Sentences with phrase «fair share of the blame»

Individuals are responsible for changes necessary to go from being a harm to the community to being an asset, but bad systems still deserve a fair share of the blame.
Next year at the local elections, we need to make sure that, whatever happens economically, David Cameron receives his fair share of the blame / credit.
Certainly not his little helpers at TLI... Charles Tracy & Ian Reynolds, both on the board since day one, deserve their fair share of the blame for a litany of mishaps & generally nasty surprises over the years... leverage, currency hedging, tax liabilities, credit exposure, life expectancies, policy expiries, premium increases & whatever other risks / issues I may have forgotten at this point.
SarbOx has not received its fair share of the blame, possibly because the market was already an ex-market by 2002, the year Sarbannes - Oxley was enacted.
Midterm elections are likely to bring large Democratic losses in the House, and, fairly or not, a hard vote for failed cap - and - trade legislation will take a fair share of the blame.
In other words, why weren't consumers given their fair share of the blame?

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Likewise it is heresy to suppose that the affluent and those who have more than their fair share of power and status in society deserve to be ignored or blamed for their circumstances to the extent that the church makes them no offer of grace since they already enjoy so many of the other good things of life.
It is easy to blame the opponents who hack him down, but as I said after the Man United game, Jack does his utmost to to wind up his opponents and has been known to do his fair share of crunching and mis - timed tackles himself, mostly ending up with Jack being more in pain than his victims!
To be fair, left - leaning groups may share some of the blame for Congress» alleged foot - dragging with the right - leaning lawmakers leading the House.
Drivers will notice that the Spark exhibits more than its fair share of body roll - blame that on the tall roofline that adds headroom but also shifts the vehicle's center of gravity up and away from the pavement.
Despite the heat that student borrowers take, parents may share a fair part of the blame.
However, when you push a little farther and ask which countries are most at blame — which countries are doing their «fair share» and which are not — you find that only the reports of the Civil Society Equity Review coalition (full disclosure: I'm one of its authors) even attempts to broach the question.
Although Theymos can't take all the blame for the petty politics of the Bitcoin community, he has certainly contributed his fair share to obstruction to the discussion.
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