Sentences with phrase «fact reinforce the point»

Increases in water consequent to CO2 increases should in fact reinforce the point.

Not exact matches

The fact that much of the most strident rhetoric of the last few years has come from the post-1994 Republican - dominated Congress reinforces my point.
@VeeWhite - I understood your point, but the fact that your illiterate does nothing to reinforce it's religious foundation.
The fact of the multiple interpretations, per my post and the original article, and the mere instance of your post, reinforces my point.
My point was, and my point remains, that the very structure of the conference reinforces the stereotype that the Catholic social - justice agenda and the Catholic pro-life agenda need to be reconciled, when, in fact, there is no more urgent question of social justice and moral progress than the protection of innocent human life at every point of development and dependency.
This reinforces her point that interpretive communities do in fact play a significant role in helping us define truth.
The fact that we're also possibly going after Ibarbo, yet another speedy goalscorer, further reinforces my point.
solid point but also the flood I know they said that the flood isnt in the game but after seeing the stuff at gamescon i believe it was, Frankie kept on saying something about the flood and then stopped to reinforce the fact they arent in the game, maybe they are and are just a tight kept secret?
In case you did not realize that he was, in fact, a skeleton, he conveniently has two giant flaming skulls located next to his shoulders to reinforce the point home.
«With regard to the latter, my point was that, whereas Milankovitch cycles caused the ice ages by causing temperature changes then CO2 changes, the fact that we have now caused CO2 changes will result in temperature changes precisely because the two are mutually reinforcing and it does not matter which happens first.»
In fact, rather than undermine the possibility that severe rises in sea levels might occur in the future, the Science studies that Easterbrook cited as evidence for his point actually reinforce this scenario.
Indeed, the fact that you rely on section 15 caselaw to buttress your case reinforces my point.
The pictures do not reveal anything to us that we do not know already but they sure are reinforcing the rumors almost to the point of becoming facts.
You should also include your most important accomplishments, your values and passions, your unique selling point, and reinforce your claims with a solid usage of facts and figures.
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