any gods is in part a difference as to what is so and therefore as to the facts, though not in the simple ways which first occurred to us.
In fact the local struggles of the organized movements of dalits, tribals, fisherfolk and women, for living and for survival (some of which have been partly or temporarily successful), against specific expressions of market - directed pattern of development, have been a potent force to educate the middle class regarding the inhuman reality of the present development paradigm; such education is necessary to achieve even our short - term objective.
One speaks, for example, of the wheel as a solar symbol, of the cosmogonic egg as the symbol of the non-differentiated totality, or of the serpent as a chthonian, sexual, or funeral symbol, etc. (In like manner it is agreed that the term «symbolism» should be reserved for a structurally coherent ensemble, for example, we speak of aquatic symbolism, the structure of which can not be deciphered except through studying a great number of religious facts which are heterogeneous in appearance, such as baptismal and lustration rites, aquatic cosmogonies, myths relative to floods or to marine catastrophes, myths featuring fecundity through contact with water, etc. [Cf. Eliade, Patterns in Comparative Religion, pp. 188 ff., and Images et symboles, pp. 164 ff.
In fact, there is hardly a question to be asked which should n (it be fenced round with qualifications as to how much, and as to what pattern of circumstances (153).
In fact, «the rapid increase in the incidence and prevalence of IBD in recent decades strongly suggests an environmental trigger for IBD, one of which may be dietary patterns.
Aside from the disturbing fact that over 90 % of the soy available in the United States is genetically modified, soy has been found to contain questionable hormone - mimicking isoflavones, which have the potential to disrupt endocrine function and alter growth patterns.
I also query the fact that the study used the CDC growth charts (based on formula fed babies) when the majority of developed nations either have already or are in the process of switching to the WHO growth charts which are based on breastfed babies since WHO believes this is what «normal» growth patterns should be based on.
It is scientifically fallacious to say that co-sleeping increases the chances of SIDS especially in light of the fact that hundreds of different co-sleeping patterns exist, which vary in degrees of safety and / or benefits and outcomes associated with them.
In fact 52 % of moms feel their babies sleep patterns are thrown off when the clocks fall back — which is no fun.
«The fact is that their symbolic subway rides followed the typical pattern of ignoring the impact that terror concerns have on Brooklyn and the other boroughs, which are also potentially at risk.
In fact, the pattern looked like that of a protracted hospital outbreak in which patients had been infecting each other over many years, with viruses becoming isolated, building up very different signatures of mutations, and reinfecting patients via surgical equipment or blood supplies.
In fact, the distribution pattern they found showed two distinct clusters of artifacts, one near some stone slabs, which they interpret as the remnants of a burial platform, and another in the nearby depression where the hikers found the Iceman's body.
Chaoplexologists harp on the fact that simple rules, when followed by a computer, can generate extremely complicated patterns, which appear to vary randomly as a function of time or scale.
In fact, researchers were able to use a computer algorithm to identify which women were new mothers based solely on their patterns of gray matter loss.
The UNSW innovation involves an automated visual field analysis system that uses a pattern of differently sized spots, which takes into account the fact that the eye processes visual information away from central vision differently.
Some say that's a misleading and potentially dangerous conclusion, given two factors: the relatively low incidence of ASD in the general population and the fact that maternal depression — which can lead to poor sleep and eating patterns — can lead to greater health risks for unborn children.
Now, a computer modeling approach, developed by University of Maryland seismologist Vedran Lekic and colleagues at the University of California Berkeley, has produced new seismic wave imagery which reveals that the rising plumes are, in fact, influenced by a pattern of finger - like structures carrying heat deep beneath Earth's oceanic plates.
Much of the previous research on epigenetics has focused on the fact that everyday experiences alter patterns of gene activity in DNA during life through a chemical process of gene tagging called methylation, which usually silences genes.
He says that it's important to distinguish between facts and opinion, which is why he found «odd and distasteful» an undergraduate course in macroeconomics taught by Paul Krugman, the outspoken liberal economist who in 2008 would win a Nobel Prize in economic sciences for his work on international trade patterns.
Setting the fact that the bias from big pharma (which we know include / control / owns dairy industry etc.) is real and even documented and not just potential, how can you compare the «potential» bias of somebody who has very high economic interest in having a specific result coming out of the study with that of somebody who is simply following a related social, scientific, religious, pratical etc. pattern?
I think by the end of the week (this is from last Friday, which you can tell by the fact that I'm wearing jeans), the mixed - patterns theme just kind of turned into crazy mix - matching.
Another fascinating fact about these shirts is the handmade dupatta shawls which are beautifully overstated by floral patterns and digital colouring methods.
Every drafted image represents chic high heel shoes for girls which are maintained while keeping view unique fashion patterns and facts based on sophisticated designing schemes.
As you can observe that every item drafted is fabricated with classy materials which is cozy in nature and is accomplished with exquisite printing and designing fact with unique patterns and gaily combos of hot colors like pink, yellow, orange, red, white, pink, black, blue, purple and green which polishes women appearance with fascination.
But conventional though the patterns are, the dialogue, in black and Latino lingo, is topically hot and is heated further by contemporary street naturalism, which in fact is less «natural» than consciously theatrical; so the familiarity of the story is disguised by the crackle of the production.
* Practising 2D shape manipulation, to develop visual - spatial awareness, mathematical problem - solving skills, and awareness of geometric shape properties (Tangram Cats) * Working with visual codes in addition (Cat Sums in Tens, Cat Sums in Hundreds, Cat Paw Bonds — Adding to 50) * Recalling multiplication facts, in fun ways (Cat Dish Factors, Cat Paw Bonds — Multiplication) * Investigating geometric patterns in polygons (Cheese Patterns) * Reading keys and interpreting pictogram graphs (Favourite Foods of Cats) * Working with directions on visual maps (Cat Directions), and map coordinates (Cat Island) * Word puzzles which provide practice with syllables, digraphs (Cat Word Patterns) & word families (Hidden Words) * Solving visual - spatial puzzles (Cat Logic patterns in polygons (Cheese Patterns) * Reading keys and interpreting pictogram graphs (Favourite Foods of Cats) * Working with directions on visual maps (Cat Directions), and map coordinates (Cat Island) * Word puzzles which provide practice with syllables, digraphs (Cat Word Patterns) & word families (Hidden Words) * Solving visual - spatial puzzles (Cat Logic Patterns) * Reading keys and interpreting pictogram graphs (Favourite Foods of Cats) * Working with directions on visual maps (Cat Directions), and map coordinates (Cat Island) * Word puzzles which provide practice with syllables, digraphs (Cat Word Patterns) & word families (Hidden Words) * Solving visual - spatial puzzles (Cat Logic Patterns) & word families (Hidden Words) * Solving visual - spatial puzzles (Cat Logic Puzzle).
When an individual retires under a DB plan, she is entitled to a stream of payments that has a lump - sum value that we calculate using standard actuarial methods (which take into account expected mortality patterns and adjust the sum of payments to reflect the fact that they are received over many years rather than at a single point in time).
Kahlenberg and Potter acknowledge the CRP's methodological problems, but dig the ditch deeper by citing one article that appeared in this journal and eviscerated the CRP's study (see «A Closer Look at Charter Schools and Segregation,» check the facts, Summer 2010) and a 2010 study looking at racial enrollment patterns among charter schools managed by for - profit management organizations, which represent just 12 percent of the charter sector nationally.
A Death in Belmont, then, is primarily an intellectual exercise, in which the facts are enough to rivet the reader's attention even as the author's lines of inquiry weave elaborate patterns of examination.
One could equally well examine other dimensions of the situation, such as the apprenticeship system, the academic educational pattern which, in France especially, was almost the only key to success and which had a regular progression and set competitions, crowned by the Prix de Rome which enabled the young winner to work in the French Academy in that city — unthinkable for women, of course — and for which women were unable to compete until the end of the 19th century, by which time, in fact, the whole academic system had lost its importance anyway.
The «wallpaper», which formulates a deceptively innocent pattern, is in fact created from endoscopic images of the artist's own internal organs - Rehberger often plays with the viewer's ideas and expectations in order to challenge preconceptions and routine «thinking habits».
Among the highlights are Lindsay Seers» fact - and - fiction blurring film installed in an upturned ship, Susan Hillier's visual patterns translated from radio waves emitted by the Big Bang and hyperreal assemblages which play nature against commodity, created by Helen Marten.
The man is wearing an exuberant fish - patterned shirt which purposely draws attention away from the fact that he is being subjected to a search.
Look more closely, though, and you'll find that he's playing with pattern, repetition, form, and color: His «pair» paintings, for instance, are in fact diptychs of one image in which each side has a different shape painted over.
Calling into question the warfare of corporations against the working class, the starkly contrasting pattern, which initially reads as wallpaper, is in fact powdered tire rubber silk - screened on clayboards.
In fact, extrapolating patterns which represent faithfully what the data did but not what they will do, is one of the most common pitfalls of prediction.»
The more common use seems to be pattern detection after the fact, which in itself could be quite beneficial.
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