Sentences with phrase «fair critique»

There are fair critiques of No Child Left Behind, but we have to remember what the landscape looked like before No Child Left Behind.
Scales are tipped and uneven â $ «and need to be re-balanced for a more fair critique.
I want people to give me fair critiques and love me enough to tell me the truth about myself, I'm distrustful of people who have nothing but good to say.
I think it is a fair critique... coming from one who used to dish it out and is now at the other end of it having it dished to him.
Let's not give people a hard time or ask if they will «pay for» something when a simple and fair critique is made.
It's a fair critique, and now that Kaepernick will have an invitation extended to him, representation among players will seem much more appropriate.
Do you think that's a fair critique?
Jiang says that's a fair critique, but he and others say further analysis of the wealth of eggs at the site will eventually provide firmer evidence one way or another.
McDonagh's outsider gaze is a fair critique, but no one seems to be faulting McDormand for capturing a feeling many in America can relate to at this particular moment.
Those are both fair critiques.
If you feel that it was simply a poor attempt at humor, that is a fair critique.
Andrys Basten's offers a rebuttal, with link to FAIR critique.
This is a fairer critique than # 1.
We have looked into the changes for the game, but we feel without playing the original, we can not give a fair critique of the changes and will judge Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy + solely on its current merits.
Dudley offers some fair critiques of the Governor's spending priorities, but goes on to make a number of claims that don't match up with basic economic and common sense (especially his claims «carbon taxes also don't work,» «North America's first tax... is failing to reduce emissions» and «a cynical take is that Washington's carbon tax is like Trump's border wall «-RRB-.
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