Sentences with phrase «factual evidence for»

This NOAA factual evidence for the continental U.S. confirms what has previously reported for maximum temperatures across the globe.
No factual evidence for such speculation exists, of course, and thereby it all remains bog - standard case of speculative delusion.
Hence, the reviews will produce the most realistic and factual evidence for the worthiness of the product.
There is not a single shred of independent, verifiable, objective or factual evidence for any god.
===== @HotAirAce «There is more factual evidence for recent violence by christians than there is for any god, The Babble or the jesus myth.»
There is more factual evidence for recent violence by christians than there is for any god, The Babble or the jesus myth.

Not exact matches

It provides concrete, factual evidence showing your idea for a business is in fact sound and reasonable and has every chance of success.
You trust that these writers are in fact speaking for God — without any actual factual evidence.
austin that is not true since there is no evidence of a spirit or soul or whatever please speak in terms of reality with factual information from now on thanks he asked for an honest response not a made up response
Where's the independent, factual, objective and verifiable evidence for the claimed extraordinary events at the time of the alleged crucifixion and resurrection of some dude allegedly named jesus?
Please provide factual, verifiable, independent and objective evidence for your god, retract your assertion or admit you are delusional (mentally ill) and / or a liar.
They just choose to pattern their lives as best they can after the one man, and yes, there is factual evidence to prove Christ came to this horrible planet to try to make things better for all.
It is far more significant to me that no believer, not even a top - dog charlatan shaman such as any Pope - A-Dope, can not provide factual, independent, verifiable and objective evidence for their cult's beliefs.
If you have factual evidence, it should be able to speak for itself.
No one yet has ever produced actual (physical, objective, independent, verifiable, factual) evidence for any alleged (but never proven) god.
Topher, Re: «hard questions» here's an easy one you have never been able to answer: «What factual, independent, verifiable and objective evidence is there for any god?»
provided the slightest argument for god, never mind objective factual evidence.
If it is because you believe in an alleged supernatural being for which there is no independent, objective, factual or verifiable evidence, then clearly it is you who is mentally ill, delusional and / or a liar.
So, in summary you don't actually have a proof, or even a single bit of factual, verifiable, objective and independent evidence for your unproven claims.
Save for the factual point that the Big Bang and evolution have been shown to have evidence to support them.
Unless you have some verifiable, objective, factual, independent evidence for your claims, of course.
Now that people are more aware of how this scheme works it might be a different story, just as how more people are now aware of how the Bible was actually written and the actual age of the universe to actually accept it as completely factual and as any kind of evidence for a god.
Scientists have been able to provide evidence for the Big Bang Theory, but not the singularity itself that the «big bang» spawned from... so Hawking's assumptions, are just that, assumptions and opinions... and he does not, as you say «tell the truth» based on a proven, factual basis.
Clearly these are for him factual questions to be settled by such evidence as we can acquire.
Rather than telling me what I think how about you providing some factual, independent, verifiable and objective evidence for your beliefs, or admit that you are mentally ill or a liar?
You, and not a single believer, can provide one bit of independent, factual, verifiable or objective evidence for your silly beliefs.
It's pure speculation, there is no factual evidence here stating whether MLK Jr. was for or against gay rights.
It assumes the existence of a superntural being for which there is not a shred of objective, verifiable, independent or factual evidence?
Enjoy your delusion - your imaginary friend will never return because no - one returns from the dead (and for that there is FACTUAL scientific evidence).
Regardless of the cult or how many members the cult has, the answer is the same — there is not a single shred of objective, factual, independent or verifiable evidence for any of them.
Does your new version of the christian cult include factual, verifiable, independent and objective evidence for any god and a supernatural jesus, or is it just another pile of lies on top of myths?
Chad, you nor any other believer has a single bit of objective, factual, verifiable or independent evidence for any god or the alleged truth of The Babble — none, zip, nada, zero.
For the sole reason that as yet — to each their own — the benefits of factual evidence surpasses in my frame of mind NOT to accept your justification for needing oFor the sole reason that as yet — to each their own — the benefits of factual evidence surpasses in my frame of mind NOT to accept your justification for needing ofor needing one.
Will you also accept how wrong you got it for always ignoring factual evidence?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but please don't use your opinion (which is an opinion — not a fact) to shame or scare people into doing or not doing something; especially if you do not have any factual evidence (as opposed to «fake» evidence — the foundation for the entire anti-vaccinne movement has been debunked as scientifically inaccurate, so there is no data which backs up the claim that vaccines cause autism) to back up your stance.
You fell for a line of propaganda with no factual evidence behind it.
Your idea that the medical community would IGNORE factual evidence supporting a legitimate cure for a wide - spread disease is both offensive and a blatant lie.
Please re-examine the factual evidence contained in this response and in other communications that you have received that explain why Common Core Standards are wrong for Alabama.
What began to amuse me, after some months of research, was that even private schools that required no evidence of intellectual ability for admission were still insisting to me that all their students were gifted, when in fact they had no factual basis for saying so.
She likes the Core because it pushes students to use factual evidence to support their ideas — a practice she's promoted for years in Vermont schools through the Vermont Writing Collaborative.
They looked at a lot of research and, based on the factual, empirical evidence, sent home a letter to families that said: we see now, based on all these studies of children and learning, that all this homework does nothing for our children's intellectual development.
A critical case study is for the educators or the schools; investigative case study is for the legal teams to provide the relevant factual evidence.
For one to write a good quality research paper, they have to have factual information with researched on evidence to support the information.
Evidence of Insurability: Factual information used by insurance companies to determine an applicant «ss qualification for insurance.
That's conflating groupthink professional science / media's scholarly censorship of the truth with the search by some for factual evidence and reliable climate models.
Maybe it would be open on the evidence for the trier of fact to make that inference, but it wouldn't amount to a hill of beans, even a campfire's worth, unless the inference was of a necessary connection in which case «substantial» is meaningless, if the issue is factual causation which is clearly what's referred to in para. 10 of Clements.
factual evidence which, while it may not require expertise for its comprehension, is inextricably linked to evidence that does;
If the district court decision relies on factual underpinnings, however, such as evidence concerning the «background science or the meaning of a term in the relevant art during the relevant time period -LSB-,]» it should make specific factual findings and those findings are subject to review for clear error:
That parent will have a second opportunity to make their case for the proposed move at trial where they may well be in a position to adduce evidence establishing that the present circumstances are having a deleterious impact on the child's physical or emotional needs; and having lost their initial chambers application, the moving parent no doubt will come away from the experience as a «dress rehearsal» having learned all the flaws and gaps in their factual / legal presentation that they can improve upon and fill in for the trial judge.
However, the only «principles» that he could have been referring to are (a) those which describe the nature of the evidence that was required for a valid decision on the issue of whether the nurses» negligence was a factual cause and, then, (b) what test to use to decide if the evidence is sufficient on the balance of probability.
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