Sentences with phrase «factor solution»

A factor analysis also confirms that adding this item resulted in a 2 - factor solution with the second factor consisting of only this item.
When we reran the analysis with only those items loading ≥.70, we found a three - factor solution in the secondary solution.
Koskelainen et al [48] also reported a three factor solution as the most adequate representation for a Finnish sample.
To learn more about this program you can read our article The Cellulite Factor Solution: Does it Really Work?
The Bionik Mantis PSVR headphones are a great solution to those wanting to use a small form factor solution to the included earbuds.
The factor analysis revealed a five - factor solution which accounted for 51.40 % of the variance (see Table 2).
Exploratory factor analysis of the US NHIS data, has however found that the best - fitting factor solution involved only three dimensions.
* This study supports multifactorial approaches for dog bite prevention, not single - factor solutions such as breed specific legislation.
However, it is important to consider competing factor solutions and further studies are needed to clarify the extent of the overlap of RRBs and hyperactive - impulsive ADHD symptoms.
The resulting global fit indices X2 = 113.23, p < 0.0005, chi - square - degrees of freedom (d. f.) ratio = 2.45, RMSEA = 0.102, CFI = 0.72, NFI = 0.68, GFI = 0.59, AGFI = 0.57 showed that the one factor solution proposed by the author should be rejected.
Thus, the four factor solution based on the scree plot method is considered valid in this study.
For SCL -90-R, its nine scales (somatization, obsessive - compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism) were originally proposed as representing a nine - factor structure [21], but most of the research to date has failed to replicate this and has instead found either a primary global distress factor [22 - 26] or a four -, five -, or six - factor solution [26].
The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the DOCS and address associations with socio - demographical variables, psychometric properties in a community (i.e., non-student) sample, and congruence of factor solutions across non-clinical and patient samples.
Results showed that the factor structure of the modified EMBU - C was satisfactory: a clear four - factor solution emerged representing the hypothesized types of parental rearing behaviors.
This is a subtle hint to commit to The Cellulite Factor Solution but he also touches on extreme dieting and crash diets being very harmful in this regard.
This third iteration of the «small form factor solution» running Chrome OS features the latest 8th generation Intel Core chips and is launching later this year.
Neto (1992) found a five - factor solution which accounted for 54.5 % of the variance among Portuguese adolescents.
Unlike most people who have been commenting today, I think the situation is very complex and the simple one - factor solutions that are often presented (such as change the manager) are not likely to work.
If you need some help to get rid of cellulite naturally and effectively we strongly suggest the Cellulite Factor Solution or the Truth About Cellulite Programs.
«Until we find a good, technological solution — or a form factor solution — to make these things feel natural to wear, we'll keep looking at [the wearables sector].»
Factor analysis yielded a one - factor solution.
The key point about the 5 - factor solution is that the ASD items come out separately to the ADHD symptoms (i.e. it has three factors of ASD items corresponding to the SCQ analysis and two separate factors for ADHD symptoms).
The EFA indicated a four - factor solution.
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed a 7 - factors solution, corresponding to the following subscales: Relationships to Others, New Possibilities, Personal Strength, Appreciation of Life, Spiritual Changes, Generativity, and Openness.
The tentative two - factor solution is discussed in terms of internalizing and externalizing states incorporating self - self and self - other representations.
Although the self and peer assessment questionnaires had strong reliability (Cronbach's α = 0.85 and 0.91, respectively), an exploratory factor analysis resulted in a 3 - and 2 - factor solution, respectively.
In addition, Mahon [23] used an orthogonal varimax rotation and the two - factor solution was finally explored.
The results of the orthogonal rotation yielded an interpretable three - factor solution that collectively explained 74.624 % of the variance for the set of six variables (34.238 % explained by Factor 1, 23.574 % by Factor 2, and 16.812 % by Factor 3) with the rotated factors obtaining eigenvalues ranging from 1.01 to 2.054.
He is perhaps most known for helping to develop a three - factor solution to the Narcissistic Personality Inventory that consists of leadership / authority, grandiose exhibitionism, and entitlement / exploitativeness.
Results show that the fit of the model deteriorated as compared to the two - factor solution; (χ2 [df = 26, n = 1,647] = 154.54, CFI =.939, RMSEA =.055).
When comparing the unrestricted 6 factor solution the vast majority of items affiliated with factors as expected.
This analysis yielded a six factor solution that accounted for 50.45 % of the sample variance.
Exploratory factor analyses conducted with Study 1 and Study 3 data demonstrated general consistency in the underlying factor structure of the SRLTAS and generally supported a five factor solution.
Initially, there appeared to be a three - factor solution.
However, exploratory factor analysis including these two indicators generated a three - factor solution that could be interpreted as an assessment of sexual relationships in addition to positive and negative experiences.
The variable - based approach (factor analyses) yielded a three factor solution that was robust across the four different recruitment sites, consisting of proactive aggression and two forms of reactive aggression: reactive aggression due to internal frustration and reactive aggression due to external provocation.
However, the scree plot result suggested a two - factor solution.
A factor analysis using half of the sample indicated a 1 - factor solution that accounted for 55.18 % of the total variance.
A single - factor solution, with high factor loadings for each construct, was seen as support for the hypothesis that the indicators representing the construct addressed one underlying dimension and could thus be combined into a composite score.
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