Sentences with phrase «factual points in»

I have had clients complain that they lost because the trial judge did not specifically address all of their legal arguments and factual points in the decision.

Not exact matches

I don't care if you are correct in your reference to the APA, it is moot to the point that your asserted connection to «sin» is completely unfounded and therefore you are wrong to conclude it is factual.
A Resurrection of his physical body, such as is implied by the empty tomb and by some of the stories in the Gospels of his appearances, would point towards a docetic Christ who does not fully share the lot of men; unless, indeed, bodily corruption were to be regarded as being bound up with the sinfulness of man which Christ did not share (but, unless we accept an impossibly literalistic interpretation of Genesis 3 as factual history, it is impossible to hold that physical dissolution is not part of the Creator's original and constant intention for his creatures in this world).
And secondly, Stephen Barr's point seems to be a real solution: that theologians need to learn the language of science - not just absorbing the factual evidence of recent discoveries, but also the methodologies and modes of thought that scientists, whether quantum physicists or population geneticists, employ in their day - to - day grappling with problems in their fields.
I agree that religion ought to be taught in schools from an historical and factual standpoint and not favor any religious point of view.
In brief: Such websites point to logical and factual flaws in the writings of the Intelligent Design movement and take issue as well with their intellectual honesty — as when, ever eager to write the obituary for Darwinian theory, they fail to acknowledge progress in evolutionary biologIn brief: Such websites point to logical and factual flaws in the writings of the Intelligent Design movement and take issue as well with their intellectual honesty — as when, ever eager to write the obituary for Darwinian theory, they fail to acknowledge progress in evolutionary biologin the writings of the Intelligent Design movement and take issue as well with their intellectual honesty — as when, ever eager to write the obituary for Darwinian theory, they fail to acknowledge progress in evolutionary biologin evolutionary biology.
When anyone in a class is treated as a means or a thing, as a bag to be filled with factual knowledge that can be dumped out for examination, there is no starting point for self - involving language.
The fact that I strongly disagree with so much of what you present as factual in no way means I missed your point.
Second, by identifying certain elements in the Gospel as historically factual, the historian can on some points confirm the faith of believers.
Just keep pointing out your own views in the way you have done above mate, in a polite, constructive and (most importantly) factual way.
I can tell by your comment you haven't watched the game today because you talk gibberish and throw in generalisations, not factual points.
... to be determined / verified... at this point, second hand statements) These are, or at least contrived to be, the facts (sic) even though not all are verified, uncovered & / or revealed to be factual to date & / or under consideration / in - play.
Mr. Ezzo is careful to point out that «although these are fictional characters, the differences stated in their development are factual
The Libertarian Party's cert petition had also pointed out that the 8th circuit, which upheld the law, make an important factual error in its decision.
Factual and to the point, Kim puts the most shy and conservative individuals at ease and makes every person feel like having a vibe in their bedside drawer is as normal as... well, having a toothbrush.
Furthermore, I pointed out in the blog that several responses to the article cited factual errors regarding the anatomical and physiological statements Mr. Broad made, and I included links to those responses for folks interested in delving into these more technical aspects in the article.
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It's actually a very small role, but the commissioner and, and the league is general, is shown as having very little interest in the well - being of their former and current players, which, many will point out, is factual.
In the problem - oriented physics course, however, scores on factual questions stayed flat when clickers were used — and dropped a significant 9 percentage points on conceptual questions.
Both MD groups displayed severe weaknesses in 4 domain - specific arithmetic components (factual, conceptual, procedural, and problem - solving skills) during all 3 measure points.
A good copyeditor will point out where you may have a copyright concern or factual error, but he or she won't be able to point out every single potential issue, and giving your manuscript another sweep with these sorts of issues in mind is your responsibility and no one else's.
In that letter, I pointed out both the Grisham factual error (it wasn't self - published) and that what she described is actually low - end vanity publishing, not self publishing.
Taking «backfire effect» as a starting point — a phrase coined to describe how people often maintain or even strengthen their beliefs when given factual evidence against them — Tillmans has interviewed scientists, politicians, journalists, and social workers in an effort to understand the political climate in recent decades, with a particular focus on right - wing populism and fake news.
Taking as a starting point the «backfire effect» — a phrase coined to describe how people often maintain or even strengthen their beliefs when given factual evidence against them — Tillmans interviewed scientists, politicians, journalists, and social workers in an effort to understand changes in the international political climate in recent decades, with a particular focus on right - wing populism and fake news.
To repeat, Judith Curry first states that Tamino's review contains (IN HER OWN WORDS) «numerous factual errors and misrepresentations, failure to address many of the main points of the book».
First, in # 74 she claims that Tamino's review has «numerous factual errors and misrepresentations, failure to address many of the main points of the book».
Well, Judy, the problem wasn't so much doing a drive - by, but rather posting a drive - by full of factual error, then showing up again in a hissy fit when the errors were pointed out.
Their comments, which bring context and insights from the latest research, and point out factual and logical errors where they exist, remain layered over the target article in the public domain.
Mind you, I'm not talking someone who came here to carp or complain, but one who came here to present data, explain methods, discuss statistical analysis, provide explanations of policies or point out factual flaws in skeptic's scientific analysis?
Your failure to point out the numerous factual mistakes of your commenters is one of the reasons that your name has become an epithet in the climate science community.
Point to one factual statement that Trenberth stated in his opinion piece.
And «An Inconvenient Truth» (so accurate that it has to have a government health warning and have nine factual errors pointed out before showing in UK schools) was an Inconvenient Flop.
From the November 19, 2009, New York Times and Washington Post front - page initial news reports of hacked e-mails from the University of East Anglia (a place up until then unlikely to find itself on American newspaper's front pages)... to subsequent findings of a silly factual mistake in the IPCC's Fourth Assessment forecasting disappearing Himalayan glaciers just 25 years from now... to the disappointments of last December's international negotiations in Copenhagen... to data pointing to growing uncertainty and confusion on the climate change issue in the minds of many Americans and their public officials....
Case in point, a new peer - reviewed study has examined the factual evidence regarding the increased frequency and increased intensity of hail storms that CO2 - centric, global warming climate models predict; and the study has found the predictions to be without merit.
Quite egalitarian, so in fact contrarians, scientists who hold ideas outside of the mainstream can prosper provided their ideas have some factual basis and use the scientific method (Scientific method: based on existing obervations pose an hypothesis; using new observations or experiments, test the predictions of that hypothesis; on the basis of the new data either reject the hypothesis or modify it to fit the better understanding, or accept that the initial hypothesis was right at which point it becomes a «theory» or explanatory model).
If you want a face - to - face debate you must first answer the allegations of grave factual errors and deliberate distortions made by your critics, which I will put to you in the form of numbered points.
It does so by providing factual data from millions of litigation records about the behavior and performance of law firms and individual lawyers — including data points like win rates, cases with resolutions, time to injunction, etc., in specific areas of law.
Mindful of the fact that there was no direct authority specifically in point, and acknowledging that this was a different factual situation from Spring, the judge was nevertheless of the view that the three-fold test set out in the leading case of Caparo Industries Plc v Dickman & Ors [1990] 2 AC 605, [1990] 1 All ER 568 could be applied to the facts of the case.
It follows that we are almost there in finally clarifying English law, but a case dealing with the same point as in Sattva is arguably needed to clarify the appellate role and send the required signal to the commercial and legal world that the factual content can never be completely shut out.
As a more practical point, the Court clearly placed reliance on the factual evidence provided by both parties, including the contemporaneous recordings of telephone conversations between Barclays and Thornbridge, and the oral evidence given in Court.
In addition, the defense experts were permitted to give their opinions on the actual time that certain blood tests were performed and the results received, even though they were not expert on the procedures at the hospital, and even though the factual evidence on those points was in disputIn addition, the defense experts were permitted to give their opinions on the actual time that certain blood tests were performed and the results received, even though they were not expert on the procedures at the hospital, and even though the factual evidence on those points was in disputin dispute.
The analysis, written by Matthew Barge, identified as a recent college graduate, is riddled with legal and factual errors and in many instances virtually mirrors the White House's talking points.
However, advanced analytics technologies are allowing legal teams to gain greater factual insights before the review phase, a point that was addressed in the ECA section of this guide.
So, in the future, before I move on because I've «made my point,» I will be asking the judges, «Can I assume that this court will be making a factual finding of... [whatever point I believe I have just made]?»
The new approach to reasonableness has been labelled «legal unreasonableness» to emphasise the point made in Li, that what is reasonable in any case will depend on the statutory and factual context.
A party opposing a summary judgment must «pierce» (go beyond) the pleadings and point to evidence in the record (depositions, discovery responses, etc.) that creates a genuine factual dispute that must be decided after a trial on the merits.
Getting back to my point, which relates to the use of «clarify», in Resurfice [Resurfice v Hanke, 2007 SCC 7] McLachlin CJ didn't seem to think that there was all that much confusion «in this area» — meaning the area of factual causation.
Declarations provide the factual basis for claims made in memoranda of points and authorities, briefs, and writs.
Only the first two of the eight factors are strictly factual in nature; all the rest are designed, more or less explicitly, to assess the consequences of taking jurisdiction from the point of view of whether doing so would further the ends of justice.
As I pointed out in the Western Journal of Legal Studies, Clements also appeared to have created a more restrictive approach towards the material contribution test, focused on impossibility of identifying a specific tortfeasor, rather than simply a complicated factual record.
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