Sentences with phrase «failure if»

It's a misconception that you are a failure if you lose money or make mistakes.
Nothing is for sure in this life, except failure if we don't meet the challenge, head on.
You're afraid of looking like a failure if it doesn't work.
You're afraid of looking like a failure if you tell people that you are going to invest and then don't.
Once in a while they might feel down or like a failure if they don't get a listing or bring a deal together.
So don't feel like a failure if the physical side of your relationship is on the wane and both you and your partner are fine about this.
There also may be some feelings of failure if you are the one who is introducing the subject.
You're setting yourself up for failure if your house rules are something like, «Be good, or you'll be in trouble.»
Put simply, governments risk failure if they develop and implement policies about indigenous issues without engaging with the intended recipients of those services.
Mostly, your resume for inventory associate position will be considered a failure if it does not conform to the resume objective rule.
It's a wish list, not a «the Pixel phones will be a failure if they don't do all these things» list.
But don't ever feel like you're doomed to failure if you don't catch on as quickly as other students in your class.
For this reason, avoid using «absolutes» that create failure if one tiny thing is off.
However, you don't need to experience the same failure if you want to get the driver's license.
There is no failure if a victim does not forgive the offender.
There is no such thing as failure if you're focused on the activity itself, rather than what you might get out of it.
But what use is failure if we can't learn from it?
You'd be setting yourself up for failure if you went from a faithful carnivore to vegan overnight.
More often than not, wind farms and the roads that lead to them are sited on soft soil that can cause surface failure if not properly reinforced.
«Daily operations at these types of remote radar installations are at risk due to potential loss of runways, and such installations located close to the coastline could be at risk of radar failure if erosion of the coastline continues,» the report said.
Each successful exercise of it actually increases the likelihood of subsequent failure if temptations come in quick succession (as they do, for instance, in shopping malls).
Like all communication, the idea needs to RISK FAILURE if it's ever to be any good.
If you've played a stealth game recently, one that doesn't have an automatic failure if you're spotted, you know the feeling that as soon as you're seen by someone, it turns into a scramble.
It's not a failure if that game doesn't show up at E3 this year, but you can't make shots you don't take.
While the defense and attack missions have definite goals which can result in mission failure if not accomplished, being shot down is not an impediment to success because you essentially have infinite lives in most missions.
Many of the travel arrangements that we sell are protected in case of the financial failure if the travel company.
Lilies are especially toxic to cats; they can cause life - threatening kidney failure if ingested even in tiny amounts.
Our feline friends may experience liver failure if some forms of benzodiazepines are ingested like Xanax and Klonopin.
If Lola has consumed these medications you should induce vomiting (if consumed in the last two hours) with 3 % hydrogen peroxide and give some activated charcoal; if it has been longer since she consumed them you should visit a Veterinarian immediately as medications like naproxen are highly toxic to dogs and will cause kidney failure if consumed in large enough doses (one tablet in a dog Lola's size can be too much).
Daylilies and Easter Lilies are extremely toxic to cats causing rapid kidney failure if ingested.
Although NSAIDs have been gaining popularity for pain control in cats, these agents may predispose feral cats to acute renal failure if they are hypotensive from anesthesia, dehydrated, or debilitated.
Any form of lily, including Easter lily, tiger lily or Asiatic lily, can cause kidney failure if ingested by a cat.
Easily transmitted through insect bites and / or contact with another infected animal, this disease inhibits proper pumping and functioning of the heart muscle, and may cause heart failure if not treated.
Cats can develop liver failure if there is a sudden / drastic decrease in calories for an extended period of time.
If your pet has experienced side - effects on other drugs / products If your pet has a history of blood clots, Addison's disease or congestive heart failure If your pet has experienced liver or kidney disease now or ever If your pet has experienced any other medical problems or allergies now or ever All medicines and supplements that you are giving your pet or plan to give your pet, including those you can get without a prescription.
For cats, the most dangerous toxin is the lily, which can cause fatal kidney failure if even a leaf is nibbled.
Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism has important consequences on the heart, causing increased heart rate but also changes in the muscular wall of the heart that will eventually cause heart failure if untreated.
We must verify cases of renal amyloidosis or other causes of kidney failure if we are to make headway in correcting this condition through breeding.
Treatment is given to try to control the heart arrhythmias, prevent or control syncope, try to prevent sudden death, and control congestive heart failure if appropriate.
It is caused by an enlarged, over productive thyroid gland and can lead to heart failure if not treated.
High blood pressure accompanies hyperthyroidism and can cause sudden blindness and kidney failure if left untreated.
A. Aspirin is more likely to cause stomach ulcers, vomiting, or kidney failure if not properly used.
Hypothermia can lead to lethargy, loss of appetite and more severe problems such as shock and organ failure if severe.
Heart disease in dogs can lead to heart failure if untreated.
Urinalysis - this is a urine test to evaluate your dog for possible kidney failure if the C6 titer is above 30.
Treatment was considered to have no evidence of failure if preoperative EIRR had stabilized and preexisting periapical lucency was stable or decreased in size but had not resolved.
Small quantities ingested can rapidly result in irreversible kidney failure if no intervention takes place.
We also believe it is the indie's prerogative to choose whether or not to take that route, and no author should feel a failure if they don't.
A fast track to failure if all Fire customers go large and buy them in threes.
I think of rejection as a temporary setback that can morph into failure if a writer doesn't disregard the urge to quit.
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