Sentences with phrase «failure mechanism»

"failure mechanism" refers to the way or process through which something stops working or breaks down. It's a way of describing how and why things can fail or stop functioning as intended. Full definition
There are two failure mechanisms of concern to dividend investors: a failure to keep up with inflation and actual dividend cuts.
This is a relatively gentle failure mechanism, much better than running out of money altogether.
Provide expert support for yield analysis, process engineering, materials characterization and characterization of failure mechanisms for integrated circuits.
Each component would have its own failure mechanisms and consequences.
In this investigation, I looked at history to identify failure mechanisms.
The most important failure mechanism is not adjusting for valuations at all.
The key failure mechanism: selling shares when prices are depressed.
The primary failure mechanism is that dividend amounts will not grow as well as expected.
Compared to running out of money, failing to keep up with inflation is a gentle failure mechanism.
Here are two sentences from your article «Gentle Failure Mechanisms»: «There were more severe cuts prior to the 1950s.
«One of the major failure mechanisms for these small - scale devices is friction and adhesion,» Liu said.
«Our work demonstrates that the soft mode failure mechanism is not unique to graphene and suggests it might be an intrinsic feature of monolayer materials,» Isaacs said.
Their analysis involved translating the disaster scenario manual prepared by Japan's National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, which features comprehensive material enabling designers to appreciate possible failure mechanisms.
Notes starting January 14, 2007 covered the following topics: The Delayed Purchase Concept, Dividends and the Gordon Model, Retiree Needs, Understanding R - Squared, Disturbing Numbers, Disturbing Numbers Follow On, Understanding R - Squared Version A, S&P 500 Dividend Growth, Dividend Failure Mechanisms, FIRE By 40!
Intermediate - term timing has a theoretical failure mechanism: you have to wait for favorable valuations.
Quote from article: «The most striking issue is the entire failure mechanism that is used in just about every game.
What I loved (tracking this on the run in Singapore) was how the stunning video of the slowly toppling and thunderously disintegrating rocket stage contrasted with Musk's dispassionate description of the likely failure mechanism:
This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of steam turbine rotor vibration failure mechanisms.
What's certain is that a combination of deformation at the upper corners, a thin separator and the mechanical stresses due to natural cycling make for a major failure mechanism.
Proven experience in fault isolation, physical / construction analysis, identifying failure mechanisms, characterizing manufacturing defects and new semiconductor materials.
The value increases towards 5.6 as the failure mechanism involves tension with an increasing component of shear27, 28,29.
The study unearths a significant relationship between spider web structure, loading points, and failure mechanisms.
This is due to the complex interaction between stress fields from stacking faults and the ones from free boundaries of the nano - rods, which can alter the failure mechanism of nanorods with stacking faults compared to the perfect ones.
«The complex nature of the stresses formed in nanowires, as a result of superposition of the stress fields from surface relaxation and reconstruction as well as the stacking fault stress fields, changes the failure mechanism of the nanowires.»
manufacturers have eliminated the causes of failure mechanisms that related to component age concerns.
There is still a failure mechanism.
Almost always, the failure mechanism is the high cost of making frequent trades.
Because there are no sales, the failure mechanism would be a drop in the purchasing power of dividends.
The failure mechanism (dividend cuts) is gentle.
Failure mechanisms are gentle.
The failure mechanism is understandable and gentle.
They have gentle failure mechanisms.
The failure mechanism is selling too many shares when prices are low.
Focusing on dividend income produces a continuing withdrawal rate that keeps up with inflation, although erratically, with a gentle failure mechanism.
The failure mechanism is gentle.
The failure mechanism is that you never find stock dividends attractive.
The failure mechanism is abrupt: portfolio bankruptcy.
Understand the failure mechanisms.
Always look for a failure mechanism.
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