Sentences with phrase «factors involved since»

This study suggests that there may be other factors involved since men did get beneficial social support from women, even though women did not get it from men.

Not exact matches

The author makes strong statements about the risks of breastfeeding if a mother is HIV positive which are not supported by current research since there are many unknown factors involved in maternal - infant transmission of HIV.
Simone Weil observed how factory work involves this combination of oppression and frustration of capabilities: «since orders are now the sole factor making for variety, to eliminate them in thought is to condemn oneself to imagining an unbroken succession of ever - identical movements, to visualising monotonous desert regions of experience that thought has no way of exploring» (from the essay Factory Work; see the Simone Weil Reader).
Since there are many different factors involved in heart attack recovery, your recovery program might include the following elements:
Since there are several factors involved so it is hard to tell how much weight you can lose with intermittent fasting.
There is a vicious cycle involved with these internal factors since the leaky gut also causes them or contributes to their severity.
Since the muscle length at the point of peak contraction seems to be the main factor that drives joint angle - specific strength gains, I am going to focus on the common type of partial range of motion exercises that involves a peak contraction at shorter muscle lengths in this article.
There were other factors involved... but I started thinking about my tan circle skirt and how I have worn it so much already, since making it in June.
I would like to suggest there might be other factors involved, such as time on the bestseller's list, time since new release, etc..
As a result, there is reason to believe that it could be both risk and behavioral factors that drive the value premium since what value investors do may actually involve both risk and mispricing.
In behavior modification, things get more sophisticated, and it is too complicated to explain here what is done, since each behavior problem has roots in the dog's genetic temperament, the dog's history, the people involved, the relationships among the people and the dog, potential medical issues, and environmental factors.
Some experts believe that hereditary factors are involved, especially since this disease seems to occur along familial lines.
There may be dietary factors involved in the development of this condition, since there is a correlation between diets that contain too much energy and calcium and the development of elbow dysplasia.
And since the factors involved in churning up flows of air are the subject of serious academic debate, they had a lot of possibilities to consider and at least 20 different units of measurement to factor into their models — technicalities like the magnitude of vertical shear of horizontal wind, flow deformation and simple wind speed, and highly specialised meteorological considerations such as the negative Richardson number, and the Brown energy dissipation rate.
If I could get the spread sheet to work, I would make AGW equal to 2.5 ln (Cf / Co) and include the underlying trend from circa 1816, since I personally think that other factors are involved, to get SAW II.
Since she's polling on the notion that human activity is involved, why doesn't she go on to poll for other factors?
It is submitted that cases, as here, involving financial payments in lieu of competition do not easily lend themselves to the application of a conventional non-competition analysis since the key factor — the monetary amount — has to be implicitly used through circular reasoning.
Since renters insurance discounts in New York are based on factors that have a direct impact on the amount of risk involved in a given policy, we believe that you're entitled to be offered those discounts proactively.
The cost of this type of coverage will vary, and may be different for every Wyoming resident since there are so many factors involved in determining a policy premium.
Since these are unregulated, the risk involved and the possibility of financial scams are concerning factors.
About Blog Captain Shem Malmquist has been involved in aviation safety work since 1981, working in multiple aspects of aviation safety, from charting procedures, aircraft design to human factors and weather avoidance.
Since there are often many factors involved in figuring child support and laws vary so much, an individual may need to seek a lawyer's assistance with figuring out child support.
Since attachment is understood as being fundamental to the child's development of a sense of safety and security and since it is associated with many factors involved in the development of social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills, its relevance in the treatment of trauma (defined in part as the absence of safety) is compelSince attachment is understood as being fundamental to the child's development of a sense of safety and security and since it is associated with many factors involved in the development of social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills, its relevance in the treatment of trauma (defined in part as the absence of safety) is compelsince it is associated with many factors involved in the development of social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills, its relevance in the treatment of trauma (defined in part as the absence of safety) is compelling.
Since romantic relationship involves components of attachment and pair bonding, the role of attachment style as an interpersonal factor might be a reasonable assumption.
In addition to the energy savings and coolness factor, induction stoves tend to be much safer than traditional stoves since there's no open flame or hot electric element involved.
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