Sentences with phrase «fair rent»

I think they'd take a pretty dim view if someone were to come along — it's not really in our jurisdiction anyway — and say, «Well that's terrific that you've done it, but now we're going to pass a rule that says everyone can use that network and not pay fair rent
For instance, it will say Labour believes in a system of fairer rents, from which the leadership would come up with something specific, like longer tenancies.
«I think these are very fair rents,» said town supervisor Jeanne Walsh, noting that they were considerably «lower than the market rate we talked about in our last project,» presumably referring to the Williams Lake redevelopment.
He also campaigned to establish the city's fair rent commission.
Now the cash value itself is below the level that would be considered Fair Rent (about $ 300 below).
Typically, we consider a small animal practice to be financially healthy if the bottom line profitability (after appropriate adjustments including fair rent and fair owner salary, among others) is 14 - 18 % of gross.
The annual report released by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development contains Fair Rent data that is available for City / State and property size.
Ask FAIR rent based on the recent comps and your competition.
I also don't think it's fair to say that you've built out a network over a long period of time and, except if you're paying fair rent, we're going to deem that to be public property and let everybody compete with you.
Ejectment of tenant, Fixation of fair rent, Recovery of rent amount, Registration of rent deeds, Rent Appeals.
If the religious groups are paying a fair rent to use the buildings, I would consider it imprudent for a school district scrambling for funds to disallow it.
The Act began the deregulation of private sector rents, reduced protection for tenants and removed the right to independent assessment of «Fair Rents».
The attack on Rent Rebates, has not made Landlords lower their rents.I have seen no sign of it anyway.The fair way, would have been a fair rents cap.Not a bedroom tax, because the Tories sold all the housing stock they could.Most ex council houses are now in the hands of private landlords.You should have tackled those who have more than one home, its obscene that someone can buy a holiday home in a village, and villagers have to move out.
And in the early part of this century, the fair rent rates were increased across the board to force desegregation.
led to finding advice that renters everywhere seemed to crave: What's a fair rent increase?
While Dennis v McDonald [1982] 1 All ER 590 concerned a cohabitants» case where the woman had left the jointly owned family home due to domestic abuse, it was held that man should pay an occupation rent to the woman and the appropriate method of determining the rent payable was to assess a fair rent under the Rent Act 1977 with an offset for improvements that enhanced the capital value of the property.
While I welcome the Government's commitment to progressively transition to voluntary leases in these communities, and pay rent, I am concerned by comments that the Government has not paid «fair rent» to the communities affected by the compulsory five - year leases.
Find out what you'll owe on the mortgage, then look at other properties in the area to determine a fair rent price.
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