Sentences with phrase «facts about the history»

get facts about history
The Business of Being Born is a treasure trove of interesting facts about the history of childbirth in the United States, the decline of midwifery and the rise of and reasons for the medicalization of birth.
Historians often depict Visit this site dedicated to providing information about Elizabethan and accurate details and facts about the history of Elizabethan
«Heritage learning encompasses a huge set of skills — not just learning facts about history but understanding how people operate and interact with their environment,» adds Pippa Smith, head of education.
Aside from the amazing pictures Mr Smith presents in his Trains for Kids Book, he also covers some fun facts about the history of trains, the different types of trains, such as steam locomotives, high speed rail trains, trams and much more.
This is a fact about the history of Schnauzers that you may not know — Schnauzers were used as guard dogs for the German Army during WW1.
There you have it — some interesting facts about the history of Boxers.
Gary Salmon shares what visitors can expect from it as well as facts about the history of shooting for sport.
They've also included some fun extras like Inspirational Quotes, Fun & Quirky Facts About The History of Photography and Tear Off Cheat Sheets to help in the field... Or on the beach!
You learn a lot of random and interesting facts about history, culture, and traditions around the world.
On our first stop, Thijs shared with us some facts about the history of Amsterdam and he also spoke about the typical architecture of the city and the famous city symbols.
Back in 1977 a paper (Kennett, 1977) was published that concisely stated the facts about the history of Antarctica.
But Seidman does point out some facts about our history that any lawyer (or any thoughtful citizen) should confront.
Then, provide interesting facts about the history of a property or neighborhood you've showcased.

Not exact matches

Or if you read about fighting in Syria you might think we're living in exceptionally violent times, when in fact we're living in the least threatening period in history.
Some, however, had an interest in history or some time to kill and ended up following me around the 17th - century building while I rattled off facts about the portraits and the Civil War - era bullet holes.
The latest season of HBO's «Game of Thrones» debuted with a record - breaking 16.1 million viewers and set off more than 2.4 million tweets — in fact, it became the «most tweeted - about [episode] in the show's history,» according to Forbes.
The leaders of Animal Farm maintain thought control by obscuring the facts with smokescreens, rewriting history, creating conspiracy theories about pending attacks, faking victims, slander, scapegoating, murdering opposition, outrageous public works projects to keep the animals busy, and through a large group of useful idiots — sheep — that spread their message unthinkingly and distract dissenters.
The fact is, the history is fine, and the multiple witnesses are in agreement about that, so history is a non-issue.
I find it amazing that almost every organized religion during that time was at least partially, if not fully involved in bigotry toward blacks, including outright banning them from their membership and congretations altogether (which Mormans have never done), but only Mormons are still chided constantly about their history with blacks, despite the fact that black members have had full benefits for almost four decades, and despite the fact that Mormons have been actively proselyting and doing charitable missionary work in Africa for over 160 years.
Never - the-less, I am fascinated by biblical scholarship, the history of the early church, and at any rate think people should have the correct facts about what was written and what the original authors meant it to mean.
They may say that modern (or postmodern) thought has «moved beyond» what Aquinas, for instance, had to say about the interaction of nature and history, but in fact they typically have not the foggiest notion of what Aquinas said, or even whether he said anything at all on the subject.
Buddhism (in its true form) provides a guide to the elimination of suffering, not deity worship; in fact never talks about God or gods in the sense the west does... FYI Buddha was born 630 years before Jesus, and it is proven that Buddhism traveled from eastern India all the way to Syria and the Middle East via the Silk Road... i am quite sure Jesus had heard some of his teachings... some of the things that Jesus says are a direct reflection of the eightfold path from buddhism... Jesus was the greatest salesman of all time... sold the most books in history... he really honestly does nt deserve worship but an Academy Award
I just read about their history and can't believe anyone would fall for that crap... In fact if you took away the Racism, Child Molestation, Treason, Blasphemy, Archeological Fiction... It was just be Christanity LOL
The content of this article provides interesting history, facts and information about life in Ancient Rome including Roman Crucifixion.
i did read page 2 and i know what im talking about you obiosly do nt because you all think hitler was a christian and he wasnt because im a christian and i know for a fact christians do nt act like that you can claim it all youd like but you should of read more up on history and if you think hitler was a christian your wrong because even if he said he was a christian then he wasnt a real one
Check out this link to find out about marriage to young girls claim.Very very interesting to know.I hope everyone has the patience to study history and reality of life centuries ago worldwide.This video also gives you references to online history books about facts it says.Simply, the average age of marriage was very young worldwide including church approved age of consent to marry.What Mohamed did, was very common back in the days and just to let you know, that girl was engaged to another man and then the engagement was broken due to his disbelief which tells you that that was common back in the days.Also, the age of 6 mentioned was age of engagement not age of marriage.marriage happened a few years later.
historical Jesus, lmfao... show me any historical evidence of jesus... let's start with his remains... they don't exist - your explanation, he rose to the heavens... historical evidence - no remains, no proof of existence (not a disproof either, just not a proof)... then let's start with other historians writing about the life of Jesus around his time or shortly after, as outside neutral observers... that doesn't exist either (not a disproof again, just not a proof)... we can go on and on... the fact is, there is not a single proving evidence of Jesus's life in an historical context... there is no existence of Jesus in a scientific context either (virgin birth... riiiiiight)... it is just written in a book, and stuck in your head... you have a right to believe in what you must... just don't base it on history or science... you believe because you do... it is your right... but try not to put reason into your faith; that's when you start sounding unreasonable, borderline crazy...
However, I was definitely confused and also uninformed about the implications or logical conclusions of Calvinism, such as the fact that if Calvinism is true, God is the author of sin, since He, according to Calvin, predetermined every single little thing that has ever happened in history, including the sins of every man, including Adam!
In fact, there have been a large number of scientists throughout history who have made major scientific discoveries that have shaped so much of our knowledge, and they worked out of desire to learn the truth about the origin and nature of God's creation.
Theological study is not about learning to be more IN faith, but learning all the history and actual facts about the Religion and whence they come from!
What is more important, the earlier critics did less than justice to the fact that the Bible has its own doctrine about the nature of history, which deserves to be understood and appreciated in itself.
The confusion on the Assembly floor in Vancouver reflected the fact that Christians have not been enabled to think theologically about the religious faith of their neighbors, as believing and praying (or meditating) people with a spiritual history and tradition of their own.
«But doesn't the fact that those heretical groups faded from history tell us something about the worth of their doctrines?»
Therefore, confirmation must require more than the elementary mastery of a few facts about Jesus, church history, the Bible, etc..
In fact, Powell suggests, most contemporary thinkers have dethroned Luther's distinction between the Deus absconditus and the Deus revelatus (God hidden and revealed) by stressing how God's redemptive acts in history reveal nothing new about God's intra-divine life, but act to confirm what is eternally true.
In this instance we may be clearer about the meaning and the consequences than about the «facts» in themselves, but this would be true of other momentous events in history.
Remarkable and significant as is the emergence of self - conscious persons by natural processes from the original «hot big bang» from which the universe has expanded over the last 10 - 20 thousand million years, this must not be allowed to obscure another fact about humanity, namely its relatively recent arrival in the universe, even on a time - scale of the history of the Earth.
The history of the last century suggests, in fact, that intellectuals as a class are not smart about politics at all.
Even if what has been said is found acceptable, differences of opinion may persist about various particular questions of history and the day to day life of the Church, and in fact remain insoluble, and therefore have to be borne in patience.
In fact, however, as I have indicated, I do not think that the Synoptic traditions should be taken for the most part as factual history, but rather as reflections, cast in narrative form, of the theological thinking of the early Church about the Easter appearances and of various current controversies about them.
Your old stories are the fantasy tales of ancient Middle Eastern men - creative guys, with perhaps a smidgeon of facts about their tribe's history and a few beneficial morality tales, but mainly myth, fantasy and supersit.ion.
But what about the historical fact that you guys slaughtered each other during the American Civil War which was one of the most cruel wars of all history.
due to racism, bigotry and ignorance, most modern historical books in the west do not or have not mentioned such historical facts bc for white men who compiled history books, any credit to any area east of Greece would have been too shameful, but again, when you read about ancient Persian culture and see it in action and look at their tablets and beliefs and artifacts and books, it's quite clear that the Persian Zoroastrian role is all over this....
You're absolutely right about the fact I still have her, and the history it may have been for the best health wise.
You probably know more than I do, I live in the US and I'm terrible with history... But I did know that already along with other basic facts... so what's that say about Pauline (the person who posted that)
The whole idea of dogma — timeless, nonhistorical facts about God, Jesus, the church and so forth — had been completely undermined by the study of history.
The chances are very very very low, but when you apply the vast amounts of matter in the universe over the entire history of it all, and apply the fact that we have seen organic materials in comets and Saturns moons, not to mention the undeniable evidence that we are here talking about it, those numbers become very likely.
Cotter has a Pulitzer Prize for criticism, so you'd think he'd know a thing or two — basic facts about world religions, history, that sort of thing.
Nonimus - the point is that ALL history is about probability - for example, do you KNOW for a fact that Booth shot Abe Lincoln?
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