Sentences with phrase «factors slowing the rise»

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Other possible factors that officials said could negatively affect the economic outlook included «persistent weakness in the housing sector, a continued slow rise in household income, or spillovers from developments in the Middle East and Ukraine.»
«Business cycles do not succumb to age alone but rather to a confluence of factors like falling corporate profit margins, slowing productivity growth, and a sharp rise in real policy rates into positive territory.»
The second cyclical factor that has had a major impact on our exports and business investment is the protracted recovery of the US economy — the slowest in the postwar period.10 When oil and other commodity prices rose in the years before the 2014 oil price shock, so did our dollar, making our non-commodity exports to the United States less competitive and reinforcing the ongoing shift from manufacturing to services.
The Sage Policy Group CEO pointed to possible real estate and stock market bubbles, lagging wages and rising business costs associated with employee benefits and health care as factors that could slow growth in 2020 and beyond.
While the slower growth rate could be attributed to factors such as an improved economy, participation is still on the rise thanks to:
There are periods when other factors might temporarily slow that rise such as the much - discussed global warming «pause» of the last decade, but the overall connection is clear.
While the slower growth rate could be attributed to factors such as an improved economy, participation is still on the rise thanks to:
Out of all the factors slowing home sales, rising home prices and lack of affordability is perhaps having the greatest impact.
A combination of three factors made it so: first, valuation levels were low back in 1994, as refinancing slowed down marked when rates began to rise.
So, if the market sentiment decides it doesn't like a few factors, such as a decision to follow a divergent monetary policy, continued slow global economic growth, a world - wide aging population, and the swearing in of Donald Trump as the next American President, we could be see a rise in bond rates, which will absolutely start to increase fixed - rate mortgage rates.
In the context of mortgage - or asset - backed securities, this may be due to rising interest rates or other factors that slow the rate at which loans are repaid.
Worldwide, high crude oil prices, increasing extreme weather events, population growth and economic development of poorer countries, crop - based biofuels, political conflict and unrest in the Middle East, and slowing crop yield growth are all factors contributing to rising food prices.
For example, a recent slowing in the rate of surface air temperature rise appears to be related to cyclic changes in the oceans and in the sun's energy output, as well as a series of small volcanic eruptions and other factors.
Given slow population and income growth since the financial crisis, demand is not the primary factor in rising home prices.
The biggest contributing factor to the slip is the consistent rise in costs for these projects, with home values rising at a slower pace.
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