Sentences with phrase «factual material»

In those tests, users improved their retention of factual material by a factor of three compared to a visually identical system that didn't run the spacing algorithm.
A student must be able independently select factual material to illustrate the essential statements of the topic.
In many, if not most, cases no privilege can properly be said to attach to first witness accounts and other purely factual material.
The classic in the field is History of Religions, by George Foote Moore, a scholarly introduction done some fifty years ago and still useful for factual material.
SAILING: CAT AND SCOW Sirs: Carleton Mitchell's report on Yachting magazine's One of a Kind Regatta at Miami (The Cat Leads a Revolution, SI, March 9) leaves such a one - sided impression on the reader that in spirit of fair play I feel you owe your sporting public some additional factual material.
The Montessori philosophy is designed to integrate children with the world around them by presenting them with factual material.
However, be aware that the information on the Internet is not censored or edited in any fashion and therefore there is a great deal of incorrect, old or altered information as well as factual material.
Matching questions can only measure factual material.
Factual material such as divorce, separation, early parental deaths, alcoholism, or marital infidelity was taken as evidence of an unhappy home.
John McPhee expresses this notion in Michael Pearson's profile, describing the emerging genre of creative nonfiction as «an attempt to recognize... that a piece of writing can be creative while using factual materials, that creative work can respect fact.»
Ntrepid Timestream is a budding resource for organizing factual material electronically at an affordable price ($ 995 for a single - user one year license).
Poem about the Italian invasion of Abyssinia plus additional factual material.
The court held that such protection is available for publications which include compilations of factual materials.
Unfortunately, it did not lead the lovers to God» on the contrary, it led to death without God» but the yearnings - against - their - will, their overwhelming attraction and desire despite their efforts to avert them are of the very same emotional and spiritual and factual material that dramatic religious conversions are made of...
Ms. Cornett argues that the love affair between Almasy and Katherine «is of the very same emotional and spiritual and factual material that dramatic religious conversions are made of»» namely, a certain sequence of strong feelings, including the experience of being led to do something against your will.
But a number of different things can be made out of the same «emotional and spiritual and factual material
«It's also a place where you have access to factual materials and factual resources.»
With Ricciarelli doing most of the talking and Fehling cracking generational jokes, they discuss the film's origins, the composite characters and factual material, the themes, Germany's reaction to the movie, the use of cantor music, the influence of the 1970s NBC miniseries «Holocaust», and the history depicted.
Information books are defined as those written and illustrated to present, organize, and interpret documentable, factual material for children.
Roll playing games at their most basic are a set of stats, the same way a painting is just a painting — it's factual material.
On controversial subjects especially, Google is affected by the web's Garbage Added principle, where «true believers» manage to drown out factual material.
From the guidelines; Approval of the Summary for Policymakers at the Session of the Working Group, signifies that it is consistent with the factual material contained in the full scientific, technical and socioeconomic assessment or Special Report accepted by the Working Group.
It is also unfortunate that some commentators have seen fit to attack the research team and myself without having any factual materials about the nature of the research work.
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