Sentences with phrase «faint praise»

"Faint praise" means giving compliments or approval that is not very enthusiastic or sincere, often implying the person or thing being praised is not very impressive or deserving of high praise. Full definition
Do their colleagues describe a respected, successful professional or is your prospective advisor damned with faint praise?
I apologize if this sounds like faint praise, but let me provide some perspective.
The government does receive faint praise for transferring # 1 billion from the health service to funding social care facilities.
He also wonders whether his blunt manner — he just can't offer faint praise when he doesn't appreciate another artist's work — may have held him back.
In that light, it almost seems faint praise to add that it will likely also prove to be the best film of the year.
That's somewhat faint praise considering the hardware is now seven years old.
That's painfully faint praise for a flagship phone.
For the most part feelings were mixed, with the good reviews contained caveats and the negative ones offered faint praise.
That may seem faint praise, but it's a trait that benefits the film enormously.
In any case, defending Spencer's claim on the basis that it's possible that right at this very moment the underlying warming is possibly being masked in the surface temperature record (since he talks about the «17 year pause», which of course doesn't exist when the oceans are taken into account) by natural variability and we won't know that until sometime down the track is damning Spencer by faint praise indeed.
Given Konami's recent track record, Metal Gear Survive might exceed my expectations, which is about as damning with faint praise as you can get.
Coquelin 5 Our best midfielder — but considering he is the only one left that is faint praise indeed
Word is that Heroes of Mana is an okay DS real - time strategy, and is an improvement over Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, but that all sounds like damning with faint praise from where I'm sitting.
I suppose it's sort of damning with faint praise in a way, but it's remarkable that some composers seem to emerge from the production line formerly known as Media Ventures as excellent film composers in their own right who go on to bigger and better things.
Their inner grinch whispers to them that the mug with candy they give, the few words of faint praise at a staff meeting or the token gift card for the local gas station will fully satisfy the recipient.
That's not intended as an insult, or even damningly faint praise; they had a plan, and that plan worked.
On the political value scale, for Cuomo this ranks somewhere between faint praise and catching crabs from a hooker.
Forget faint praise; this straightforward description from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum damns it best: «Dehydrated, freeze - dried, and bite - sized foods, coated with gelatin or oil to prevent crumbling.»
It's true that this is the strongest of the prequels, but that's obviously faint praise.
While faint praise, it should be said that this does feel like a case of colorblind (and genderblind) casting; nothing about his character specifies his race, and Roberts» character was a man in the original film.
Talk about damning with faint praise eh?
Unlike Tim Burton's take on Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella is a genuinely colorful, and never drab, effort; faint praise though it may be, this film is vastly more tolerable.
Since then they have primarily wallowed in mediocrity, although I must admit with very faint praise, that «Hall Pass» is one of their better movies in a while.
On the surface, the same faint praise could be levelled at James Kent's adaptation of Brittain's WW1 memoir.
Even Arne Duncan himself could muster only faint praise for the schools, acknowledging their «incremental progress.»
But that is merely faint praise, especially in light of how DeVos is failing to defend children on other fronts.
If building an efficient luxury sedan that could melt highway miles was BMW's mission, it has been accomplished — and that's hardly faint praise.
Which is not meant to be damnation via faint praise.
Calling it a world - class bargain is no longer faint praise; it's genuinely hard to believe that you can get this much car for what Chevy's charging.
It would be presumptuous of me to damn with faint praise art criticism of the last twenty years, so I won't even try.
Editor — I want to thank Kenneth Baker for damning with faint praise Matthew Barney's petrochemical mishmash at SFMOMA.
But even Krugman acknowledges in his piece that this «is actually faint praise
However, the lack of widespread compatibility (for example home automation control expects Samsung home automation hardware) means many reviews damn it with faint praise such as «better than Cortana».
So to say that Blade Runner 2049 — which opens Friday in Bay Area theaters — is very, very good, without quite being a masterpiece, is not faint praise.
It sounds like faint praise for sure but «The Sitter» could have been much worse.
Don't interpret that as damnation by faint praise, however.
Cuomo, with faint praise from the Freeman, barely broke 30 percent in Ulster that year.
Many liberation theologians and democratic socialists damn King with faint praise as they continue to pursue those goals for which he gave his life: peace, the empowerment of the poor and the Third World, and the elimination of racism.
This is faint praise indeed, but American Wedding is a definite improvement over the lame American Pie 2.
He had faint praise for Miliband at Labour's «we love business» talk but shadow work and pensions secretary had no such luck
Paladino offered faint praise to the «failed» attorney general for investigating a massive pay - to - play scandal under Hevesi, who admitted Thursday to pocketing $ 1 million in gifts for himself and cronies.
Because I'm not the biggest fan of Oliver Stone's films, it's somewhat faint praise to say that Snowden is his best film since Nixon.
Everywhere she went, she left behind a trail of discouraged workers because she was constantly guilty of «damning with faint praise
Calling CBS's Undercover Boss one of reality television's better offerings may seem like damning with faint praise, but in its first season, the show managed to be surprisingly entertaining and even thoughtful, rarely descending into the kind of freak - show antics that prop up most other reality series.
Damning with faint praise, they say they «trust this management team... about as much as any large bank.»
«The faint praise came off as a rare ungracious note.
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