Sentences with phrase «faint traces»

The phrase "faint traces" means there are very small and barely noticeable signs or evidence of something. Full definition
A thin, hazy atmosphere hangs over Pluto, while astronomers have seen only faint traces of gas above Ceres.
Sure enough, Perron saw faint traces of retroviral activity.
Swift worked perfectly on 4 September, spotting faint traces of a flare in the constellation Pisces.
Using data captured by ALMA in Chile and from the ROSINA instrument on ESA's Rosetta mission, a team of astronomers has found faint traces of the chemical compound [Freon - 40]--(CH3Cl), also known as methyl chloride and chloromethane, around both the infant star system IRAS 16293 - 2422, about 400 light - years away, and the famous comet 67P / Churyumov - Gerasimenko (67P / C - G) in our own Solar System.
As a result, we're not daunted when we drive in the increasingly faint traces of pavement left behind by the big rig trucks with which we share the road.
The act of erasure wasn't a facile one of wiping it out: the drawing clung to the paper and it took days of intense labour to get rid of its last faint traces, so that in the process Rauschenberg must have stared at that drawing with longer, and more fixated attention than anyone had ever brought to the scrutiny of a De Kooning, not excluding the Dutchman himself.
On the other hand, Polycarp, whom tradition also called a disciple of John, betrays only the faintest trace of acquaintance with the Fourth Gospel.
If dulse smells like a faint trace of a summer's ocean breeze, then spirulina smells like the depths of the deepest seawater in which Ursula brews her poisonous ink clouds.
Use 1/4 teaspoon of the shichimi togarashi if you want only a faint trace of heat in the cheese.
They might even go on to suggest the faintest trace of, well, bias, given that your correspondent spent a recent Saturday running around the Champion Hill pitch, waving a pink - and - blue scarf and singing, badly.
Hospital and doctor's office labs are equipped to detect the faintest traces of hCG hormones, even during early pregnancy.
HERA's level of sensitivity — which is one of the things that allows the instrument to collect the faint traces of light from such distant sources — will get even higher with the new grant.
These are specialised space telescopes that scan the sky at infrared and microwave wavelengths much longer than those of visible light, allowing them to spy out the faint traces of heat that dark bodies imprint on the sky.
A faint trace was also detected by American instruments in Alaska.
In this discovery, reported by Caltech researchers in June, radio telescopes picked up faint traces of the organic compound propylene oxide in a vast cloud of gas and dust called Sagittarius B2, which is near the center of our galaxy.
Alice will then take a look at Pluto's moon Charon to determine if a faint trace of an atmosphere is present.
So are our fittingly escapist quality and timely dislike of any clothing that attracts the faintest trace of sweat.
Emma Stone arrived in a wispy updo, subtle liner, and the faintest trace of pink blush.
Loosely adapted from a novel by Michel Faber, Under The Skin strips its outlandish scenario down to bare bones, cutting away all but the faintest traces of exposition and conventional character development.
Thor: The Dark World left me wondering why for all its popularity and box office hype the superhero genre so regularly fails to ignite the faintest trace of excitement and imagination in its narrative and storytelling.
The only smiles to be seen are the faint traces of a smirk on Ms. Farrow's lips as her character carries out the Devil's work.
Returning to the nocturnal cityscape of Drive, Refn perverts All About Eve into a baroque death reverie — bathing the fashion industry in harsh pools of giallo light, slowing time to a hypnotic crawl, chopping away all but the faintest traces of plot.
The spiciest calibration works best on sealed surfaces where there is a faint trace of power oversteer even through third - gear esses, despite total surveillance by various watchdogs.
Although there is a faint trace of body roll that warns you're reaching the limit of adhesion, the transition past that threshold is prompt rather than progressive.
Show the faintest trace of interest in his car, and he'll whip out pictures and tell you a story about how much fun it is to drive.
By modulating the flow along the chosen trajectory, torque vectoring actively helps to set up the car for maximum grip, minimum understeer, and only the faintest trace of exit oversteer.
The flesh split open in midair, spraying seeds like gentle buckshot into the bare skin of my arms, leaving behind a faint trace of pain.
Only the faintest trace of the gold letters remains.
He caught the faintest trace of an accent.
«I'll tell you,» she says with only the faintest trace of a Texas drawl, «this is the first book I've been excited to promote.
A faint trace of perfume hung on the air.
Let's just hope it doesn't come at the expense of ghosting (faint traces of the previous page), which the flash was designed to eliminate.
The Kruger National park spans an impressive 2 million hectares of unspoiled bushveld, archeological and historical sites where early settlers as well as Khoi San peoples camped, their faint traces still evident today.
As Harry walks around the city in some places a faint trace of static will sound on the controller.
Beneath them remain the faint traces of older marks that have since been worked over.
Not - so - faint traces of earlier markings in The Dark Lady seemed like footprints one would read on an abandoned trail.
Not only do the listening devices provide an inferior sound quality and acoustic experience, but the volume is reduced to a minimum, to a faint trace that barely triggers acoustic memories.
Many of Innes» paintings are created through a process of addition and subtraction, sometimes removing sections of paint from the canvases surface with turpentine to leave only the faintest traces of what was there before.
His paintings are created through a process of addition and subtraction, sometimes removing sections of paint from the canvases surface with turpentine to leave only the faintest traces of what was there before.
The real difference between the «Elegies» and the «Opens» is that the earlier series retains a faint trace of symbolism that can include a Freudian reading of their phallic and testicular shapes, while the latter paintings are more purely visual in their content.
Some paintings are entirely abstract, while others show the faint trace of arial views with shifting gradients in shades of pink, blue, orange, and green.
The faint traces suggest the idea that eventually, all of our portraits will somehow be taken down: history will be re-written or our data will crash, Instagram or Facebook will no longer be relevant, and the images that served as profiles of our identities might vanish, existing only as distant memories.
As my body inclined toward the canvas, I thought I could detect the recessed lines of a door frame whose muted gray tones become visible and white, while the fullness of Ensslin's hanging body remains almost completely erased, leaving nothing but the faintest trace in the upper middle of the painting, as a chaotic pattern — all static and noise — eats away at the rest, and an etched grid emerges to replace a spectral vision.
In the latter these painted grounds offer a great deal of information, and create a flatter plane where the stage beneath consumes the marks and shapes above, only their faint traces visible.
You can see the faintest trace of white paint Whistler used to make his subject's eyes glisten, as well as the nubby, gridlike texture of the canvas underneath.
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