Sentences with phrase «faculty scholarship»

L&T faculty scholarship covers topics as diverse as «causal reasoning» and the brain; the study of black and Latino family engagement with schools; school reform and teacher leadership; the history of American education; using collaborative data inquiry to improve teaching and learning; and how an understanding of social psychology can improve teaching and learning in the classroom.
From Loyola Law School in Los Angeles comes this blog, which will serve as a clearinghouse for faculty commentary on a range of issues and highlight faculty scholarship.
Paul went on to argue that, while existing rankings based on faculty scholarship are undoubtedly important, more metrics need to be developed to assess other aspects of a professor's value to the institution, particularly with regard to the student experience (the «missing ingredient» in existing rankings).
The Office of Admissions and faculty scholarship committee select the recipient.
Predictably, the recent announcement of the U.S. News and World Report's law school rankings has generated observations about some of the factors underlying the rankings, from bar passage rates and faculty scholarship to whether the rankings are at all meaningful.
On - line schools argue that legal education could be 50 % to 75 % cheaper if it didn't have to support multi-million dollar library collections, bricks and mortar school buildings, and faculty scholarship.
Canick reports that they have been receiving over 4,000 downloads per month for their faculty scholarship collection which generates a cumulative total of about 50,000 per year.
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