Sentences with phrase «factors affecting»

These measures also have the advantage of minimizing the deleterious effects of random factors affecting parasite rates on the respective association signals.
The Geriatric Oncology Program brings together expertise from across UNC to ensure the highest quality cancer care for older patients and to conduct research that furthers understanding of the factors affecting cancer treatment in the elderly.
«Since then, scientists have greatly enriched our understanding of how the human genome is structured and regulated, and the traditional definition of a gene has expanded to include factors affecting molecular processes, structures, and products,» said Dr. Dougherty.
Of course increasing CO2 is only one of the factors affecting Earth's energy balance, even though it is the largest climate forcing.
The Movement Science Group (MSG) uses fundamental and applied research to evaluate factors affecting optimal human performance in health and disease.The group is based in the Movement Science Laboratories, is multidisciplinary and has excellent clinical links with the Oxford Centre for Enablement, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford Centre for Functional Imaging of the Brain and the Department of Clinical Neurology, University of Oxford.
The chapter begins with recommendations related to the NSF, NASA, and the DOE, continues with comments on environmental factors affecting observing conditions for astronomy, briefly discusses professional development and the role of professional societies, and concludes with a reply to the questions posed to the committee by the Congress (see the preface).
But a certain four - legged predator, the spotted hyena, seems to know the benefits of this type of social bonding instinctively, according to a new study from the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) that considers the structural factors affecting the social network of these animals.
Stan Berkow: Factors affecting the electroretinogram: Development of an ERG protocol in goldfish, Carassius auratus
One of our working groups is developing a rigorous educational research project that can advance understanding of the factors affecting rural students» entry into and persistence in STEM career pathways.
The factors affecting each species will be different, as will the importance of the microbiome, he said.
Next, the study examines the different factors affecting the evolution of life on a planet, identifying which conditions offer more likelihood to develop life than Earth itself.
Landscape scale factors affecting prevalence of Escherichia coli in surface soil include land cover type, edge interactions, and soil pH — Nicholas Dusek — Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Climate and latitude could be other factors affecting brain growth, along with nutrition.
Factors affecting executive functions in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and volumetric changes in the prefrontal cortex
Research on factors affecting patterns of benthic community structure (species composition and abundance) on the inner continental shelf.
The integration of such data enables systems biology to predict the interplay between experimental factors affecting a biological system.
Amo1 is not required for the microtubule loading of several factors affecting microtubule dynamics, and does not seem to be required for nuclear pore function.
The landing situation is further complicated by other factors affecting the density of Mars» atmosphere.
Genetic analysis of factors affecting susceptibility of Bacillus subtilis to daptomycin.
One of the most important factors affecting a fluorophore's brightness is its extinction coefficient; the higher the value of the extinction coefficient, the brighter the fluorophore.
other factors affecting bleaching susceptibility (e.g., fluorescent tissue proteins, heat - shock proteins, colony integration, changes in feeding behavior in response to thermal stress, tissue thickness, and history of exposure)
Factors affecting the activity and selectivity of Cu for the electrochemical reduction of CO2.
Factors affecting that difference apart from those already mentioned are: the different angular distance from a target within which EBs become diluted and cause a false positive; here Brown uses a radius of 20 whereas for CoRoT, diluted EBs found by the photometric follow - up infer a radius of about 17 (Deeg et al. 2009).
-- The Secretary of Energy is authorized to establish a research program to identify the factors affecting consumer actions to conserve energy and make improvements in energy efficiency.
The FCe - study examined numerous factors affecting the cost of electricity generation, including:
[2] Goals of the project include (1) identifying statistical trends in key factors affecting mortality, such as lifestyle and other medical conditions; (2) modeling these trends across time; (3) evaluation of potential future scenarios; and (4) creation of software tools to forecast longevity.
Olsson and Nordström hope to continue their studies on how hoverflies and other generalist pollinators perceive flowers, and the factors affecting these pollinators» preferences.
«There's so many factors affecting travel behavior,» she said.
Over a period of two years, the research team analyzed various factors affecting 330 students at 200 schools, including socioeconomic factors, school food environments, and cavity prevention programs.
The results showed that normal physical fitness, even up to 20 % below the population average, is sufficient to have a preventive effect on five of the eight risk factors affecting people with cardiovascular disease — abdominal circumference, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and excess weight.
Brazil ranks 69th, they add, suggesting that a concerted focus on sustainability as a policy priority will pay dividends — and that the level and pace of development is just one of many factors affecting environmental performance.
According to Reeb, each stranding hot spot requires individualized study, but the factors affecting strandings may be the same globally — albeit to varying degrees of importance.
«Swirling, gusty winds in Earth's atmosphere affect problems at the nexus of landscape degradation, food security and epidemiological factors affecting human health,» Anderson said.
«Factors affecting extinction and origination of species are surprisingly different, with past climate change having the highest impact on extinction but not on originations,» notes researcher Daniele Silvestro from the GGBC who developed the mathematical model used in the study.
«It's interesting how they tailored applied science to help aquaculture with a broader research agenda to understand the factors affecting the shellfish industry,» he says.
Vernasco specifically worked to determine the factors affecting wood thrush survival during the post-fledgling period — the stage lasting about 21 days until baby birds become independent.
But until now no one has been able to identify the factors affecting the reprogramming of precursor fat cells or establish the rapidity at which cells are reprogrammed.
This simple numerical comparison (leaving aside other factors affecting the classrooms in Spanish universities such as the large number of students in many centers and the increase in the type of «unquantifiable» work that this generates for teaching staff) shows that the «civil servant professor» has a significant decrease in availability of time for research compared to members of research - only institutes.
A new analysis by a team led by researchers at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS) examines factors affecting the integration of mental health and substance abuse treatment services with medical care at community health centers.
In 2002, ORWH established another new program, Specialized Centers of Research (SCOR) on Sex and Gender Factors Affecting Women's Health.
Now, more than a decade later, Buechley and Şekercioğlu have examined factors affecting the extinction risk of more than 100 bird species, including 22 species of vultures, which eat carrion exclusively, and other scavenging birds that have broader diets.
«We need to look more at factors affecting immigrant health,» said Dr. Urquia.
Conservation efforts should be focused on the most acute factors affecting the seal's survival, such as minimizing bycatch mortality and disturbance during the breeding season.
«The serotonergic transmission in the epidermis, probably like that in the central nervous system, can be regulated by factors affecting serotonin uptake and release,» Gu and colleagues write in their PNAS paper.
The study fuels a growing concern among scientists about the factors affecting the Antarctic ice sheet — namely, that warm ocean waters are helping to melt glaciers and drive greater levels of ice loss, particularly in West Antarctica.
There are several factors affecting the figures, such as the energy - technical solutions used in the halls, location, the orientation of the building, the weather conditions, time of year, and tree stands or other buildings shadowing the building.
These results remained significant even when other factors affecting health were taken into account, such as socio - economic status, education, weight, existing disease and level of physical function.
The technology might thus make clearer the factors affecting migration of a wide range of species.
«In future climate scenarios, where even more melting is predicted, it is crucial that we are able to better discriminate between all factors affecting albedo.»
A study that took a novel approach to investigating factors affecting the emergence of symptoms of Huntington's disease (HD) has identified at least two genome sites that house variants that can hasten or delay symptom onset.
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