Sentences with phrase «failure as»

In contrast, growth mindset people see failure as an opportunity for learning.
I loved it, but thought for sure I was setting myself up for failure as I walked to the dressing room with it.
In terms of blogging I always saw this as my greatest failure as a blogger.
Still, it is a styling failure as far as I am concerned.
Step up to whatever plate you're facing with the most confidence by accepting failure as part of the plan.
Don't chalk up every failure as just that.
Do you think that training to failure as you suggest for these workouts would exacerbate the issues that I have?
These are the two reasons that I see that can be causing failure as I am eating a small amount of dairy products, no nuts at all, no hidden carbs, all real food with natural fat.
This almost always ends in failure as we've already discussed with the calorie compensation effect and rest compensation effect of exercise.
The 3 phases are all listed below, however the resting time between each set will change from the phase 1 through to the last set on phase 3 which will end in failure on the last rep. Reg openly criticized training to failure as he said it only caused negativity and frustration, he would rarely train to the point of failure.
Accept failure as part of the process and try new things to learn how your body responds to different methods and stimuli.
Patients suffering from underlying heart conditions or who retain low fluid levels over an extended period of time have a higher risk of suffering from heart failure as the result of a potassium deficiency.
The injectable growth hormone is used to promote growth in children experiencing growth failure as a result of low growth hormone production.
I was trying this out; however, I find it hard to judge how hard to push on a 40 rep set without going to failure — how do you determine if you've fatigued your muscles enough during this final set if you're not using failure as a measure?
I felt like I was a failure as a coach just as my clients felt in their effor -LSB-...]
The outcomes of this preliminary study have resulted in the implementation of larger, placebo - controlled clinical studies to assess if individuals with heart failure as well as diabetes show improvement in their exercise capacity when given epicatechin - rich cocoa.
However, all of these information should not scare you away from using failure as a method in your regime — you just need to take it seriously.
Many see failure as an ending, when it could be a beginning of another journey that leads to your dream.
The bigger question is, can you accept failure as part of the bigger journey toward a purposeful life and be willing to move through it?
I decided I was a failure as a mother, a Catholic, and a woman.
New research from Psychological Science says, «Parents who tended to view failure as a negative, harmful event had children who were more likely to believe that intelligence is fixed.
In addition, I have a rule never to take a failure as a personal assault, even when it may be.
While better medical care and timely management of heart attacks have decreased the number of early deaths, survivors face an increased risk of chronic heart failure as they develop even more scarring.
«In light of our results, within the United Kingdom group, we have amended the current protocol to redefine induction failure as end - of - induction MRD ≥ 5 % and / or M3 marrow,» the researchers wrote.
I know of no failure as clear and dramatic as the failure of nuclear power on both public safety and economics....
That forward motion is in contrast to China's failure as a nation to reduce carbon intensity — the pollution associated with economic activity — as it promised in the five - year plan that ends next year.
But when a field suffers as much failure as the search for an AIDS vaccine has over the past 30 years, researchers sometimes celebrate glimpses of hope.
«If protective ice shelves were suddenly lost in the vast areas around the Antarctic margin where reverse - sloping bedrock (where the bed on which the ice sheet sits deepens toward the continental interior, rather than toward the ocean) is more than 1,000 meters deep, exposed grounding line ice cliffs would quickly succumb to structural failure as is happening in the few places where such conditions exist today,» the researchers point out.
«The question, as Dave put it one night, was, who would be willing to put his energy into the West Ridge, with failure as a not unlikely outcome, when reaching the summit by the South Col seemed so much more assured?»
African Americans are more than 3 times as likely to progress to kidney failure as Caucasians and account for 32 % of individuals with ESRD.
There is both scar tissue and weak heart muscle that remain, and eventually this leads to heart failure as tissue continues to die.
Just type the words miserable failure as a search query, and see the top result.
For Clark, doing one or two postdocs and then moving on to something else «needs to be seen as healthy and productive,» not a failure as it is so often perceived at present.
Rates of kidney failure as a coexisting condition increased four-fold since 2000 and reached 12.3 percent by 2010.
Ten to 14 thousand children are hospitalized every year in the United States with heart failure as one of their diagnoses.
They worry that if things don't work, Congress and the taxpayers may look at a failure as a waste of taxpayers» money rather than a normal thing that happens when you are doing research.
Failure as the interim Scottish Party Chairman.
We don't believe that she would be willing to accept failure as her legacy.
«Re-electing the incumbent is to vote for continuity of failure as the first term in the office is usually the time to win the confidence of the electorate but Mr President has performed so woefully in security, nation building, provision of infrastructure, employment generation, name it to seek re-election.
Judged by the targets he set himself, George Osborne has been a failure as chancellor.
«One of our problems in Africa is that we don't see failure as a challenge.
The Senate's deputy majority leader (R - Syracuse) said it's clear Cuomo has set his sights instead on running for national office and used the budget failure as a way to raise his stature nationwide.
Mr Burnham, who stood against Ed Miliband for the party leadership in 2010, claimed many voters had «decided the coalition is a failure as a government», but «what they aren't yet convinced is that we have the answers».
My failure as finance minister was due to the ironclad determination of an authoritarian EU to continue with its failed Greek economic program.
The thing is that the media wants her to run, because that is Obama's only hope at winning a second term because he is an absolute failure as a president.
An Observer review of that book noted that «while Johnson is a heroic failure as a novelist, he scores in his comic handling of sensitive issues».
Before he died, Whitelaw claimed that his «biggest failure as a Chief Whip was that I had a party in three pieces».
It is amazing that the Commissioner failed or refused to realize that her impunity in not complying with the Constitution and the law in disqualifying the aspiring candidates disclosed more about her failure as the head of the Electoral Commission than the ignorance or lack of attention on the part of the aspirants in filling the complex nomination forms designed by her office for the Presidential Elections.
Labour is a complete failure as a government, as a party that achieves anything from a progressive point of view.
Senator Neil Breslin is only stating the obvious when he indicates that the unelected David Paterson has been an absolute, total failure as governor.
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