Sentences with phrase «fad among»

Crazy motherboard arrangements are a fad among case designers now.
4 Loko is the new fad among many on the party scene.
It can be argued that cel - shading has become something of a fad among developers these days, but it works extremely well for the X-Men.
«Style - specific» investing, a fad among investment pros, may not be the best way to select mutual funds.
The Cruze seems to be a new fad among young working professionals.
A recent entrant, Friendster, conceived of as a site for dating and meeting new people through mutual friends, has become a raging fad among the younger set and now claims more than three million members.
Angrakha tunics are the trendiest fashion fad among fashionable girls and women.
That has spawned a fad among locals, who post pictures on Prince of Petworth, a local blog.
Even blood donation has become a Paleo fad among the most dogmatic of 21st - century cavemen, based on the notion that our ancestors were often wounded, making blood loss a way of life.
The embrace of mystery has become something of a fad among hip, young Christians, no doubt in response to the noisy type of believer who draws a straight line from his mind to God's and is constantly saying things that make us all look bad.
They themselves are usually future - oriented — a tendency evidenced in the futurism fad among today's social scientists, and the ahistorical approach if not downright antihistoricism seen in many aspects of social science.
It can help you differentiate between a less - than - perfect stock that is selling at a high price because it is the latest fad among stock analysts, and a great company which may have fallen out of favor and is selling for a fraction of what it is truly worth.
Right now, the one of the big fads among career «experts» who completely miss the point is to talk about how to beat Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), those -LSB-...].

Not exact matches

Dieting fads are in the public eye more than ever, thanks to their ubiquity on social media and popularity among celebrities.
I remember a colleague who was considered the most tech - savvy among us predicting that the Internet would be remembered as a fad on which nobody was ever able to find useful information.
Order - to - shelf systems have become popular among retailers for the same reason that just - in - time inventory became a fad a generation ago: another chance to streamline operations and save money, said David Huff, a Penn State University clinical professor of supply chain management.
Among the various longer - range challenges facing church music in the «90s, four seem to be occupying center stage: the challenge of providing church musicians in sufficient numbers to meet the needs of parishes throughout the land in almost every denomination; the continued search for musical roots in many denominations; the ongoing debate between those advocating the worship and musical tradition of the church catholic and those advocating a variety of trendy fads; and the impact of pragmatism and consumerism in determining worship practice and musical style and substance.
Honestly, it's not even that I have issues with the paleo diet (meat + veggies are among my favourite meals), although I do prefer the primal way (including full - fat diary, rice, potatoes etc.), it's the fad and holier - than - you attitude that I can not stand and the fact that they pretend it's not a low - carb diet.
Kale has become a joke of a food among people who hate fad diets and vegans, but it is monstrously healthy, even if you can't really live off it.
Perhaps it is a fad, but it is one with many converts among exercise and therapy experts.
During the late»80s, a terrible fad, wilding, came into vogue among troubled inner - city youth.
The nonacademic passions, social intrigues and fads we would dismiss are among the things students value and, ironically, are a springboard for learning.
The purpose of the school uniform policy is to provide uniformity in attire that will eliminate competition among students as well as the distractions which fashion and hairstyle fads provide.
You know he is talking to you if you are among the millions who have chased one fad diet after another, none of which ever works.
This is presently a hot topic among breeders, specifically a fad for something unique and different.
Cholesterol has had a bad name among fad - diet promoters and people too lazy or busy to physically work off their calories.
Even as coffee fads today come and go, Puerto Rican coffee has consistently ranked among connoisseur's favorites.
Neil Raitt solo presentation at SUNDAY Art Fair noted by Kenny Schachter in his review of Frieze week for artnet, among top picks of Elephant Magazine, The Financial Times, among top six artists at SUNDAY Art Fair according to FAD Magazine, and highlighted by aqnb, Artspace, and ARTnews.
If the data are sound and the theory works, consensus won't be needed to argue your case; if the data are not sound, your case is wrong even if the fad of the moment produces consensus, or at least a vocal simulacrum of consensus among those making a living studying the field.
There is still a great deal of inertia and indifference among many legal professionals who think legaltech is another fad they will outlast, or it is not worth their time, or it is not their generation's problem.
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