Sentences with phrase «factual evidence of»

This will help to provide factual evidence of the personal property items you owned, the property items that were damaged or destroyed, and the condition of your personal belongings prior to your claimed loss.
Instead «necessity» becomes equivalent to what is likely to assist «efficient determination» of a case: «[47] The advantage of... this rule is that it avoids an over-rigid interpretation of necessity, where a skilled witness is put forward to present relevant factual evidence in an efficient manner rather than to give an opinion explaining the factual evidence of others.
The proscription of terrorist organizations, including the application of criminal responsibility of its members, must be made on the basis of factual evidence of activities that are of a genuine terrorist nature as well as of the actual involvement of the individuals concerned.»
It would be like always taking the word of the last person to see someone alive as factual evidence of their demise.
Yeah, that makes much more sense than proven factual evidence of evolution and geology which explains how the earth and all of the other planets were created and how life as we know it in all its forms evolved.
And secondly, Stephen Barr's point seems to be a real solution: that theologians need to learn the language of science - not just absorbing the factual evidence of recent discoveries, but also the methodologies and modes of thought that scientists, whether quantum physicists or population geneticists, employ in their day - to - day grappling with problems in their fields.

Not exact matches

It provides concrete, factual evidence showing your idea for a business is in fact sound and reasonable and has every chance of success.
Here's my question: When can the repeated assertion of falsehoods despite being confronted by factual evidence be considered «lying»?
Most of the current bullish arguments, unfortunately, are devoid of factual historical evidence.
There is a massive amount of evidence that supports the «theory» of evolution, and not a single piece of factual, scientific evidence that refutes it.
HotAirAce «An honest believer would preface their claims with something like «Despite not having a shred of independent, factual, objective or verifiable evidence, I believe...»
this is far from factual as there is evidence of major floods all over the world.»
An honest believer would preface their claims with something like «Despite not having a shred of independent, factual, objective or verifiable evidence, I believe...» Why are you a dishonest member of the dead jew zombie vampire cannibal death cult aka christian?
I don't think you or anyone else has a shred of factual, verifiable, objective or independent evidence.
austin that is not true since there is no evidence of a spirit or soul or whatever please speak in terms of reality with factual information from now on thanks he asked for an honest response not a made up response
Where's the independent, factual, objective and verifiable evidence for the claimed extraordinary events at the time of the alleged crucifixion and resurrection of some dude allegedly named jesus?
The existence of God can only be dis - proven by factual evidence, none of which has been produced against it.
So, just a single piece of factual, verifiable, independent, objective evidence please.
«Attempts now to rewrite the story of this hate crime appear to be based on untrustworthy sources, factual errors, rumors and innuendo rather than the actual evidence gathered by law enforcement and presented in a court of law,» the spokesperson said.
But regarding the creation story, it makes specific factual claims (albeit, internally contradictory when comparing the two different creation narratives) regarding the order of creation which are directly contradicted by observable, physical evidence, e.g. earth before sun, the order of the appearance of particular forms of life, etc..
Reason, evidence, scientific method — A commitment to the use of critical reason, factual evidence and scientific method of inquiry in seeking solutions to human problems and answers to important human questions.
There are many prophecies in thousands of religions that have regional and local fulfillment's throughout the thousands of years of recorded human history, however all of them rely solely on self fulfillment and none have any factual evidence to support any supernatural claims.
There can be no «factual evidence» of the supernatural, otherwise it woud simply be deemed natural.
Religion is illogical because after thousands of years and many attempts to prove that any gods exist there is not one bit of verifiable, independent, objective or factual evidence to support the existence of any god.
Creationism starts with the conclusion and, unable to find any evidence to support it, makes sh it up or simply refuses to address the absence of factual support.
Unless one of you believers has some factual, independent and verifiable evidence of any god, given that such evidence does not exist even after 2,000 + years of various cults trying to come up with same, the probability of any god existing is so small that to say «There are no gods!»
(b) Religion can make a statement, such as «there is one god comprised of God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit», and be totally immune from experimentation and challenge, whereas science can only make factual assertions when supported by considerable evidence;
So, in summary you don't actually have a proof, or even a single bit of factual, verifiable, objective and independent evidence for your unproven claims.
(b) Catholicism can make a statement, such as «God is comprised of God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit», and be totally immune from experimentation and challenge, whereas science can only make factual assertions when supported by considerable evidence;
I highly doubt you have any objective, factual, independent or verifiable evidence, evidence that would stand up to the scientific method or be accepted by a court of law as anything but hearsay.
I guess I'll know it when I see it, but as of now, no one has ever presented me with anything that I can consider as actual, factual evidence that the God of the bible is real.
There is no verifiable, objective, independent, factual evidence to support the existence of any god.
@DWN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, When I read the bible years ago, I went in with preconceived notion that there was some sort of factual evidence, some consistency,....
Unless you have some verifiable, objective, factual, independent evidence for your claims, of course.
In response to Mormonism where is the factual evidence from what this Faith is based on: 1) Prove that reformed Eygptian is a true language 2) Provide a map showing the journey in American the Nephites and the Moronites took to establish themselves will validating their establisments 3) The Book of Abraham has been proven false so why is still accepted as scripture 4) Joseph Smith was not a Jew or part of the tribe Levi, but believed that the rights of the priesthood was given to him.
(b) Religion can make a statement, such as «God is comprised of God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit», and be totally immune from experimentation and challenge, whereas science can only make factual assertions when supported by considerable evidence;
There is not a single bit of factual, objective, independent or verifiable evidence to support any of the supernatural claims in The Babble.
Now that people are more aware of how this scheme works it might be a different story, just as how more people are now aware of how the Bible was actually written and the actual age of the universe to actually accept it as completely factual and as any kind of evidence for a god.
Until you have tangible evidence of the existence of god, the notion of god remains in the realm of ideas... and thats a factual statement!
delusion - A belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence (or lack thereof to the contrary) until you have tangible evidence of the existence of god, the notion of god remains in the realm of ideas... and thats a factual statement!
factual evidence to support its existence) might think, or what a bunch of self - righteous babble thumpers might think.
@hippypoet «until you have tangible evidence of the existence of god, the notion of god remains in the realm of ideas... and thats a factual statement!»
You, and not a single believer, can provide one bit of independent, factual, verifiable or objective evidence for your silly beliefs.
These are, of course, speculative frameworks, based as much on stylized notions of intellectual currents as on factual evidence about either the past or the present.
It assumes the existence of a superntural being for which there is not a shred of objective, verifiable, independent or factual evidence?
Choosing to believe one set of tales is factual while all others are just mythical requires an act of faith, as no evidence supports such a judgment, right?
AtheistHunter (first off FUCKTARD, you belong in an asylum): You make these claims without one shred of factual evidence to back you and you have the audacity to call Atheists arrogant??? You're just a plain ignorant waste of human flesh!!
Regardless of the cult or how many members the cult has, the answer is the same — there is not a single shred of objective, factual, independent or verifiable evidence for any of them.
«Attempts now to rewrite the story of this hate crime appear to be based on untrustworthy sources, factual errors, rumors and innuendo rather than the actual evidence gathered by law enforcement and presented in a court of law.
In addition, the unmistakable evidence is that the producers and handlers of the tradition were not themselves primarily concerned with the factual details.
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