Sentences with phrase «failure modes where»

I'm not an expert bus I suspect there are HG failure modes where oil gets into the coolant but not vice versa.
This has the downside of payment hash re-use across multiple payments (which can already easily be correlated), and also has a failure mode where if the sender fails to actually satisfy all the payment flows, then the receiver can still just pull the monies (and possibly not disperse a service, or w / e).»

Not exact matches

In order to maintain a positive attitude, it is important to be in a «learning mode» where we see challenges not as failure or weakness but as opportunities for growth.
Translating the hypothesis to a numerical model forces you to confront the ambiguities; along the way there are many points where you might reject the hypothesis because of a discovery from first principles (violation of conservation laws, dimensional inconsistency, qualitative failure to replicate the hypothesized behavior mode, absurd behavior in extremes, etc.).
For the most part, it is a critical failure as a film for the reason that it occasionally makes its own mistake of doing just that, taking itself seriously, particularly as the film gets into the climax where Sardo Numspa goes into full demon mode and wreaks havoc in an effort to get the child at any cost.
They like to play Diablo 2 on Hardcore mode or Demons» Souls, where the tension of ultimate failure provides an emotional edge, and minimizing the risk of failure is a key strategic decision in the game.
The bigger problems with skirmish are a lack of customisation options and a failure to tie into the metagame: skirmish is limited to 1v1 matches (in a game where most maps are intended for > 2 players), you can't save skirmish replays, and you can't unlock new units by playing this mode.
That failure aside, where Gem Smashers does actually succeed, is in its battle mode.
what he is saying is that in areas where you want to make sure that your expertise has not blinded you (groupthink) you very often bring in people with various backgrounds to offer their ideas: like design trades and yes failure modes.
Translating the hypothesis to a numerical model forces you to confront the ambiguities; along the way there are many points where you might reject the hypothesis because of a discovery from first principles (violation of conservation laws, dimensional inconsistency, qualitative failure to replicate the hypothesized behavior mode, absurd behavior in extremes, etc.).
I tend to find myself involved in cases where either there has been a failure in a high - value asset, resulting in a loss of revenue and high repair or replacement costs, or there have been high numbers of failures of lower value consumer devices, or a small number of consumer device failures but the failure mode could cause serious injury or endanger life.
If your iPhone's operating system is in a state of failure, where you really can't do anything with your phone and the iPhone is completely unresponsive, entering DFU mode allows you to restore the iPhone.
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