Sentences with phrase «facts of one's life»

If only a fact it may not affect us much because it may be one among many other facts of life in the universe.
Late payment is, unfortunately, a sad fact of life for many small businesses.
I and all others deal with it as fact of life.
The simple sad fact of life is that cutting with a sharp blade makes a sharp blade dull.
Moms are busy and babies always want to be held at the most inconvenient moments, those are just simple facts of life.
It is just a simple fact of life when information - overload is the general situation.
So I think when you go back to the 30s it's just a sort of fact of life that for some reason or other the people were moving toward something.
But it can be an unfortunate fact of life for some.
The bottom line is that private label has become a basic fact of life at most major retail operations around the country, including pet specialty chains.
In summary, terrible markets are an unavoidable fact of life.
One of the most basic facts of life is that the future looks different from the past.
Conventional wisdom held that such erosion was an inevitable fact of life.
If you have a decent income and spent your money in a financially responsible way, credit card use was an accepted fact of life.
A payday loan is almost an everyday fact of life for millions of families and individuals who are living on tight budgets.
It is simply an economic fact of life that the public and private sectors must change the way they operate and find new cost effective models to fit these times.
Despite the hard facts of the life cycle, the way we approach death varies greatly.
These are for the most part savvy, even cynical business types who understand the political facts of life.
I was the youngest in my family, and obviously the world had sheltered me from this normal fact of life.
Investors who forget this financial fact of life may find themselves condemned to repeat the losses of the past.
It is not uncommon in the modern world to spend more time with your colleagues than with your family, an unfortunate but true fact of life.
It's an unpleasant fact of life: no matter how incredible your book is, if you neglect to do book marketing and gain publicity, few people will read it.
-- who more than he knew the ugly facts of life?
Today, the title of lost profit is a general fact of life.
In certain states and districts, and in particular specialties like special education or foreign languages, teacher shortages are a recurring fact of life.
Still, no state is immune, and the problem is particularly pervasive in the warm, summer months, as mosquitoes become a daily fact of life.
But there's a major puzzle lurking underneath this seemingly obvious fact of life.
Women suffer shame and guilt not just around sexual sin but around the sheer fact of living in a body.
«This is just a financial and legal fact of life,» he said.
I know this is easier said than done for most consumers, but it is just a new fact of life.
For many law firm marketing executives, that is a frustrating fact of life.
Sad fact of life people, we get used to graphics.
For car owners insurance is a big fact of life.
Rather, it brings us face to face with suffering — with the concrete facts of life — and urges us to accept the world as such.
It's a constant fact of life, especially if you work in the field.
The food chain facts of life go like this: big fish eat little fish.
This is a cruel fact of life for online dating beginners, especially men.
The second fact of life is that the teacher unions use their power to resist true reform.
The third fact of life is that American government is built around checks and balances that make new legislation difficult to pass and blocking it relatively easy.
A certain loneliness was an overwhelming fact of her life.
Redemption fees often seem like a troublesome fact of life for fund investors.
There's also no escaping this industry fact of life: Deals fall apart.
Where euthanasia is a profoundly sad fact of life until the day that all animals are fixed and intake numbers come down?
No self - respecting B - grade horror movie can go on without a sequel and that fact of life transfers over to the world of games.
We all know climate change is a very real and very dangerous fact of life, and many people are changing their lives in an attempt to stop it.
Someone should do the court a favour and introduce the justices to a few teenagers who might explain the technological facts of life.
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