Sentences with phrase «facts about me»

How accurately and surely can we recover the facts about the historical Jesus?»
But what I have been suggesting is a distinction between an event and the facts about it.
But let me cite a few facts about Easter Island that will reveal the «pseudo» quality of von Däniken's scientific investigation.
As a backdrop for discussing the bearing of the kingdom of God on personal living, social action, the state of the churches today, and their possible service to the future, let us assemble some familiar facts about our present world.
The foregoing facts about Bill, AA., and Sam Shoemaker can be found specifically documented in a number of writings.
This optimistic approach to man's virtue and the problem of evil expresses itself philosophically as the idea of progress in history.17 The empirical method of modern culture has been successful in understanding nature; but, when applied to an understanding of human nature, it was blind to some obvious facts about human nature that simpler cultures apprehended by the wisdom of common sense.
The Gospels, they contend, are history; rightly read they state historical facts about Jesus.
When an historian is trying to uncover the facts about some past event, he looks for written material contemporary with the event, especially, if possible, for material which has been written by eye - witnesses of the event.
Or perhaps it would be better to say that every schoolchild used to think these were the facts about the European arrival in these lands.
In posing these questions I am sensitive to certain facts about the western churches — whether they are also valid for other churches I do not know.
Btw, a simple Google search provides facts about gay men being called eunuchs back then but.
It prints FACTS about religious people.
So as you are snuggling up by the fire in your Christmas footie pajamas and stirring your homemade hot chocolate with a sweet smelling peppermint stick, here are some fun facts about the Christmas story to make your appreciation that God came to Earth that much sweeter:
Some might argue not, on the grounds that metaphysics speaks about such general features of reality - of being as being - that it can not be affected by discoveries of particular contingent facts about the world.
He gets a lot of James Brown comparisons (he used to work as a Brown impersonator — just one of many strange facts about his life, and certainly one of the happier ones) but he also has an Otis Redding vibe.
Romney twists the facts about LDS Church beliefs to try to get people unfamiliar with the LDS Church to accept it as mainstream Christian which it is not.
There are many more facts about Mormonism that the public needs to know but will overlook because of hate and greed.
What are some facts about the refugees who have come into the United States in recent years?
People who have not gotten the basic facts about their life straight will not do the things that make learning from Jesus possible and will never be able to understand the basic points in the lessons to be learned.
When it starts getting into science however and they choose not to teach facts about science, I'd be hardpressed to believe that a student who was seriously looking to go into medicine would choose a place that doesn't teach it correctly, and even more, I don't think many hospital would want students from a college that didn't teach medicine.
Some facts about US slave traffic:
In the New Testament the divine disclosure is held to be made supremely in what Luke calls «the facts about Jesus.»
As a Christian you are forced to deny facts about the universe so the universe can still fit in your preconceived «truth».
We have already learned some important facts about him: He is from the Global South; he takes a bus to work; he is the first Jesuit elected; and he has taken the name Francis, invoking the memory of those great saints, Francis of Assisi and Francis Xavier, both Church reformers in their own way.
The report blames «the most powerful leaders at the university» for concealing vital facts about football coach Jerry Sandusky's chronic record of child abuse.
Some people found it tough; where they had thought there were fundamental facts about the Christian faith, now everything was up for debate.
The co-writer of «In Christ Alone», Keith Getty reveals some little - known facts about the great Reformer More
This «list» of evidences of atheism is trite, simplistic, and actually quite unfactual; but then again, when was the last time that Christians actually sought facts about something... Peace.
If he went around telling people «Hey intelligent people spent a lot of money and time, figured out some amazing facts about life.
Cotter has a Pulitzer Prize for criticism, so you'd think he'd know a thing or two — basic facts about world religions, history, that sort of thing.
But one should not, I think, say that contingent facts about the world seemingly vouchsafed by science, in distinction from strictly metaphysical features of reality, should never be used.
But there are two facts about it which we seem to have discarded too easily.
WHY cant you get your FACTS about me straight??????? YOU assume too much..
The whole idea of dogma — timeless, nonhistorical facts about God, Jesus, the church and so forth — had been completely undermined by the study of history.
Some facts about the Magdalen Laundries.
If one has a commitment to know the truth and to live by it, knowledge of the facts about race can help in the cure of nonrational race prejudices.
And that brings us to one of the key facts about this election: It's more of a reaction than a renewal.
Theological statements do not describe objective facts about God and salvation, according to Troeltsch.
One of the most significant facts about both the Holiness and Pentecostal churches is the rapid and recent growth of seminary education.
They don't yet know how the first simplest cells formed, so you are most likely seeing facts about current much more complex cells.
He states no facts about Russia, the Middle East, Africa, or South America, but expects readers to just accept his sweeping Generality.
Yes, scientists have discovered all sorts of amazing facts about the body, the world, and the cosmos.
You will find that we may be able to have some real dialogue based on true facts about what's really going on.
Go to a science website if you are looking for the facts, obviously you can't count on CNN to give you the facts about his subject.
Thus examination of the argument from parsimony serves finally to suggest not merely that Whiteheadian panpsychism remains unwarranted, but also that it is actually incompatible with what it seems responsible to take to be facts about a physical world, and should therefore be deemed false.
Your theory is deficient because it is not taking into account all the of the known facts about the universe that we have at hand.
Nearly every page treats the reader to little - known facts about familiar phrases.
I don't object to God and the Bible being the ultimate authority in my life, just the incorporated church that has changed the facts about both of the above.
I find it difficult to learn what is the nutrition facts about soybean, I was told that it is harmful for our health, and bodies, yet they put soybean oil, or bean, in almost everything that we consume, so my question is how safe, or nutritious is it?
Your old stories are the fantasy tales of ancient Middle Eastern men - creative guys, with perhaps a smidgeon of facts about their tribe's history and a few beneficial morality tales, but mainly myth, fantasy and supersit.ion.
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